1)PSA: Fight Fake News, Watch FFWN! (and spread the word) https://fundrazr.com/31Nft7 Why FFWN Is More Necessary than Ever 2) Government begins battle against ‘alt-news’ sources and ‘alarmist’ stories with pilot of rapid response team dubbed ‘fake news unit’ https://pressgazette.co.uk/government-begins-battle-against-alt-news-sources-and-alarmist-stories-with-pilot-of-rapid-response-team-dubbed-fake-news-unit/ 3) Facebook slammed by Sandy Hook parents over lies, hoax claims http://www.foxnews.com/tech/2018/07/25/facebook-slammed-by-sandy-hook-parents-over-lies-hoax-claims.html 4) FaceBook stock plunges 20% overnight as “MSM-approved info only” campaign escalates https://www.poynter.org/news/facebook-faces-another-reckoning-over-fake-news 5) Advertiser-Driven Censorship on YouTube Hits 9/11 Truth Doc https://www.veteranstoday.com/2018/07/21/rafiq-censors/ 6) Amazon’s Face Recognition Tool Confused 28 Lawmakers With Arrestees https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/amazon-face-recognition-tool-confused-28-lawmakers-with-arrestees_us_5b59c0c9e4b0de86f4941823 7) THE ‘GUERRILLA’ WIKIPEDIA EDITORS WHO COMBAT CONSPIRACY THEORIES https://www.wired.com/story/guerrilla-wikipedia-editors-who-combat-conspiracy-theories/ “ISIS”: Mossad, crazy people, or Mossad manipulating crazy people? 8) Notorious Israel-linked “terror journalist” Gutjahr crushed…
FULL ARTICLEAuthor: Kevin Barrett
Discussing Israel and hidden history with Ray McGovern and Cat April Watters
Listen HERE Cat April Watters of the Freedom Flotilla to Gaza recently invited me on her radio show…and when I got there, Ray McGovern was on the line. McGovern, a former CIA analyst, delivered the President’s Daily Brief in the 1980s, retired with a very respectable resumé, and became an activist and truth-speaker after his 1990 retirement, growing increasingly outspoken in response to the 9/11 wars. In this conversation, I bring up the two biggest shock-and-awe demonstrations of Zionist power in the USA—the Kennedy assassinations and 9/11—and argue that activists need to break down the discursive walls that prevent Americans from learning…
FULL ARTICLERafiq on YouTube censorship, Ukraine, and religion/spirituality
Listen HERE Robert Lewis a.k.a. Rafiq just published an important new article on YouTube censorship. Our conversation begins with that topic, then moves on to Ukraine (where Rafiq is currently residing). Rafiq’s perspective, less unsympathetic to Ukrainian nationalists than most alternative media discourse, deserves a hearing…and a rebuttal, which I deliver. After noting that the Ukrainian folk zeitgeist is grim/dismal/bleak (pick your adjective) Rafiq contrasts this with the vastly happier people he has encountered in nations where religion and spirituality have survived the onslaught of secular materialism. Rafiq is the author of Days of Shock Days of Wonder: The 9/11 Age the Ways…
FULL ARTICLEDebate on Iran nuclear deal, Zionist power in US
Watch The Debate at Press TV
FULL ARTICLEPeter Myers and Ed Corrigan on Helsinki, Zionism, and what it all means
Is the Zionist oligarchy split on Trump? Broadcasts LIVE Friday, July 20, 8 to 10 pm Eastern, Revolution.Radio First hour: Australian researcher Peter Myers discusses topics raised in his recent email digests (see below). Second hour: Canadian human rights lawyer Ed Corrigan continues the conversation. From Peter Myers: Trump calls off Cold War II; Deep State & Media go berserk (1) Jewish commentary on the Trump-Putin summit by Peter Myers, July 20, 2018 My readers are finely attuned to Jewish politics. And whilst we know that the MSM is overwhelmingly Jewish-owned and operated, it’s worth noting dissident Jewish voices too – lest…
Broadcasts live Fridays 11 to noon Eastern on www.NoLiesRadio.org then archived above. PSAs 1) Remember Building 7 — and FFWN! https://fundrazr.com/91NWd7 2) Pass H Res 922 to define presidential wars as impeachable offenses https://actionnetwork.org/letters/email-your-congress-member-to-sign-onto-h-res-922 Summit Hysteria/Trump Follies 3) ‘Feed Him To The Corgis’: Tens of Thousands of Brits Protest Trump 4) Angry Trump Baby Takes Flight as UK Protests Tell President He’s Not Welcome https://www.commondreams.org/news/2018/07/13/angry-trump-baby-takes-flight-uk-protests-tell-president-hes-not-welcome 5) Thousands joined Trump protest as US leader played golf https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-44829539 6) Pepe Escobar: A walk on the wild side as Trump meets Putin at Finland station http://www.atimes.com/article/a-walk-on-the-wild-side-as-trump-meets-putin-at-finland-station/ 7) Trump asked Russians to get Clinton emails. They immediately started trying. https://www.cnn.com/2018/07/13/politics/trump-asked-russians-to-get-clinton-emails-they-immediately-started-trying-/index.html…
FULL ARTICLETrump in Helsinki: Greenhalgh vs. Fetzer!
Listen HERE First half hour: Ian Greenhalgh of Veterans Today argues that yes, Trump DID get owned by Putin in Helsinki. But is that such a bad thing? Ian argues that Trump is an organized crime asset, and that Putin is playing a “long game” aimed at destroying not just Trump, but the whole Republican Party as well as its owners, Bibi and the Kosher Nostra…and taking down the US empire in the bargain. (Sounds good to me! Go, Putin! -KB) Second half hour: Is University of Minnesota Professor Emeritus Jim Fetzer “the most dangerous man in America“? Jim has…
FULL ARTICLEGilad Atzmon on “Silencing Diversity in the Name of Diversity”
Listen HERE In his new article “Silencing Diversity in the Name of Diversity” Gilad Atzmon argues Frankfurt School driven identity politics represents “a well-orchestrated attempt to obliterate our Western Athenian ethos in favor of a new Jerusalemite regime of ‘correctness.’” Gilad’s new article was inspired by the Deep Truth Conference Zionism panel that he and I participated in. (Here is the link to the whole conference.) In the new article, Gilad writes: ‘Phobia’ is defined as an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something. Accordingly, the notion of ‘Islamophobia,’ attributes irrationality or even madness to those who oppose Muslims…
FULL ARTICLEPress TV DEBATE on latest Gaza massacre: Kevin Barrett vs. Maxine Dovere
Watch THE DEBATE This edition of the program is about the escalation of tensions in Gaza. Israeli planes have targeted areas at the civilian areas in the Gaza Strip. Kevin Barret believes that Israel is attacking Palestinians because they know they are violating human rights. Maxine Dovere says Israel does that in self-defense.
FULL ARTICLEJames Perloff: American Revolution an Illuminati plot?
Broadcast live Friday, July 13, 8 to 10 pm Eastern, Revolution.Radio First hour: Bestselling author James Perloff demolishes the myth of the American Revolution! Check out his two-part series THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION PART I: THE SECRETS BURIED AT LEXINGTON GREEN and THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, PART II: WHO WROTE THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE? Did the Illuminati architects of the New World Order target the Americas as their future NWO capital as far back as 1627, when Francis Bacon published The New Atlantis? Were the Founding Fathers freemasons acting under Illuminati orders? Was the “shot heard round the world” fired at Lexington Green a false…