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Al-CIA-duh aims to wreck Muslims, West in clash of civilizations

By Dr. Kevin Barrett,  The al-Nusra front in Syria has officially announced that it is part of al-Qaeda. Even before the announcement, everyone knew it was al-Qaeda. So why is it being armed to the teeth with US-supplied weapons, and given training and strategic and diplomatic support by the US government? The US, after all, is officially at war with al-Qaeda, which the American government blames for the still-unsolved crimes of September 11th, 2001… Read the complete article at


The loopiest Zionist flack I have ever debated

I once thought Kenneth “you should be permanently removed from all media outlets everywhere in the world” Katzman was the nuttiest TV Zionist I would ever face. And then I met Stewart Stogel. Stewart Stogel is a walking, talking mishmash of non-sequiturs When I heard that my opponent on Press TV’s The Debate works for Newsmax, I realized that he probably wasn’t the brightest filament in the pack of journalistic flashbulbs. Even so, his idiocy far exceeded my expectations. I’ve debated a lot of goofy characters, but this guy takes the cake. Compared to him, Hannity and O’Reilly almost look…


Israel, US arm al-Qaeda to break Syria into pieces: Dr. Kevin Barrett

Watch the Press TV video  An analyst says the United States and its Zionist masters are using al-Qaeda and other militant groups as a tool to break up Syria into pieces. In the background of this the al-Nusra rebel Group in Syria, financed and supported with equipment and training by certain Western and Arab countries, has confessed to being a part of al-Qaeda. Syria is now urging the United Nations to classify the al-Nusra Front as an al-Qaeda-linked group. Syria has always maintained that the bulk of fighting and atrocities in Syria are being conducted by these extremist foreign entities…


Why I am not a secularist

Tuesday’s radio guest, Feroze Mithiborwala, thinks that secularism is the solution to the problems of religious extremism and religious conflict in South Asia, and around the world. I disagree. I think religious extremism and religious conflict are being created/exacerbated by the New World Order as part of its war on traditional religion. It’s the same old “problem-reaction-solution” method they always use. Religious extremism and violence is the problem; the public reacts against it; then they offer a secularist New World Order dictatorship, run by closet Satanists, as the solution.Below is my response to a pro-secularism message from Feroze.-KB Hi Feroze,…


Zombie morons swarm internet, erupt into real world

An army of zombie morons that has been slowly gathering strength on the internet is about to erupt into the real world and wreak havoc, according to national security sources. One anonymous Department of Homeland official claims that the situation is even worse than that: “According to unconfirmed reports, throngs of zombie morons may have already broken through thousands if not millions of computer screens, trailing blood and broken glass in their wake as they eat the brains of any halfway-intelligent real-world human they can find.” Once a victim’s brain has been eaten, the victim becomes a zombie moron himself…


Five good reasons not to nuke Washington, DC

Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Kim Jong-un’s Nuclear Threats By Kevin Barrett, When I heard that North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un was threatening to nuke Washington, DC, and “engulf the nation’s capital in a sea of flames,” my first thought was: “At last, a politician with a plan that could actually solve our nation’s most pressing problems.” The thought of Inside-the-Beltway Washington going up in flames brought joy to my heart. The politicians – incinerated! The lobbyists – carbonized! The Supreme Court – cremated! The Pentagon – a five-sided crème brûlée! AIPAC – reduced…


Israel gets Turkey on board to destroy Syria: Dr. Kevin Barrett (Press TV)

Press TV  “…all of these countries are under the sway of the international Zionists and they are trying to break up [Syria] as part of the Oded Yinon plan to smash all of the potential enemies of Israel in the region into little tiny statelets along ethnic and sectarian lines. So that is the real reason of course that Israel wants to make friends with Turkey: to get Turkey fully on board with the Israeli plan to destroy Syria.” A political analyst tells Press TV that the real reason that Israel wants to make friends with Turkey is to get…


Top Ten Reasons Why Israel Actually IS a Legitimate State

The Zionists finally convinced me they’re right. Here are the top ten reasons. 10) Hitler, Pol Pot, Genghis Khan and Attila the Hun all killed more people than Israel has. So why are you singling out Israel for criticism, you anti-Semite? 9) If you don’t accept our legitimacy, our friend Samson will nuke every major city in Europe. How’s THAT for legitimacy, you Jew-hater! 8) In 1947, the United Nations General Assembly “advised” stealing the 90% of Palestine owned by Palestinians, and giving most of it to the Jews. So why shouldn’t we follow their advice? Do you hate the…


Zionists drown in their own hatred

“Who are the real haters: The Zionists, or the ‘hate groups’ they vilify?” Check out my new Press TV article: Zionists drown in their own hatred  Zionist settlers teach their kids to hate and kill their “racial inferiors” Israeli children signing hate messages on bombs that will blow Lebanese children to bits. Israeli soldiers shoot Palestinian kids for sport, as described by Chris Hedges in “Gaza Diary.” This photo was taken and shared by a proud IDF soldier. One of over 1,000 victims of Operation Cast Lead – which virtually all Jewish Israelis supported Cause for celebration in Israel…

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