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FFWN: Mideast Peace Breaking Out?! The Horror!!

Once again we were unable to broadcast live due to mysterious technical difficulties that only arise at broadcast time (Fridays 11 to noon Eastern).  If you want to catch our live broadcasts in the future please get on our contact list by emailing us at PSAs 1) Help FFWN Clarify Truth vs. “What Is Perceived to Be True” 2) Dave Gahary on Free Speech, Sandy Hook & Trump’s Syria Withdrawal Mideast Peace Breaking Out?! The Horror!! 3) MSM Not Happy Peace Is Breaking Out 4) Win-Win-Win-Win Outcome in Syria? 5) Iraqi defense minister gives US troops 4 weeks to leave…


FFWN: Gordon Duff on “The Scramble of October 2019, a New World”

Broadcast Fridays live 11 to noon Eastern on PSA  1) Help Us Defeat MSM Denial Monkeys—Support FFWN! Turkey-Syria: Invasion or Solution? 2) Gordon Duff: The Scramble of October 2019, a New World   and the brand new 3) Syrian army to deploy along Turkish border in deal with Kurdish-led forces 4) Covering the tracks? US jets BOMB own base in Syria as troops retreat 5) Fake news fail! ABC claims footage from Kentucky gun range shows Turkish attack on Kurdish civilians 6) Westerners who propped up Islamist ‘moderate rebels’ suddenly realize they’re terrorists as they launch ‘genocide’ of Kurds 7) One…


FFWN: “The World’s a Mess—But Don’t Blame the Khazarian Mafia!” – Ian Greenhalgh

Broadcast live Fridays 11 to noon Eastern on Is the “Khazarian mafia” to blame for the world’s ills? Not according to this week’s FFWN guest commentator Ian Greenhalgh! Ian will also discuss Trump’s shocking admission of US war crimes; Turkey’s invasion of Syria; rumors of an upcoming Seattle false flag; suspicious “terror” shootings in France and Germany; and ongoing debates over 9/11 and “conspiracy theories.” Don’t miss this, the only news show worth watching! PSA 1) End the Fed, Spread the Truth, Support FFWN “Conspiracy Theories” 2) Why conspiracy theories are deeply dangerous 3) The Implosion Of Building 7 Remains The…


FFWN: Icke’s “Who Did 9/11 and Why” Banned?!

Broadcast live on Fridays 11 to noon Eastern PSA 1) Bust MSM Censorship & Hypocrisy, Support FFWN! Trump Lunacy 2) President Trump quotes message predicting ‘Civil war like fracture’ if impeachment goes through 3) Trump Warns of Treason, Civil War; GOP Congressman Outraged 4) Trump suggested shooting migrants in the legs: NYT (just like Israel does to Palestinians) 9/11 Truth vs. Big Media 5) 9/11 Drinking Game: Every Time the Government or Media Lies Take Another Shot 6) You Weren’t Stupid, Mr. Brown: CNN’s Brief Shining Moment on 9/11 by Graeme MacQueen 7) WaPo Book Maven Gets David…


FFWN: $10,000 WTC-7 Challenge and other blacklisted 9/11 news

Broadcast live Fridays 11 to noon Eastern at PSAs 1) Help FFWN Spread the Word About WTC-7—and Other Smoking Guns 2) Ph.D. Structural Engineer Ibrahim Soudy offers $10,000 to Anyone Who Can Refute New U. of Alaska WTC-7 Study 3) International New Horizon Conference kicks off in Lebanon 4) Tony Hall Reports from New Horizon Conference in Beirut 5) Why Kevin Is Not In Beirut – FBI Threatened to Arrest US Attendees Children of 9/11 6) Children of Firefighters Murdered on 9/11 by Neocons Join NYPD 7) Fifth-graders combine history and engineering in 9/11 lesson 8) CNBC Anchor Ron Insana:…


