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27 million Muslims killed due to US war on terror

Some twenty seven million Muslims have been killed due to US wars following the September 11, 2001 false flag attacks in the United States, says Dr. Kevin Barrett, an American academic who has been studying the events of 9/11 since late 2003. Dr. Barrett, a founding member of the Scientific Panel for the Investigation of 9/11, made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Thursday following the release of a study conducted by  Watson Institute of International Public Affairs at the United States’ Brown University. The US war on terror has led to over 800,000 direct war deaths…


Barrie Zwicker on 18th Anniversary of 9/11 in Historical Perspective

Listen HERE Barrie Zwicker, an independent documentary producer, writer, and political activist, was one of the earliest voices of the 9/11 truth  movement—and remains one of the most influential. In this interview we discuss the run-up to the 18th anniversary of the 9/11 false flag event, which Barrie sees as not entirely atypical of the way the USA has always gone to war based on outrageous lies. Since the big lies that stampeded public support for other wars are well-known (fake Mexican invasion in 1846, self-inflicted bombing of the USS Maine in 1898, orchestrated Lusitania sinking and phony Zimmerman telegram pre-WW1,…


Ronald Bleier on 9/11 No Planes Theory

Listen HERE Ronald Bleier has just published a collection of 9/11-related essays entitled No Plane Crashes on 9/11: Exposing the Illusion. I think it makes a good case against the claim that hijacked-by-humans planes caused the carnage on 9/11.   As for whether big planes crashed where we’re told they did, and if so which big planes, I remain agnostic. Compare the arguments in Ronald Bleier’s book to those offered by Wayne Coste, David Chandler, and others who participated in the recent Denver Conference, and draw your own conclusions.  


Prof. William Willers on 9/11 and the Controlled Demolition of Freedom

Listen HERE During this run-up to the sacred anniversary of the neocon-orchestrated human sacrifice event, let’s talk about what 9/11 did to freedom—academic and otherwise—with science professor William Willers…then (in the second hour of this live show recorded August 30) discuss the 9/11 wars with two guys tasked to fight them: Gen. Dana Pittard and Sgt. Wes Bryant.  (Note: The interview with Pittard and Bryant will be archived here soon.) First hour: Professor Emeritus Bill Willers of the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh was one of my few U.W. academic colleagues who stepped forward to join me in 9/11 skepticism when I was…


FFWN: How Did Jet Fuel Melt Steel Beams?

Broadcast live every Friday 11 to noon Eastern on Kevin’s YouTube Channel and PSAs 1) FFWN Needs Your Help (last two weeks have been slightly short of our goal—let’s turn that around!) 2) NBC Poll: 70% of Americans Angry at Establishment—The Other 30% Need to Watch False Flag Weekly News! 9/11 Anniversary 3) Nuclear 9/11? The Pommer Report 4) War criminal & genocide propagandist Mark Boal to produce ABC 9/11 series 5) Fliers accusing Jews of being behind 9/11 attacks appear in San Francisco area War Crimes of Zion 6) Iraqi Parliament Group Calls Alleged Israeli Strikes ‘Declaration of…


FFWN: The CHUTZPAH of Ghislaine Maxwell…and Donald Trump

Broadcast live 11 to noon Eastern Fridays on PSA   1) True Confession: FFWN Needs Your Help Anniversary of 9/11 Human Sacrifice 2) 9/11 Anniversary Events 3) Building 7 Study to be released Sept. 3 4) “Religious” memorials to 9/11 sacrifice victims sprouting like mushrooms from vast field of bullshit 5) Group opposes museum for Pulse nightclub massacre Epstein “Suicide” Fallout 6) Decadent “Anything Goes” Culture that Produced Jeffrey Epstein  Epitomized by Spread of Brazen Public Satanism 7) Epstein’s lawyers unsatisfied with suicide ruling, promise own independent probe 8) William Barr tries to tamp down Epstein suicide conspiracy…


FFWN: NYC Fire Commissioners Expose 9/11 Controlled Demolition

PSAs 1) Help FFWN report on “conspiracy theories” that are true 2) Google’s New Chrome Makes It Easier to Bypass Newspaper Paywalls (and read MSM stories that FFWN critiques) 9/11 Anniversary (& Truth Breakout?) Approaching 3) FBI Document Warns Conspiracy Theories Are A New Domestic Terrorism Threat 4) New York Area Fire Commissioners Make History, Call for New 9/11 Investigation 5) New York Fire Commissioners Call for New 9/11 Investigation About “Pre-Planted Explosives” 6) Lawyers Press Case That 9/11 Confessions Given to F.B.I. Are Tainted 7) Khalid Sheikh Mohammed could help 9/11 families in Saudi Arabia lawsuit if death…


Prof. Anthony Hall on internet censorship

Listen HERE University of Lethbridge Professor Emeritus Anthony Hall retired in October 2018 “because the university environment became too toxic for him to work in as a result of his having been falsely accused of antisemitism.” In this interview he reflects on the rise and fall of internet freedom of expression; the role of the Israeli lobby in general and the ADL in particular in censoring academics and activists; the question of “hate speech”; the false-flag-9/11-triggered war on Islam; the manufactured Hegelian dialectic of “Antifa vs. the alt right”; the accelerating divides between rich and poor, and between super-rich and…


Russia warns of extensive military confrontation with Iran

Press TV interview with Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor, and Keith Preston “Russia has warned that anti-Iran moves have escalated tensions in the Persian Gulf to dangerous levels.” -Press TV Lavrov points out that the Trump is shredding agreements and destabilizing the world. Was 9/11 designed to help the US and its Israeli masters demolish the whole edifice of international law?


FFWN vs. demolition celebrants

Broadcast live Fridays 11 to noon Eastern on then archived above PSAs 1) Help FFWN beat the censors who are celebrating the demolition of freedom 2) Youtube algorithm bans friendly Muslim-Jewish interfaith dialogue—Kevin’s channel is frozen, can’t broadcast FFWN today 9/11: The Biggest Reason to Mistrust the Government 3) US mistrust on the rise, with government seen as worst: poll 4) Authorities ID remains of 9/11 victim; 40% of victims vanished without leaving a single bone fragment for DNA ID—impossible in gravity-driven collapse 5) Iowa Activist Takes 9/11 Truth to 17 Presidential Candidates, Several of Them Highly Receptive 6)…

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