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David Chandler of Scientists for 9/11 Truth on May 4 Pentagon Conference

Listen HERE Commercial pilot and former air traffic controller Robin Hordon recently discussed questions about the “hijacked 9/11 airliners” on this show.  Continuing that discussion, David Chandler of Scientists for 9/11 Truth joins us to promote the Conference on the 9/11 Pentagon Evidence he is organizing: University Park United Methodist Church (East Fellowship Hall) 2180 S University Blvd, Denver, CO 80210 May 4, 2019 / 9:30 am – 5:00 pm The presenters at the Conference include David Chandler, Wayne Coste, Ken Jenkins, Warren Stutt, and John Wyndham. All five argue in favor of a large plane impact, presumably American Flight…


Assad Visits Iran

Press TV The surprise visit of the Syrian president to Iran has hit the headlines of major news outlets in the Middle East and beyond. During his visit, President Bashar al-Assad held meetings with the Leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei and President Hassan Rouhani in Tehran. During his talks with President Assad, Ayatollah Khamenei said Iran is honored to support Syria, emphasizing that the triumph of the resistance front in Syria has made Americans angry and prompted them to hatch new plots.


Veterans Today Editors Gordon Duff and Jim Dean on anti-Iran false flag, Trump crimes, and more

Broadcast Fridays live 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio First hour: Jim Dean, Managing Editor of Veterans Today, is well known for his pithy introductions to articles exposing what’s really going on in the world, especially the Middle East. Recent topics he has covered include: The launch of INSTEX, a European instrument designed to bust Trump’s anti-Iran sanctions; US-run concentration camps in Syria; the indictment (and hopefully conviction and ruination) of 9/11 suspect “Bibi” Netanyahu; the collapse of Pompeo and Bolton’s anti-Iran Warsaw conference; and more. We will presumably also discuss the Trump regime’s witch-hunt against the Tehran-based New…


This week’s False Flag Weekly News banned from YouTube!

Watch today’s False Flag Weekly News above. Click HERE for links to the stories we covered. Censors’ kangaroo courts are really hopping! And we’re hopping mad. Last Sunday YouTube assessed a strike against NoLiesRadio. They claim that one of the hundreds or thousands of videos posted there, apparently a videotaped speaking event from many years ago, violated their terms of service. But they won’t explain HOW it violated them. And now that the video is gone there is no way to assess the claim. Welcome to Franz Kafka meets Alice in Wonderland! Due to the YouTube strike FFWN could not…


FFWN: False Flag Scenarios for April-May War with Iran?

Note: Youtube, undoubtedly badgered by Zionist censors, has assessed a strike against No Lies Radio, preventing us from broadcasting or posting in the usual place. So this week’s show, and future shows until further notice, will be archived here Fridays shortly after 1 pm Eastern.  Please email to get on the list to be notified about where to watch False Flag Weekly News in the future. PSAs 1) Provide material support for thoughtcrime, donate to FFWN! 9/11 OCT Still Inciting War Crimes 2) CIA tortured 9/11 patsies into false confessions—bragged to Hollywood 3) “It was just like Pearl Harbor”:…


Whistleblower-activist Robin Hordon on the 9/11 planes

Listen HERE Robin Hordon is a former air traffic controller and licensed commercial pilot. He is also a pioneer of  CI, “civil informationing.” If you have been to professional sporting events in Seattle you may have seen him out front with his 9/11 truth banner. In this interview Robin discusses 9/11 aviation issues. Did some or all of the four airliners said to have been hijacked on 9/11 actually take off, fly on the official story’s flight paths, and crash in the officially-designated locations? If so were they flown manually, by onboard computer, or remotely? Spoiler: Robin says that the…


MuslimSkeptic Daniel Haqiqatjou on Islam vs. Victimolatry

Listen HERE Daniel Haqiqatjou’s offers an honest and accurate discussion of topical issues from an Islamic perspective. Today we discuss “victimolatry”—the idolatrous worship of victims. Victimolatry is one of the many forms of self-worship endemic to today’s dominant religion, progressivist-materialist secular humanism. (Humanism, the worship of humans by humans, is obviously self-worship; it might even be termed cosmic narcissism.) Why do so many well-known (thanks to MSM hype) American Muslims bow to the strange and often distasteful idols proffered by the secularists? Why won’t these self-styled “Muslim leaders” defend their positions in open debate? In this interview Daniel Haqiqatjou discusses…


Kevin Annett on Vatican ritual abuse, Jeff Brown on Western anti-China propaganda

Broadcast live Friday 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio First hour: Kevin Annett is a former United Church of Canada minister turned author and indigenous peoples advocate. He is best known for exposing rampant abuse in Canadian residential schools for Native Americans. Kevin Annett is the author of Murder by Decree – The Crime of Genocide in Canada, Unrelenting: Between Sodom and Zion, and other books. He also made the award winning documentary film Unrepentant. Tonight’s conversation will focus on the current “abuse crisis” in the Catholic church. Kevin Annett says it’s worse than you realize. He writes of…


FFWN: Jim Dean on 9/11 coverup, anti-Semitism panic, suspected false flags in France, Kashmir, and Chicago

Broadcast live Fridays 11 to noon Eastern on NoLiesRadio then archived above. PSA  1) Keep FFWN pushing back! War on Iran 2) Isolated and Adrift, an American Woman Turned Toward Iran 3) Kevin responds to NYT: Iranian Spying? or Neocon 9/11 Coverup? 4) New Horizon chair Nader Talebzadeh discusses neocon war on Iran…and America War on Palestine 5) Israel closes gate to Al-Aqsa Mosque 5B) US court reopens Palestinian lawsuit against billionaire Israel donor Adelson Antisemitism Alert Level Raised to Orange! 6) Poles ‘suckle antisemitism with mothers’ milk’: Visegrad talks off over Israel’s ‘racist’ comments 7) French Jewish graves…


New Horizon chair Nader Talebzadeh discusses neocon war on Iran…and America

Nader Talebzadeh, Iran’s biggest TV talk show host, chair of New Horizon NGO. Neocon-Zionist Mnuchin’s Treasury Department recently sanctioned Iranian NGO New Horizon, vaguely alleging that its conferences—which bring together independent thinkers from around the world—are fronts for Iranian spying. The sole basis for this absurd claim is the Justice Department’s indictment of Monica Witt, a former Air Force officer who allegedly defected to Iran and spilled secrets to Iranian intelligence. There’s only one problem: Monica Witt has absolutely no connection to the New Horizon NGO! As New Horizon Chair Nader Talebzadeh explains in this interview, Witt showed up uninvited…

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