Listen HERE Craig Nelson is suing the Southern Poverty Law Center for defamation. As he wrote in his interview with Linh Dinh: “…while white males are only 30 percent of the US population, we are, according to the Centers for Disease Control, a mind-blowing 70 percent of the nation’s suicides. “It became obvious to me the country was experiencing a public health crisis, and it was getting virtually no attention. That led me to develop the Robinson Jeffers Boxing Club, a 13-week residency program combining healthy eating, exercise, and academic study including philosophy, literature, math, music, history, and, to help…
FULL ARTICLECategory: Radio Show
Eric Walberg’s “Global Timeline 2010 – 2019”
Listen here Eric Walberg, Canadian Muslim geopolitical analyst and author of The Canada-Israel Nexus and other books, discusses his new articles Timeline 2010-2019: United States&Canada, Latin America, Europe, Africa&Asia and Timeline 2010-2019: Middle East. Beginning with the Middle East, Eric argues that the Palestinian people and Islamic Iran—and the Islamic faith in general—were the decade’s biggest winners, by virtue of surviving against tough odds despite the determination of the world’s most powerful forces to eliminate them: “I’m just puzzled at how people can fail to see how Iran is standing on the right side of all the major issues. And the other big winner is…
FULL ARTICLEPeter Simpson on Why Theocracy Is Better than Secular Liberalism
Listen HERE CUNY philosophy professor Peter Simpson has published “Theocracy’s Challenge” presenting a cogent argument for the superiority of theocracy over secular liberalism. It concludes: “The modern world has prided itself on getting rid of a theological power capable of commanding and restraining the political. Its much-touted claim is that we have thereby secured for ourselves a freedom unknown and inconceivable by a past under the deadening thrall of priests. But pride, as they say, goeth before a fall. Few things in human life can be trusted pure and left alone without external check and restraint. Most men are no…
FULL ARTICLEWalt Gragg on Apocalyptic Mideast War Novel “The Chosen One”
Listen HERE Novelist Walt Gragg just published The Chosen One, a new apocalyptic Mideast war novel. It envisions a US war against a self-styled Mahdi’s military attempt to unite the Arab world under an Islamic theocracy. Gragg’s take on Islamic eschatology is, to say the least, problematic: “For fourteen hundred years the prophecy had remained unfulfilled. Islam had yet to complete its conquest. Each day two billion voices prayed for Allah to give them a sign. Each evening they searched the heavens for the Mahdi’s arrival. At last their prayers had been answered…their guide, the Chosen One, had shown himself. The…
FULL ARTICLEAndre Vltchek on US Empire’s Destabilization Efforts vs. Authentic Revolutions
Listen HERE “All over the world people are rising up!” That’s the superficial view of protesting crowds in the streets in Hong Kong, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Bolivia, Spain, Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Ecuador, France, and elsewhere. But are all these situations identical? Is it always the same story: People angered by economic issues, protesting against governmental corruption? Are the people always good, and the governments always bad? And why do some protests get vastly more mainstream media coverage than others? Today’s guest, globetrotting gadfly Andre Vltchek (check out his new book) has seen many of these situations firsthand. He is…
FULL ARTICLELarry Rivera Explains What Really Happened in Dealey Plaza
Listen HERE JFK assassination researcher Larry Rivera is the author of The JFK Horsemen: “Using unprecedented modern-day digital computer technology, Larry Rivera presents irrefutable evidence which in any court of law would exonerate Lee of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Rivera meticulously takes the reader through the intricacies of forensic digital overlays which prove that Lee (Oswald) was standing in the TSBD doorway while the assassination was taking place, that the backyard photos were cleverly manufactured to frame him, and how the 3D program Blender can re-create Dealey Plaza as it was originally on 22 November 1963, so that…
FULL ARTICLEScience Prof. A.K. Dewdney on “Gog & Magog Killed JFK”
Listen HERE First hour: Professor A.K. Dewdney is one of the world’s scientific notables. He took over Martin Gardner’s column in Scientific American when Gardner retired, and has done important work in several fields. Dewdney founded Scientific Professionals Investigating 9/11 (SPINE), the first scholarly 9/11 truth research group. His Project Achilles experiments proved that the alleged cell phone calls from hijacked passengers on 9/11 were bogus. Prof. Dewdney is currently working on an article entitled “Gog & Magog: A Deep History of the Deep State.” He writes: “The Gog and Magog people were perfectly real. They spoke a proto-Turkic language…
FULL ARTICLEJoan Mellen on JFK Coup & USS Liberty
Listen HERE Temple University professor Joan Mellen has published twenty-four books; her overriding theme is “the history of the Central Intelligence Agency and its role in the planning and cover-up of the Kennedy assassination.” In this interview we discuss the JFK assassination, the anniversary of which is one week from tonight, with reference to Joan Mellen’s books: *Faustian Bargains (about LBJ’s personal hit man Mac Wallace); * A Farewell to Justice (about New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison’s attempt to prosecute JFK’s killers); *Blood in the Water (on suspected Kennedy-killer LBJ’s conspiring with Israel to murder hundreds of American sailors to…
FULL ARTICLEGideon Polya on (Post)-Humanism
Listen HERE Dr. Gideon Polya has at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA and the Australian National University, Canberra, and thence taught science students at La Trobe University, Melbourne, Victoria over 4 decades. He recently reviewed Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow by Israeli historian Yuval Harari. Polya says Harari’s book “is fascinating, well-organized and best-selling, but is also a Eurocentric and Anglocentric book with massive omissions e.g. the deadly, neoliberal subjugation of the Developing World (15 million avoidable deaths from deprivation annually), existential threats to Humanity (Homo sapiens) from nuclear weapons and climate change, and the worsening Climate Genocide that…
FULL ARTICLEAsking Good Questions About Totally Taboo Topics! David Duke & the Holocaust (with Martin Hill and Ian Greenhalgh)
Listen HERE Are there names and topics that should never EVER be brought up, mentioned, or discussed? Let me know and we’ll air them here! First 30 minutes: Martin Hill a.k.a. “Grandpa Groyper” discusses the recent wave of “groyper” sightings at astroturf pseudo-conservative events. Scroll down for Martin’s article; watch him question Matt Walsh about the neocon wars at 52:59 of this video., and watch Nick Fuentes discussing the incident at 1:18 and 1:27 here. Martin apparently caused a minor scandal by merely mentioning the name of David Duke—saying something like “if Jewish libertarian Murray Rothbard could have a civil…