Listen HERE Matthew Ehret‘s “Debunking Anti-Chinese Psy-Ops” series (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) systematically refutes the arguments of China-bashers. While disapproving of some of China’s policies on free expression and religion, Ehret argues that the Western banksters’ New World Order is much worse than the Chinese social control system: “Where one is devoted to closed system depopulation and unipolarism, the other is devoted to open system long term growth and multipolarism.” Does China just want to be China and let other nations be themselves? Is the West run by millenarian messianic maniacs seeking total control over the entire world,…
FULL ARTICLEAuthor: Kevin Barrett
FFWN: Money Money Money Can’t Buy False Flag Weekly News!
Guest host Cat McGuire Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above, or a shorter version on my YouTube channel (where the broadcast begins after story #3) PSA 1) Support FFWN so we don’t have to ask Soros/Gates/Pfizer/Moderna! Sacrilege 2) “Watch NYC Woman Dressed As Nurse Cackle, Mock COVID-19 Vaccine At Halloween Parade” 3) Germany: Long list of athletes who “suddenly” died or were seriously ill. Over 75 known cases in the last 5 months 4) UK Data: Over-30 Vaxxed Catch & Spread More COVID than Unvaxxed Oh Deer! 5) New study suggests…
FULL ARTICLEIranian Kids Can’t Get Medical Treatment Due to US Sanctions Iran’s top human rights official has slammed the UN special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic.
FULL ARTICLEDaniel Pinchbeck on media “engineering consent”
Listen HERE Daniel Pinchbeck , author of the recent Substack articles “Are We in a Pseudopandemic?” and “The Antidote to Squid Games: Our culture hooks us on dystopian spectacle to keep us from awakening to our true nature” knows how MSM works: “As someone who used to work in the mainstream media, writing for The New York Times Magazine, Rolling Stone, Esquire, and so on, and published two books via Random House and Penguin, I gained some direct experience of how ideological hegemony is constructed and maintained. At The New York Times, for example, the editors rigorously police thought, attitude, and sentiment,…
FULL ARTICLELIVE RADIO! Daniel Pinchbeck on media “engineering consent”; Mattew Ehret on religion in China: Propaganda vs. reality
Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Daniel Pinchbeck , author of the recent Substack articles “Are We in a Pseudopandemic?” and “The Antidote to Squid Games: Our culture hooks us on dystopian spectacle to keep us from awakening to our true nature” knows how MSM works: “As someone who used to work in the mainstream media, writing for The New York Times Magazine, Rolling Stone, Esquire, and so on, and published two books via Random House and Penguin, I gained some direct experience of how ideological hegemony is constructed and maintained. At The New York…
FULL ARTICLEDaniel Lazare continues our Press TV debate on “conspiracy theories”
Listen HERE I recently debated Daniel Lazare on Press TV on the topic: Is the Anglo-Zionist Empire Behind “ISIS” Terror in Afghanistan? In this new interview we continue the conversation, extending it to include other “conspiracy theories” and related philosophical issues. Among the questions we consider: What really happened on 9/11? Who killed JFK and why? Did the FBI orchestrate the January 6 “Capitol insurrection”? Is there a Deep State consisting of top organized crime figures who cooperate as well as compete with members of a Platonic guardian class? Daniel Lazare is a freelance journalist who has published three books on…
FULL ARTICLEFFWN: Night of the Living Vaxxed
Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above, or a shorter version on my YouTube channel (where the broadcast begins after story #8) PSAs 1) Give FFWN a boost! (not a booster) 2) Coming Up Oct 31st–Global Live Stream on Terror False Flags Calls to Action 3) Worldwide Walkouts Nov. 3 4) Let’s go! Call to action, part 2, CDC: Don’t Experiment on Children! Stuff You Can’t Talk About on Youtube 5) YouTube UNCENSORS False Flag Weekly News…Or at least semi-uncensors us, anyway 6) FDA Panel Endorses Pfizer Shots…
FULL ARTICLERolf Lindgren on the Conspiracy to Turn Republicans into Conspiracy Theorists; Joel Hirschhorn on “Data Manipulation Pushed Pandemic”
Listen HERE First half hour: Republican Party activist Rolf Lindgren has been organizing well-attended meet-ups in Dane County, Wisconsin—and educating fellow party members about 9/11, the New World Order, the Great Reset, the USS Liberty, the Pearl Harbor “Day of Deceit,” and other controversial topics. Rolf says the Republicans have changed quite a bit since they witch-hunted me out of the University of Wisconsin in 2006 (for “corrupting the youth of Athens” with non-mainstream interpretations of 9/11). So…Is the mainstream media right about the Republican Party becoming the party of “conspiracy theorists”? And is that such a bad thing? Final half…
FULL ARTICLERon Unz on “American Pravda: Remembering the Liberty”
Listen HERE Ron Unz is America’s most accomplished figure in alternative journalism. If you doubt that, read his American Pravda series, look at his webzine, and let me know if you find anything comparable. Ron’s latest American Pravda entry, “Remembering the Liberty,” admirably summarizes the best available information on Israel’s June 8, 1967 attack on the unarmed spy ship USS Liberty. Ron apparently agrees with me that the single most important book on the incident is Peter Hounam’s Operation Cyanide, which offers strong evidence that then-US-president Lyndon Johnson conspired with Israeli leaders to stage a false flag attack on the…
FULL ARTICLELIVE RADIO! Ron Unz on “American Pravda: Remembering the Liberty”; Rolf Lindgren on the Conspiracy to Turn Republicans into Conspiracy Theorists; Joel Hirschhorn on “Data Manipulation Pushed Pandemic”
Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Ron Unz is America’s most accomplished figure in alternative journalism. If you doubt that, read his American Pravda series, look at his webzine, and let me know if you find anything comparable. Ron’s latest American Pravda entry, “Remembering the Liberty,” admirably summarizes the best available information on Israel’s June 8, 1967 attack on the unarmed spy ship USS Liberty. Ron apparently agrees with me that the single most important book on the incident is Peter Hounam’s Operation Cyanide, which offers strong evidence that then-US-president Lyndon Johnson conspired…