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Kevin Barrett, Anthony Hall and Mark Bruzonsky LIVE on Election Night 2016 – Press TV

On election night, before we even knew who would be annointed, we predicted the next US president would be a slave of Israel. Trump has already proven us right – and he hasn’t even taken office yet.


Our conception of God isn’t big enough

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor According to Aldous Huxley, the brain’s main function is not to create consciousness, but to reduce it. That would explain why primates with very big brains start wars, excrete in drinking water, vote for major party candidates in national elections, and otherwise exhibit a level of consciousness far below that of your average self-respecting rock. Here is the Huxley quote in full: To make biological survival possible, Mind at Large has to be funnelled through the reducing valve of the brain and nervous system. Huxley’s point, a good one, is that our conception of mind, consciousness, or whatever-you-want-to-call-it just isn’t big enough. The same…


Debating “liberal humanitarian Zionist” on the battle for Aleppo

Press TV Debate: Veterans Today Editor Kevin Barrett vs. Brent Budowski Russia says Moscow and Washington are close to reaching an understanding over the crisis in Aleppo. The Western side is pushing for a ceasefire in eastern Aleppo just as Syrian troops are coming close to liberating the city. Kevin Barrett, author and Middle East expert from Madison, told Press TV on Thursday night that the US-led front and media are waging a propaganda campaign to force Syria to stop retaking eastern Aleppo. Barrett said since the United States needs to continue its proxy war in Syria, Washington resorts to any kind of tactics to impede the annihilation of…


Activist Angel vs. Kevin Barrett on “DC Pizzagate”

Video above: Truth vs. NEW$ 11/24 broadcast on Seattle cable access TV By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor When Pastor Don Grahn invited me to pre-record a  Truth vs. NEW$ interview, I had no idea what was coming. I assumed it would be about Middle East politics, Islamic studies, or false flags, my three main areas of expertise. I even hoped to talk about my new edited book Orlando False Flag. Instead, the guest host, Activist Angel, began excitedly haranguing me about the so-called “pizza-gate” scandal: Allegations that Wiki-leaked John Podesta emails exposed a pedophile pizzeria. WHY WASN’T VETERANS TODAY COVERING THIS MOMENTOUS STORY? the host kept…


“Nobody saw it coming” ?! We called the election last March 27th!

This was predictable – thank the pro-Hillary Establishment and sheeple who supported her Flashback to last March 27th – here is my radio show listing: Musa al-Gharbi: Hillary Clinton will lose to Donald Trump Listen to the interview at at Bernie Sanders just crushed Hillary Clinton in Washington, Alaska, and Hawaii, with 73%, 82%, and 71% of the vote, respectively. That’s good news for the Democrats – because Hillary has exactly zero chance of winning a general election against Trump, while Bernie at least has a chance.Today’s guest Musa al-Gharbi explains why in his article “Hillary Clinton Will Lose to Donald Trump“:“What…


Dear John Podesta, The THREE San Bernardino terrorists WERE white! Here’s proof

These patsies were set up and executed. Witnesses described three large white paramilitaries doing the shooting. Sent to: Dear John Podesta, According to one of your leaked emails, your response to the San Bernardino shooting last December was to hope the terrorist turned out to be white. I am pleased to be – for once – the bearer of good news. Your wish has been granted. Available on Amazon Multiple eyewitness reports confirm that the actual shooters in San Bernardino were three large white paramilitaries – not the brown-skinned Muslim couple that was executed shortly afterward. (Had the couple…

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