Listen HERE Binoy Kampmark recently published a good article on Daniel Hale, the drone whistleblower recently sentenced to 45 months in prison. Hale’s alleged crime “was to reveal classified documents revealing the distinct viciousness, and essential senselessness, of the US military’s drone program. His motivation: ‘to dispel the lie that drone warfare keeps us safe, that our lives are worth more than theirs.’” Dr. Kampmark followed the Hale article with one on “Afghanistan, Failure and Second Thoughts.” His pessimistic prognosis: “The emptying of the barracks does not put an end to the prying and meddling from non-Afghan personnel. The country…
FULL ARTICLEAuthor: Kevin Barrett
Why is the U.S. government dominated by Israel?
Why does the US mindlessly support Israel’s every move to the detriment of American interests? Laurent Guyenot’s “The Unspoken Kennedy Truth”… makes a strong case that Ben Gurion and Israel, using CIA and kosher nostra assets, killed JFK to remove the obstacle to its nuclear program and put its sayanim asset LBJ in the White House. Since the 1963 coup, and even more so since the 9/11/2001 coup, Israel has owned the USA and gradually run it into the ground.
FULL ARTICLE“Swami & Steve” offer comic relief for 9/11-COVID
Listen HERE Wise guy guru Swami Beyondanonda and his alter ego straight man Steve Bhaerman run the WakeUpLaughing website, “your one-stop spot for consciousness comedy, new age humor, political comedy and satire, healing laughter, new science and evolutionary up-wising.” I was reminded that it was way past time to bring back the Swami & Steve Show when someone forwarded a meme from them via NYU anti-propaganda prof Mark Crispin Miller: So I asked myself: Is Swami doing my kind of dark, mordant satire now instead of his New Age comic-cosmic schtick? Better get him on the show and find out!
FULL ARTICLEFinal Solution to Israel’s Jewish Problem
Watch the bowdlerized YouTube version of FFWN above, or the full uncensored show HERE By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Israel has a problem. A Jewish problem. A very Jewish problem. Israel is having difficulty figuring out who’s Jewish and who isn’t. And that’s a problem. Because it’s important. Those deemed “Jews” get rights, the others get left out. For example, Israel won’t let its gold medalist Artem Dolgopyat get married. Why not? Because the Chief Rabbinate says he isn’t Jewish. Dolgopyat’s dad is Jewish. But his mom is not. According to the Rabbinate, you need a Jewish mother to…
FULL ARTICLELIVE RADIO! “Swami & Steve” offer comic relief for 9/11-COVID; Binoy Kampmark on Daniel Hale & Evil Empire’s Defeat in Afghanistan
Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Wise guy guru Swami Beyondanonda and his alter ego straight man Steve Bhaerman run the WakeUpLaughing website, “your one-stop spot for consciousness comedy, new age humor, political comedy and satire, healing laughter, new science and evolutionary up-wising.” I was reminded that it was way past time to bring back the Swami & Steve Show when someone forwarded a meme from them via NYU anti-propaganda prof Mark Crispin Miller: So I asked myself: Is Swami doing my kind of dark, mordant satire now instead of his New Age…
FULL ARTICLEFFWN: Anti-Semitic Anti-Vax Crackpots Refute Ad Hominem Arguments (with Cat McGuire)
Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above, or a shorter version on my YouTube channel (where the broadcast begins after story #6) PSA 1) Annoy Alan Dershowitz, Contribute to FFWN! 1.5) Support 9/11 Families Protesting 9/11 Coverup Just the Vax Ma’am 2) New York becomes first U.S. city to order COVID vaccines for restaurants, gyms 3) Ex-DHS Apparatchik Proposes No-Fly List for Unvaxxed 4) You’re going to be asked to prove your “master race” status under vax apartheid. Here’s how to do it. 5) Why Are Globalists And Governments…
FULL ARTICLEEric Beeth, MD: Bioengineered COVID + Vaccines = Protection Racket
Listen HERE Eric Beeth, a medical doctor in Brussels, Belgium, is appalled by the way so many of his fellow doctors have failed to think critically about COVID-19, question orders from big pharma and the for-profit medical mafia, and remain true to Hippocrates’ commandment: “First, do no harm.” Dr Beeth says: “We must be very careful that our treatments do not do any harm, and that we give our patients very individualized care, meaning that if we give them something it is because we are sincerely convinced that this is what this patient needs, as if we were treating our own…
FULL ARTICLEEndorsed by Ayatollah Khamenei, Ebrahim Raeisi becomes Iran’s President
Ebrahim Raeisi is now officially the 8th president of the Islamic Republic of Iran after his mandate was endorsed by Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei at a ceremony in Tehran, weeks after the ex-Judiciary chief won the country’s 13th presidential election by a landslide.
FULL ARTICLEEdward Curtin on “The Satanic Nature of the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki”
Listen HERE Edward Curtin’s classic article “The Satanic Nature of the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki” is worth re-reading as we commemorate the holocausts perpetrated August 6 and August 9, 1945. The fact that the people running the American empire are purely and simply evil—the term “psychopathic” isn’t strong enough—was illustrated by the completely unnecessary atomic bombings of Japanese civilians, which, contrary to public myth, did not cause Japan to surrender or save any lives. It was nothing more nor less than a message to the Russians. What a way to send a message. Educated in the classics, philosophy,…
FULL ARTICLEHaniyeh re-elected as chief of Palestinian resistance movement
The Palestinian Resistance movement Hamas has elected Ismail Haniyeh as its leader for a second term. The 59 year-old politician has led Hamas since 2017.