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FFWN: Warning! Coronavirus Containment Zone—Abandon Rights Ye Who Enter Here

Broadcasts live Fridays 11 to noon Eastern on PSA: 0) FFWN: A Weekly Inoculation Against MSM Propaganda—Please Support Us! Trump: A Man of No Convictions 1) Trump unleashes fury at impeachment, Democrats and Romney at prayer event 2) Psychiatrists tell Congress Trump’s acquittal was invalid: “Not mentally competent to stand trial” 3) Trump Should Have Been Convicted over Israel not Ukraine -Kevin in AFP also posted for subscribers at Coronavirus Biowar? 3.5) FFWN’s Helen Buyniski: Coronavirus a “Drill Gone Live”? 4) Dr. Francis Boyle Creator Of BioWeapons Act Says Coronavirus Is Biological Warfare Weapon 5) Coronavirus Biowar vs. China:…


FFWN: Gangster Scumbags Dershowitz, Trump & Bibi Keep Their Underwear On

Broadcasts live Fridays 11 to noon Eastern on PSA 1) The REAL Deal of the Century: Support Alternative Media—FFWN Is a Bargain! Impeachment Threats 2) White House has issued formal threat to Bolton to keep him from publishing book 3) Alan Dershowitz to Senators: “Keep Your Underwear On and Acquit Trump—OR ELSE” 3.5) A Woman Who Accused Trump Of Rape Is Now Seeking His DNA To Test Against Genetic Material Found On Her Dress Trump and Bibi Roll Out Their Insane “Deal” 4) Israel’s Netanyahu indicted in corruption cases, hours before Mideast peace plan announced 5) Trump’s plan leaves Palestinians…


FFWN: Stop Zio-Wahhabi War on Iran!

Broadcasts live Fridays 11 to noon Eastern at This week’s guest host: Dr. Alan Sabrosky, ex-Head of Strategic Studies, US Army War College PSAs 1) Help FFWN Spread the Truth & Stop War on Iran 2) NO WAR WITH IRAN-PROTEST JAN 25TH 9/11 3) NYT: Did the Saudis Play a Role in 9/11? Here’s What We Found 4) Yes, Omar al-Bayoumi Had Foreknowledge of 9/11—Because He Worked for CIA-MI6-Mossad 5) Architect Of CIA’s (9/11 PATSY) Torture Program Says It Went Too Far 6) French publisher apologizes after history textbook suggests CIA ‘orchestrated’ 9/11 terror attacks (“Terribly sorry we neglected…



Broadcasts live Fridays 11 to noon Eastern on PSA:  0) Freedom Isn’t Free, Support FFWN! 1) Banned from Facebook for Posting the Official Iranian Slogan Mourning Gen. Soleimani Iraq: US GET OUT! 2) Trump’s threat to freeze Iraq’s US bank account over request to withdraw troops is pure mobster-style intimidation 3) Iraqi PM says he was schedule to meet with Soleimani the morning he was killed!/iraqi-pm-says-he-was-schedule-to-meet-with-soleimani-the-morning-he-was-killed-20200105 Gen. Soleimani: The New Archduke Ferdinand? 4) Trump’s Killing of Soleimani: New “Worst Mistake in US History” 5) WITH A NEW WEAPON IN DONALD TRUMP’S HANDS, THE IRAN CRISIS RISKS GOING NUCLEAR…


FFWN: Soleimani Murder New “Worst Mistake in US History”

Watch FFWN live Fridays 11 to noon Eastern on PSA 1) Help FFWN Wage “Truth Jihad” in Memory of Gen. Qassem Soleimani RIP Qassem Soleimani, Greatest Military Hero of the Century 1.5) Craig Murray on US Lies About Soleimani 2) Soleimani Murder the New “Worst Mistake in US History” (new article by Kevin) (requires subscription) 3) Iraqi PM says he was scheduled to meet with Soleimani the morning he was killed!/iraqi-pm-says-he-was-schedule-to-meet-with-soleimani-the-morning-he-was-killed-20200105 4) Vital: The Deeper Story behind the Assassination of Soleimani 5) Israel’s Fingerprints Are All Over the Assassination of Qasem Soleimani 6) America lied, devastation at two Iraqi bases, video…


