Dissociated Press ADL head Jonathan Greenblatt has announced a plan to capitalize on the explosive growth of antisemitism by selling a new line of pagers specifically designed for people Jews don’t like. The pagers will be 100% kosher, blessed by genocidal rabbis, and distributed to the billions of people around the world who frown on genocide. “Despite their low cost, these pagers will be made out of the highest quality explosives, I mean, materials,” Greenblatt explained. “We’re sure that antisemites will enjoy their special features.” Greenblatt predicted that after he blows up Earth’s roughly four billion antisemites, the remaining four…
ADL: “Right to Rape” Is a Jewish Value—Critics Are Antisemitic
Dissociated Press The ADL (Anti-Defecation League) today issued a statement in response to the recent debate over Israel’s “Right to Rape” movement. Jonathan Greenbutt, ADL CEO and National Director, issued the following statement: ADL is concerned by the recent surge of antisemitism displayed by those who would deny Israel the right to practice its own cultural and religious heritage by subjecting non-Jewish prisoners to what antisemites call “anal rape.” Calling the violent penetration of non-Jewish rectums by Jews “rape” is an antisemitic affront to Jewish sensibilities and traditional practices, as well as an attempt to deny to the Jewish people their…
FULL ARTICLEADL-Backed Legislation Would Ban the Word “Genocide”
Dissociated Press Legislation banning the word “genocide” has been simultaneously introduced in the US Congress, the Canadian parliament, and dozens of states, provinces, and European countries. The flagship bill is the Countering Antisemitism Act, “the most far-reaching anti-Semitism initiative to be introduced in Congress” according to the ADL. It defines anti-Semitism as “any critical or negative statement about Jews or Israel,” and provides stiff fines and prison sentences for those who commit anti-Semitic transgressions, including the use of forbidden words. “The word ‘genocide’ is an anti-Semitic term, because it delegitimizes a 2500 year old Jewish religious practice,” explained ADL spokes-Semite Shlomo…
FULL ARTICLEADL Says “God’s Mercy” Is an Anti-Semitic Trope
Demands That It Be Banned From Social Media Dissociated Press The Anti-Defecation League (ADL) has issued a press release demanding the banning of the expression “God’s mercy” from social media. According to the ADL, the notion that God is merciful, and the associated idea that mercy is good, is “a direct attack on Jews and their beliefs.” The press release explains that while a few Jews still think God is a merciless psychopathic patriarch named Yahweh, the majority don’t believe in God at all, and in mercy even less. They do, however, believe that the God they don’t believe in…
FULL ARTICLELIVE RADIO! Meryl Nass on WHO Pandemic Treaty & UN PPPR Program; E. Michael Jones on #BanTheADL
Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at https://kevinbarrett.substack.com First hour: Dr. Meryl Nass takes time out of her busy schedule to return to Truth Jihad Radio! (She was a regular guest on this show, where she exposed the COVID origins coverup, before she was famous.) Next Tuesday, Sept. 19, Maine’s medical licensing board will conclude its hearing on revoking Dr. Nass’s license to practice medicine. Then the following day, Wednesday, Sept. 20, the UN will roll out its own PPPR (pandemic prevention, preparedness and response) program, coordinated to accompany the controversial World Health Organization’s proposed Pandemic Treaty. A…
FULL ARTICLEFFWN: 9/11’s 22nd: A Good Time to #BanTheADL
Watch on Bitchute Full uncensored FFWN posted above by 1 pm Eastern time Saturdays PSA 1) Help FFWN Tell 9/11 Truth & #BanTheADL https://fundrazr.com/12GIb5 9/11’s 22nd 2) 9/11, 22 Years Later: Will We Ever Get the Truth? https://www.unz.com/kbarrett/9-11-22-years-later-will-we-ever-get-the-truth/ 3) 9/11 Anniversary Events: Lawyers’ Committee Symposium https://www.lawyerscommitteefor9-11inquiry.org/joining-forces-for-9-11-truth-and-justice/ 9/11 Truth Film Festival https://sf911truth.org AE911Truth Broadcast https://www.ae911truth.org/news/946-truth-and-defiant #BanTheADL 4) Musk threatens to sue ADL for trying to kill X (Twitter) wth bogus allegations of anti-Semitism https://www.rt.com/news/582379-musk-threatens-sue-adl/ 5) #BanTheADL and the Fight for Free Speech https://www.unz.com/ghood/bantheadl-and-the-fight-for-free-speech/ 6) Why Elon Can’t #BanheADL Even if He Wanted To https://news.gab.com/2023/09/why-elon-cant-BantheADL-even-if-he-wanted-to/ War on Russia 7) Musk cut internet to Ukraine’s military…
FULL ARTICLEDave Gahary Says We’re Close to Civil War
Listen HERE Dave Gahary of Money Tree Publishing is considered a dangerous extremist by the likes of the ADL. But who are the real extremists? Dave agrees with folks like Alan Sabrosky that the nihilists of what passes for the left are far more extreme and dangerous than Trump’s deplorables and J6ers. He also agrees with “Doc” Sabrosky that the US is inching toward civil war.
