Listen HERE Edward Curtin discusses his recent article “Tucker Carlson and the JFK Allegations.” He writes: “Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., a man whom I hold in the highest esteem, tweeted that it (Tucker Carlson’s CIA-killed-JFK broadcast) was ‘the most courageous newscast in 60 years. The CIA’s murder of my uncle was a successful coup d’état from which our democracy has never recovered.’” But Curtin goes on to question Carlson’s background and motives, and underlines the difference between suspecting that the CIA was “involved” in JFK’s assassination and definitively knowing that they did it. Note: About 15 minutes into the interview,…
FULL ARTICLEAuthor: Kevin Barrett
Mark Dankoff on What’s Coming in 2023
Listen HERE Pastor, RBN radio host, and former US Senate candidate Mark Dankoff looks back at 2022 and ahead to 2023. From the Ukraine war to cultural decadence to escalating repression of free speech, things may get worse before they get better. Will there be a formal declaration of war on Russia, followed by a crackdown on dissidents? Are we living through the End Times predicted in scripture? What role is Zionism playing in these events? Have a happy New Year…and enjoy this kind of free and fearless discussion while you can!
FULL ARTICLEBill Gates: “COVID Vaccines Are The Final Solution.” ADL: “That’s Anti-Semitic!”
Dissociated Press The Anti-Defecation League has demanded that Bill Gates apologize for calling COVID vaccines “the Final Solution.” At a press conference in Basel, Switzerland, ADL chief Jonathan Greenbutt read a prepared statement flaying Gates for his insensitivity to Jewish suffering. “There is only one Final Solution,” Greenbutt intoned, “and that is the sacred six-million-victim big-H Holocaust. If Bill Gates thinks he can erase the memory of Hitler’s six million Jewish victims by killing six billion people and calling that the Final Solution, he needs to know that he’s shall I put it…anti-Semitic.” Greenbutt explained that the ADL owns the…
FULL ARTICLELIVE RADIO! Mark Dankoff on What’s Coming in 2023, Edward Curtin on “Tucker Carlson and the JFK Allegations”
Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Pastor, RBN radio host, and former US Senate candidate Mark Dankoff looks back at 2022 and ahead to 2023. Second hour: Edward Curtin discusses his recent article “Tucker Carlson and the JFK Allegations.” He writes: “Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., a man whom I hold in the highest esteem, tweeted that it (Tucker Carlson’s CIA-killed-JFK broadcast) was ‘the most courageous newscast in 60 years. The CIA’s murder of my uncle was a successful coup d’état from which our democracy has never recovered.’” But Curtin goes on to question Carlson’s…
FULL ARTICLEFFWN Looks Back at 2022, Ahead to 2023 (with E. Michael Jones)
This week’s New Year’s 2023 Special will post by around 6 pm Eastern Wednesday 12/28 Full uncensored FFWN normally posted above by noon Central time Saturdays. PSA 1) Help FFWN Put on the Glasses! Conspiracy Facts of 2022 2) Remembering David Ray Griffin 3) 2022: The Year the Conspiracy Theory Became Conspiracy Fact 4) Twitter Files Thread: The Spies Who Loved Twitter: Federal law enforcement asserted primacy over all media distribution, a situation normally only found in tinpot regimes 2022: The Year Nuclear War Became a Thing 5) The UN has said nuclear war is ‘back…
FULL ARTICLEAlan Sabrosky and Cat McGuire on “Unsettled History: The Useful Abuse of the Holocaust”
Listen HERE This is the second hour of the Dec. 23 live show. The discussion frequently refers to the first hour with Daniel Pinchbeck. Alan Sabrosky and editorial associate Cat McGuire discuss their new essay “Unsettled History: The Useful Abuse of the Holocaust.” It begins with a meditation on Mark Zuckerberg’s announcement that Facebook would no longer permit “misinformation about settled historical events,” and goes on to question just how “settled” historical events can ever be, with the Holocaust being a case in point. Alan Ned Sabrosky (Ph.D., University of Michigan) is a writer and consultant specializing in national and international security…
FULL ARTICLEDaniel Pinchbeck on “Jewish Identity, Anti-Semitism, and Tikkun Olam”
Listen HERE Daniel Pinchbeck and Alan Sabrosky are important public intellectuals who have distinguished themselves tackling controversial topics with integrity and insight. Coincidentally, both just published articles on issues related to Jewish identity politics. (They are both ethnically Jewish but don’t practice Judaism, and are generally non-tribal in political orientation, with Daniel leaning left and Alan leaning right.) First hour: Daniel Pinchbeck discusses his new article “Jewish Identity, Anti-Semitism, and Tikkun Olam: The Beginning of an Inquiry.” It begins: “I don’t know why, exactly, I feel this desire — this responsibility — to say the unsayable. I don’t feel totally…
FULL ARTICLEHouse Committee: Trump Plotted Insurrection
Are the polarized narratives of both pro- and anti-Trumpers, of “election deniers” and “election true believers,” almost equally uncritical and mythological? We aren’t allowed to ask that question in US or Western mainstream media. Fortunately we still have Press TV.
FULL ARTICLELIVE RADIO! Daniel Pinchbeck on “Jewish Identity, Anti-Semitism, and Tikkun Olam”; Alan Sabrosky and Cat McGuire on “Unsettled History: The Useful Abuse of the Holocaust”
Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at Daniel Pinchbeck and Alan Sabrosky are important public intellectuals who have distinguished themselves tackling controversial topics with integrity and insight. Coincidentally, both just published articles on issues related to Jewish identity politics. (They are both ethnically Jewish but don’t practice Judaism, and are generally non-tribal in political orientation, with Daniel leaning left and Alan leaning right.) First hour: Daniel Pinchbeck discusses his new article “Jewish Identity, Anti-Semitism, and Tikkun Olam: The Beginning of an Inquiry.” It begins: “I don’t know why, exactly, I feel this desire — this responsibility…
FULL ARTICLEFFWN Special: Anthony Hall’s “News From Canada”: Will 2023 See a Reckoning for the COVID Catastrophe?
PSA: Support FFWN: E. Michael Returns for “Biggest Stories of 2022 – What’s Coming in 2023” Anthony Hall, Professor Emeritus of Globalization Studies, University of Lethbridge, presents this year’s news from Canada (and some historical context), focusing on the pushback against Trudeau’s COVID dictatorship. Will 2023 see a worldwide reckoning for COVID crimes? Prof. Anthony Hall taught Native American Studies and Globalization Studies from 1982 through 2016, when he was suspended by the University of Lethbridge administration on the ludicrous pretext that parties unknown had posted an anti-Semitic image on his Facebook page for a couple of hours. The…