FFWN: SAUDI ARAMCO UP IN FLAMES! with guest commentator Barrie Zwicker

PSAs Broadcast live every Friday 11 to noon Eastern on Kevin’s YouTube Channel 1) Be patriotic, support FFWN! 2) Barrie Zwicker on 18th Anniversary of 9/11 in Historical Perspective 2A) More 9/11 Historical Perspective: CNN Attacks Marianne Williamson for Discussing 9/11 Truth on Kevin Barrett’s Radio Show  Kevin responds: Saudi Aramco Up in Flames 3) Saudi Arabia oil production reduced by drone strikes 4) US Officials Claim Yemen Not Behind Saudi Aramco Attack, Houthis Reveal ‘Intel Operation’ – Reports—reports/ 5) The Strange Case of the Burning Saudi Refineries 6) Saudi oil fire is a winner for the US and its…


FFWN: Bolton Fired on Eve of 9/11 Anniversary (With Guest Commentator E. Michael Jones)

PSAs 1) Celebrate Bolton’s departure & support FFWN 2) 9/11 Anniversary Events — Watch the Ones You Missed 9/11 Anniversary 3) Most Americans Who See Collapse of Building 7 Doubt Official Story, Survey Finds 4) Explosives used on 9/11 say commissioners 5) Neocon New Republic: 9/11 Brought Orwellian Dystopia, Maybe We Shouldn’t Have Blown Up the WTC 6) Never Forget: Israeli Operatives Masterminded and Committed 9/11 7) Son of Neocon Human Sacrifice Ritual Victim Chants Myth, Chastises Heretics—Offering Undying Support to His Mother’s Killers 8) RT Founder Lesin Was Murdered for Allowing 9/11 Truth—Now They Spew Zionist “Blame and Genocide the…


FFWN: 18th Anniversary of 9/11: Official Story Implodes 

  PSA 0) 9/11 Anniversary Events 1) Help FFWN Stop Godzilla from Eating Chicago 18th Anniversary of 9/11 2) 18th Anniversary of 9/11: Official Story Implodes 3) Trial Date Set For (PATSIES) Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, 4 Others Charged In Sept. 11 Attacks What Happened to the World Trade Center? 4) University Study Finds Fire Did Not Bring Down World Trade Center Building 7 on 9/11 5) Breathtaking: Solving Nuclear 9/11, the Pommer Report Silverstein-Epstein 6) The Expression “Jewish Lightning” Is Anti-Semitic! – Larry Silverstein 7) 9/11 and Jeffrey Epstein: Media Malfeasance on Steroids 8) NEW EPSTEIN MYSTERY: Alleged…


FFWN: How Did Jet Fuel Melt Steel Beams?

Broadcast live every Friday 11 to noon Eastern on Kevin’s YouTube Channel and PSAs 1) FFWN Needs Your Help (last two weeks have been slightly short of our goal—let’s turn that around!) 2) NBC Poll: 70% of Americans Angry at Establishment—The Other 30% Need to Watch False Flag Weekly News! 9/11 Anniversary 3) Nuclear 9/11? The Pommer Report 4) War criminal & genocide propagandist Mark Boal to produce ABC 9/11 series 5) Fliers accusing Jews of being behind 9/11 attacks appear in San Francisco area War Crimes of Zion 6) Iraqi Parliament Group Calls Alleged Israeli Strikes ‘Declaration of…


FFWN: The CHUTZPAH of Ghislaine Maxwell…and Donald Trump

Broadcast live 11 to noon Eastern Fridays on PSA   1) True Confession: FFWN Needs Your Help Anniversary of 9/11 Human Sacrifice 2) 9/11 Anniversary Events 3) Building 7 Study to be released Sept. 3 4) “Religious” memorials to 9/11 sacrifice victims sprouting like mushrooms from vast field of bullshit 5) Group opposes museum for Pulse nightclub massacre Epstein “Suicide” Fallout 6) Decadent “Anything Goes” Culture that Produced Jeffrey Epstein  Epitomized by Spread of Brazen Public Satanism 7) Epstein’s lawyers unsatisfied with suicide ruling, promise own independent probe 8) William Barr tries to tamp down Epstein suicide conspiracy…

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