FULL ARTICLERon Unz on “The Fall of Affirmative Action?”
Listen HERE Ron Unz‘s 2012 article “The Myth of American Meritocracy” unleashed a chain reaction resulting in yesterday’s Supreme Court decision banning the consideration of race in higher education admissions decisions. But the mainstream media isn’t giving him credit. Rather than using Unz’s “anti-Semitic conspiracy theories” (9/11 truth, JFK truth, World War II truth, COVID origins truth, etc.) to try to discredit opposition to affirmative action, they are airbrushing him out of history. Ron Unz: “I think this apparent ADL policy of enforced media silence probably explains why virtually the entire American journalistic community has spent the last five years…
FULL ARTICLERFK Jr. Challenges Biden! (FFWN with J. Michael Springmann)
PSAs 1) Help FFWN Report (Occasional) Good News! https://fundrazr.com/52Aia5 and relocate and become sustainable https://fundrazr.com/d2AFrc 2) Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Announces 2024 Presidential Bid https://www.theepochtimes.com/robert-f-kennedy-jr-announces-2024-presidential-bid_5175321.html 3) RFK Jr. Tweet Echoes Kevin’s Article https://twitter.com/RobertKennedyJr/status/1643053498483855361?s=20 https://www.unz.com/kbarrett/russia-china-islam-the-new-superpower/ 4) Hatchet job on RFK, Jr. is new low for ‘journalism’ https://billricejr.substack.com/p/hatchet-job-on-rfk-jr-is-new-low 5) Support the NIH Reform Act! No more Faucis! https://childrenshealthdefense.org/community-forum/support-the-nih-reform-act/ COVID Origins 6) U.S. Officials Reluctant to Criticize Wuhan Lab Research For Fear of Calling Out ‘Actions We Ourselves Are Doing,’ Email Reveals https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/covid-genetically-engineered-wuhan-institute-virology-lab-research-rtk/ Addled ADL 7) ADL wants to shut down Substack – Kevin’s is singled out https://www.adl.org/resources/blog/antisemitism-false-information-and-hate-speech-find-home-substack-0 8) ADL Takes Aim at…
FULL ARTICLEBill Gates: “COVID Vaccines Are The Final Solution.” ADL: “That’s Anti-Semitic!”
Dissociated Press The Anti-Defecation League has demanded that Bill Gates apologize for calling COVID vaccines “the Final Solution.” At a press conference in Basel, Switzerland, ADL chief Jonathan Greenbutt read a prepared statement flaying Gates for his insensitivity to Jewish suffering. “There is only one Final Solution,” Greenbutt intoned, “and that is the sacred six-million-victim big-H Holocaust. If Bill Gates thinks he can erase the memory of Hitler’s six million Jewish victims by killing six billion people and calling that the Final Solution, he needs to know that he’s being..how shall I put it…anti-Semitic.” Greenbutt explained that the ADL owns the…