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Veterans Today Editors Gordon Duff and Jim Dean on anti-Iran false flag, Trump crimes, and more

Broadcast Fridays live 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio First hour: Jim Dean, Managing Editor of Veterans Today, is well known for his pithy introductions to articles exposing what’s really going on in the world, especially the Middle East. Recent topics he has covered include: The launch of INSTEX, a European instrument designed to bust Trump’s anti-Iran sanctions; US-run concentration camps in Syria; the indictment (and hopefully conviction and ruination) of 9/11 suspect “Bibi” Netanyahu; the collapse of Pompeo and Bolton’s anti-Iran Warsaw conference; and more. We will presumably also discuss the Trump regime’s witch-hunt against the Tehran-based New…


Whistleblower-activist Robin Hordon on the 9/11 planes

Listen HERE Robin Hordon is a former air traffic controller and licensed commercial pilot. He is also a pioneer of  CI, “civil informationing.” If you have been to professional sporting events in Seattle you may have seen him out front with his 9/11 truth banner. In this interview Robin discusses 9/11 aviation issues. Did some or all of the four airliners said to have been hijacked on 9/11 actually take off, fly on the official story’s flight paths, and crash in the officially-designated locations? If so were they flown manually, by onboard computer, or remotely? Spoiler: Robin says that the…


MuslimSkeptic Daniel Haqiqatjou on Islam vs. Victimolatry

Listen HERE Daniel Haqiqatjou’s offers an honest and accurate discussion of topical issues from an Islamic perspective. Today we discuss “victimolatry”—the idolatrous worship of victims. Victimolatry is one of the many forms of self-worship endemic to today’s dominant religion, progressivist-materialist secular humanism. (Humanism, the worship of humans by humans, is obviously self-worship; it might even be termed cosmic narcissism.) Why do so many well-known (thanks to MSM hype) American Muslims bow to the strange and often distasteful idols proffered by the secularists? Why won’t these self-styled “Muslim leaders” defend their positions in open debate? In this interview Daniel Haqiqatjou discusses…


Kevin Annett on Vatican ritual abuse, Jeff Brown on Western anti-China propaganda

Broadcast live Friday 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio First hour: Kevin Annett is a former United Church of Canada minister turned author and indigenous peoples advocate. He is best known for exposing rampant abuse in Canadian residential schools for Native Americans. Kevin Annett is the author of Murder by Decree – The Crime of Genocide in Canada, Unrelenting: Between Sodom and Zion, and other books. He also made the award winning documentary film Unrepentant. Tonight’s conversation will focus on the current “abuse crisis” in the Catholic church. Kevin Annett says it’s worse than you realize. He writes of…


New Horizon chair Nader Talebzadeh discusses neocon war on Iran…and America

Nader Talebzadeh, Iran’s biggest TV talk show host, chair of New Horizon NGO. Neocon-Zionist Mnuchin’s Treasury Department recently sanctioned Iranian NGO New Horizon, vaguely alleging that its conferences—which bring together independent thinkers from around the world—are fronts for Iranian spying. The sole basis for this absurd claim is the Justice Department’s indictment of Monica Witt, a former Air Force officer who allegedly defected to Iran and spilled secrets to Iranian intelligence. There’s only one problem: Monica Witt has absolutely no connection to the New Horizon NGO! As New Horizon Chair Nader Talebzadeh explains in this interview, Witt showed up uninvited…


Jasun Horsley on how socialism, occultism, and the sexual revolution engineered a culture of abuse

  Listen HERE In his new book The Vice of Kings: how socialism, occultism, and the sexual Revolution engineered a culture of Abuse Jasun Horsley writes: “Growing up, I never had the slightest idea that socialism not only overlapped with, but was in some sense either a parallel project to or a cover for, social experimentation involving sex, drugs, and strange rituals. I was always under the impression that these areas were worlds apart (at least until the 1960s). A natural assumption, on discovering this strange overlap, is simply that the leftist reformers of my family and beyond were freethinkers…


Two American Christians discuss Monica Witt/New Horizons witch hunt

Broadcast live 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio The Justice (sic) Department just charged US military whistleblower Monica Witt with spying for Iran—and sanctioned the Iranian NGO New Horizons. The charges against Witt allege that Press TV news anchor Marzieh Hashemi is in the business of recruiting spies, and was somehow responsible for Monica Witt’s decision to move to Iran. Yet not a single shred of evidence supporting these allegations has been made public. And Marzieh Hashemi has not been charged with any crime—even though the FBI kidnapped her and held her for ten days as a “material witness”…


Lawyer & ex-State Dept. official J. Michael Springmann on Monica Witt witch hunt

Listen HERE J. Michael “Mike” Springmann, author of Visas for al-Qaeda, attended the New Horizons Conference in Mashhad, Iran, last May. In this interview Mike and I discuss our experiences at New Horizons Conferences—and the witch hunt against New Horizons and Monica Witt, a former US Air Force officer who attended one of the conferences and who is now being charged with espionage. Immediately after recording this interview, I spent considerable time on the phone with a New York Times journalist describing my (very positive) impression of Monica Witt…and my sense that Bolton and Pompeo are lashing out against innocent…


Peter Myers and Ellen Brown on public banking, Green New Deal, Venezuela

Listen HERE First hour: Australian NWO researcher Peter Myers discusses the public banking movement—which seems to be picking up steam in several countries, including the USA. His most recent email digest of articles: AOC & Ellen Brown push Public Bank for Green New Deal. $ Hegemony ending – Michael Hudson (1) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wants to fund Green New Deal with a Public Bank (2) Germany’s Green Energy Revolution is funded with a Public Bank – Ellen Brown (3) Call for Canada Post to create a Postal Bank (4) If we bail out a bank, we’ll nationalize it – Italian gov’t (5)…


Ex-BBC journalist Tony Gosling targeted in censorship witch-hunt

Listen HERE First 12 minutes: South Africa based Radio Islam International interviews Kevin Barrett on Hakeem al-Araibi, the exiled Bahraini soccer player who has been singled out for detention and torture by Bahrain’s ruling al-Khalifa dynasty. His crime? Speaking out for freedom and justice way back in 2011! Final 45 minutes: Former BBC journalist Tony Gosling discusses the war on alternative media—specifically, the witch-hunt against his radio program, Politics This Week, broadcast out of Bristol, UK. It seems that a group of subversive foreign agents called UK Lawyers for Israel has filed a complaint against Tony, alleging that his show is “being…

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