Watch live Saturdays 11 to noon Eastern at PSAs 1) Help Conspiracy Theorists Win! Support FFWN 2) Interactive Symposium Tomorrow! “Is Covid-19 the new 9/11-style false flag to stop China’s rise and advance Western bankster dictatorship?” 2B) Ron Unz and Other Truth-Seekers to Explore Corona Bioweapon Hypothesis This Sunday Conspiracy Theorists Are Winning! 3) “Conspiracy Theories” Winning! 3/5ths of Brits Think Government Is Misleading Public on Coronavirus 4) Elon Musk Takes the Red Pill, Ivanka Follows – NYT Horrified Trump vs. Internet Oligarchs 5) Twitter labeled Trump tweets with a fact check for the first time 6) Trump threatens to crack…
FULL ARTICLEAuthor: Kevin Barrett
Two Cheers for Trump! Religion IS Essential, Social Media MUST BE Content Neutral! (Updated with Trump’s announcement of executive order to fight online censorship)
by Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor As the token “radical Muslim” here at VT I have a certain license to express a point of view that is not 100% kosher certified by the editorial board. So I’m going to join the minority-of-one here, Robert David Steele, and say something nice about Donald Trump. After mercilessly mocking and deriding Trump for almost four years, I am now shocked to find myself cheering for him. Well, not for him personally, but for two of his recent outrages: reopening houses of worship, and ordering an investigation (and hopefully a revocation) of the law granting…
FULL ARTICLEIlhan Omar: Israel and Saudi Arabia Have Too Much Influence in US — But Is This “False Equivalence”?
Veterans Today Editor Kevin Barrett and Prof. Lawrence Davidson of the University of Westchester discuss the outsized Saudi influence—and even more outsized Israeli influence—on US Mideast policy.
FULL ARTICLECOVID Made In a Lab! Ex-Skeptics Admit It Due to Accumulating Evidence
By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor The dominant globalist (anti-Trump) wing of the mainstream media (MSM) continues to engage in a massive coverup and propaganda operation aimed at concealing the evidence that COVID-19 was made in a germ warfare lab. If you get your news from NYT/WaPo/CNN/MSNBC/Telegraph/Guardian you would never even know about the lively scientific debate—which has recently been won by those arguing for the artificial origin of COVID. Meanwhile he pseudo-nationalist pro-Trump wing is peddling another lie: That COVID was manufactured and unleashed, whether accidentally or deliberately, by the Chinese government. The “blame China” mighty Wurlitzer is playing…
FULL ARTICLEEric Walberg on “Trump, Coronavirus, Neoliberalism”
Listen HERE “In a way I’m not really sorry that I’m persona non grata (in the USA) due to the US security state that doesn’t seem to like me. It was already very hard for me to travel…” – Eric Walberg Eric Walberg breaks the fast on the penultimate evening of Ramadan…and gives us the English version of his new Farsi interview “Trump, Coronavirus, Neoliberalism.” Eric, a habitual conspiracy theory naysayer, casts a skeptical eye on my argument that COVID-19 looks like a bankster bioweapon to accelerate war on China and the rest of the non-bankster-owned world (including Main Street USA).…
FULL ARTICLEMemorial Day: A Pagan Holiday of Human Sacrifice
“Mmm! The pungent smell of roasting pigmeat wafting across the park on a perfect afternoon as spring gives way to summer. Must be Memorial Day! All hail our fallen heroes, and pass the bratwurst!” -typical American quasi-cannibal indulging in watered-down ritual sacrifice By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor “I’ve been to rice boilings and I’ve been to pig stickings, and the rice boilings had better vibes.” Stephen Gaskin’s celebrated aphorism influenced the hippie generation and helped inspire the trend toward vegetarianism. It made a big impression on me when I was going through my teenager vegetarian phase in the 1970s.…
FULL ARTICLEEllen Brown on “Another Bank Bailout Under Cover of a Virus”
Listen HERE Public banking advocate Ellen Brown, author of Web of Debt, discusses her new article “Another Bank Bailout Under Cover of a Virus.” Halfway through the show she agrees that my “coronavirus conspiracy theories” are plausible, saying: “Yeah, well, I totally agree. There was Event 201. There was ID-2020. I think Microsoft has a patent on something injectable that has numbers where they can track you. And you would hear like Aaron Russo in 2005 etc, saying that was the plan, that we would all be microchipped and they could track us from one place to another. And this whole…
FULL ARTICLELIVE RADIO: Ellen Brown on “Another Bank Bailout Under Cover of a Virus”; Eric Walberg on “Trump, Coronavirus, Neoliberalism”
Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio First hour: Public banking advocate Ellen Brown, author of Web of Debt, discusses her new article “Another Bank Bailout Under Cover of a Virus.” Second hour: Journalist and geopolitics analyst Eric Walberg breaks the fast on the penultimate evening of Ramadan…and gives us the English version of his new Farsi interview “Trump, Coronavirus, Neoliberalism.”
FULL ARTICLEFFWN: Orwellian Tyranny Coming at “Warp Speed”
Watch live Saturdays 11 to noon Eastern on This week’s guest host is Lucy Morgan Edwards is author of The Afghan Solution. She is a former Political Advisor to the EU Special Representative in Kabul. PSAs 1) Help FFWN Expose Israeli Agent Scumbags Epstein, Dershowitz & Co. 2) PSA Covid-19–A New 9/11 Style False Flag? Live Video-Streamed Webinar Sunday, May 31, 2020 3) Mainstream “Construction News” Covers WTC-7 Scandal Honestly 3A) Action Against 5G Goes Live Today! War on Russia & China 4) U.S. pulls out of Open Skies treaty, Trump’s latest treaty withdrawal 5) Heavy is…
FULL ARTICLECOVID a US Bioweapon? Kevin Barrett on Kalima Horra with George Galloway
Former British parliamentarian George Galloway hosts Kevin Barrett for an uncensored discussion of the possibility that elements of the US Deep State created and deployed COVID-19 as a biological weapon. The motives: Stop China’s rapid economic growth even if it requires crippling the globalized economy; accelerate the transition to authoritarianism and hypersurveillance in the West; and target Iran’s leadership in the bargain. Full show: