Listen HERE Retired USG analyst and celebrated Challenger disaster whistleblower Richard Cook discusses his new 46,000-word article “The US, the Ukraine Disaster, and the Future—The Long View.” Cook fills in the context that’s missing from MSM accounts, concludes that the neocon war party is firmly in control of US foreign policy, and argues that we need a “new American revolution” to force policy changes including: *”Restoring the US manufacturing base and adopting far-reaching measures of monetary and financial reform…” *”We can be friends, not enemies, of other major countries like Russia and China, as well as the multitude of smaller states…
FULL ARTICLEAuthor: Kevin Barrett
LIVE RADIO! Richard Cook on “The US, the Ukraine Disaster, and the Future”; Peter Myers on “Russia mocks US embrace of Trans”; Art Olivier on Symbolic Significance of Demolition of Georgia Guidestones
Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Retired USG analyst and celebrated Challenger disaster whistleblower Richard Cook discusses his new 46,000-word article “The US, the Ukraine Disaster, and the Future—The Long View.” Cook fills in the context that’s missing from MSM accounts, concludes that the neocon war party is firmly in control of US foreign policy, and argues that we need a “new American revolution” to force policy changes including: *”Restoring the US manufacturing base and adopting far-reaching measures of monetary and financial reform…” *”We can be friends, not enemies, of other major countries like…
FULL ARTICLEFFWN: Quadruple-Vaccinated Dementia Patient Tests Positive (with E. Michael Jones)
Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above live or archived PSA 1) Help FFWN Keep Averting Disaster AND HERE ARE THE RECENT FUNDRAZRS THAT FELL SHORT OF $200 – PLEASE MAKE US WHOLE BEFORE I RETURN ON AUG. 13! Presidential or Demential? 2) Joe Biden, America’s Foremost Quadruple-Vaccinated Dementia Patient, Tests Positive For Corona — AP Spreads Medical Misinformation Fact check: 3) No, mRNA Covid vaccines do not offer long-term protection from serious illness 4) Joe Biden says he ‘has’ cancer thanks to oil industry — but…
FULL ARTICLEThaddeus Kozinski and Peter Simpson on “Antichrist Rising: The Plandemic and the Age of Unreality”
Listen HERE Catholic philosophers Thaddeus Kozinski and Peter Simpson discuss Thaddeus’s new article “What Matters Right Now Is Your Soul.” It begins: “If you are paying attention, you know that the plandemic narrative is on its last legs, although its final death throes seem like eternity and are manifesting as most furious and ruthless—poison injections for babies—as well as most ridiculous and pathetic—Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, Monkeypox, and Ninja. The injury and death toll from the death shots is rising all over the world, save in the few countries that somehow remained immune to the mass psychosis…” Thaddeus Kozinski is…
FULL ARTICLELori Price on “CLG in the Crosshairs of Totalitarian Censors”
Listen HERE Lori Price of Citizens for Legitimate Government discusses CLG’s latest censorship problem, then in the last 15 minutes Rolf Lindgren discusses tomorrow’s Republican Party picnic in Verona, WI featuring a 40-minute speech by Sen. Ron Johnson. (Jim Fetzer and I plan to be there—don’t tell Antifa!) CLG’s June 22 newsletter was blocked by Yahoo email servers because it included a link to a Gateway Pundit article, “Pfizer Ordered by Uruguayan Judge to Report Composition of Covid-19 Vaccines Including Any Presence of ‘Graphene Oxide’ or ‘Nanotechnological Elements.” The article did not include “misinformation.” It merely reported on facts that contradict the official…
FULL ARTICLELIVE RADIO! Lori Price on “CLG in the Crosshairs of Totalitarian Censors”; Thaddeus Kozinski and Peter Simpson on “Antichrist Rising: The Plandemic and the Age of Unreality”
Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Lori Price of Citizens for Legitimate Government discusses CLG’s latest censorship problem, then in the last 15 minutes Rolf Lindgren discusses tomorrow’s Republican Party picnic in Verona, WI featuring a 40-minute speech by Sen. Ron Johnson. (Jim Fetzer and I plan to be there—don’t tell Antifa!) CLG’s June 22 newsletter was blocked by Yahoo email servers because it included a link to a Gateway Pundit article, “Pfizer Ordered by Uruguayan Judge to Report Composition of Covid-19 Vaccines Including Any Presence of ‘Graphene Oxide’ or ‘Nanotechnological Elements.” The article did not…
FULL ARTICLEFFWN: How Jewish (and British) Is the War in Ukraine? (with Lucy Morgan Edwards)
PSA 1) Help FFWN Fight Moloch British PM Race 2) Will Bill Gates own the next PM? 3) British PM hopeful ‘invaded a country once’ Middle East 4) Washington Post Promotes New Adversary For Pentagon: The Middle East (as Biden Visits There) 5) UN chief calls for blacklisting Israel over child deaths—Biden implicitly endorses Zio genocide 6) 17 Killed or Injured as Saudis Break Truce — Slain included woman 10-month-old infant 7) Special Report: Trump told Saudi: Cut oil supply or lose U.S. military support – sources More War Crimes 8) SAS faces war crimes probe over claims its…
FULL ARTICLEHenry Herskovitz on Defeating Jewish Power Lobby in 6th Circuit and US Supreme Court
Listen HERE Henry Herskovitz of Ann Arbor, MI appears to have defeated the Jewish Power Lobby in court. Such things don’t happen every day! The short version: Henry and his activist group got sued by some high-power deep-pockets Jewish Power folks who didn’t appreciate his weekly protests in front of the local synagogue. Normally, all a rich, powerful would-be censor has to do is scream “hate speech! harassment! anti-Semitism!” and the courts and other official institutions whimper in obsequious acquiescence. But this time it didn’t work. The courts have consistently sided with Henry and the First Amendment.
FULL ARTICLEEllen Brown on “Food Systems Under Attack?”
Listen HERE In a new article Ellen Brown notes that “our food systems seem to be under attack.” She cites reports of 99 accidental fires, farmers unable to get supplies, diesel prices putting farmers out of business, cyberattacks on agricultural companies, and mass cattle die-offs. How, she asks, did the Rockefeller Foundation know this was coming back in 2020? Are they creating a food crisis to push through a Great Food Reset, a.k.a. “Reset the Table“? Are they trying to create a huge, centralized food control grid—the exact opposite of the real solution, which is small, local, and resilient? And…
FULL ARTICLEBREAKING! Georgia Guidestones Attack Suspect Identified
Larry Silverstein, Who Purchased the Guidestones Two Months Ago, Confesses to “Pulling” Them Dissociated Press A suspect has been identified in the demolition of the Georgia Guidestones: 91-year-old New York City businessman Larry Silverstein. Silverstein, in interview for the new PBS documentary “Georgia Rebuilds,” says: “I remember getting a call from the, er, State Police commander telling me they were not sure they could contain the damage. And I said, ‘well, you know, killing seven billion people would be such a terrible loss of life, that maybe the best thing to do is, is pull them. And so they made that…