FFWN: Welcome to 2020: A multipolar world full of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories (like “Epstein didn’t kill himself” and “Israel is dragging US into war on Iran”)

PSAs 0) If everyone who knows Epstein didn’t kill himself gave a dollar to FFWN we could stop begging for several centuries! 1) PSA The Politics of Defense Spending: Science, Profits, and Endless Wars Live Video-Streamed Forum Tuesday, January 7, 2020 Tribute to Martyred Gen. Soleimani  1.1) Narcissist cretin Trump just murdered the greatest military hero of the 21st century 1.2) MAY GOD PUNISH THOSE RESPONSIBLE FOR KILLING ONE OF THE BEST AND BRAVEST MEN ON EARTH WITH THE STRONGEST POSSIBLE PUNISHMENT, AMEN. 1.3) Gen. Soleimani World’s Most Accomplished Military Figure in Counter-Terrorism Welcome to the Multipolar…


2019: The Year Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself

Watch FFWN live every Friday 11 to noon Eastern on PSAs 1) Dead Presidents Watch FFWN—Please Send Us Some 2) 2019’s Biggest Underreported Story? Sigal Mandelker vs. New Horizon 3) Tony Hall joins Kevin’s live radio show 8 to 10 pm Eastern tonight to cover biggest stories of the year—and the decade Conspiracy Stories 4) Gladio: the Story of a Conspiracy (Counterpunch Goes There!!) 5) The 12 Strongest Arguments That Douma Was A False Flag 6) The Strange Story of Daniel Lewin, the First Victim on 9/11 7) Newsweek Rehashes MSM Line on “Why People Believe in Conspiracy…


FFWN: Tweedledumb BoJo & Tweedledumber Trump Ban BDS

Broadcast live Fridays 11 to noon Eastern on PSAs 1) CNN vs. Fox = Tweedledumb & Tweedledumber—Support FFWN! 2) Ex-Feith/Wurmsur/Wolfowitz/Cheney colleague Michael Maloof Doesn’t Find 9/11 “Conspiracy Theory” Implausible Tweedledumb: BoJo & Vote Fraud Defeat “Anti-Semitic” Apologizer Corbyn 3) U.K. Election Meddling: Where did all the votes go? 4) BoJo’s landslide is literally unbelievable—but MSM bans even asking the question 5) Corbyn’s Defeat Has Slain the Left’s Last Illusion 6) Jeremy Corbyn should never have apologised over anti-Semitism claims, says French far-Left ally 7) Boris Johnson to pass bill making BDS illegal Tweedledumber: “King of Israel” Trump Impeached But Won’t Be…


FFWN: Criticism of Israel Now Banned by Executive Order (with E. Michael Jones)

Broadcasts Fridays 11 to noon Eastern on PSAs 1) Support FFWN…It’s Double-Plus Ungood! 2) Road to 9/11 Justice? A Year-End Update from the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry 2.5)  #FreeJahar : Innocent Boston Marathon patsy begins appeal to overturn his death sentence   Evidence he’s innocent: Saudis, Pensacola, & 9/11 3) Six Saudis Said to Be Questioned After Pensacola Navy Base Shooting 4) Three Were Filming Attack 5) Flashback: 9/11 “Hijacker” Patsies Lived and Trained at Pensacola Naval Air Station 6) Saudi murders revive 9/11’s unanswered questions Impeachment 7) Kissinger Opposes Impeachment (Posted by pro Trump Sinclair Employee James Rosen) Anti-Semitism:…


FFWN: London Bridge Terror: Fake Reformed Fake Jihadist in Fake Suicide Belt (with Lucy Morgan Edwards)

  Broadcasts live every Friday 11 to noon Eastern on This week’s co-host is Dr. Lucy Morgan Edwards, Former Political Advisor to the EU Ambassador in Afghanistan and author of The Afghan Solution. PSAs 1) FFWN Was Talking About Epstein YEARS Ago — Help Us Keep Talking! 2) Pearl Harbor Day Tomorrow: New Kimmel-Tarpley Debate Article London Bridge Terror: Fake Reformed Fake Jihadist in Fake Suicide Belt 3) UPDATED: London Bridge “terror attack” — another false flag? 4) London Bridge attack: suspect wearing fake explosive vest shot dead after fatal stabbing 5) London Bridge stabber Usman Khan faked being…

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