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FFWN: What If We Told You the “News” Is Just a Distraction?

 Watch FFWN live every Saturday 11 to noon Eastern on PSAs  1) “What If I Told You” FFWN Needs Your Support? 2) Justice Rising Live Stream from AE911truth FREE Sept 11-13 3) 9/11 Families and Experts to Appeal Egregious NIST Building 7 Decision 4) Coming Soon! 9/11 Truth Film Festival. 5) If You’re Near Madison WI on 9/11/2020… COVID Unveiled 6) RFK Jr. Speech at Berlin Corona Demonstration 7) “Reichstag Stormed by Corona Deniers”: New Gladio False Flag in Berlin? 8) A top White House coronavirus adviser is reportedly pushing the Trump administration to adopt a controversial ‘herd…


Trump to Dead Supporters: Vote Early and Often!

Dissociated Press President Donald Trump is facing a storm of criticism after calling on dead people to vote for him “early and often.” Responding to critics, Trump explained that he was not urging dead people to cast “just ten or twenty” votes each, which would be illegal, and might not work anyway. Instead, he said, each corpse should cast “hundreds or thousands” of votes as a safeguard to make sure that at least one of them is counted. Trump explained that deceased people are routinely discriminated against in the voting process. “That’s one of the Democrats’ ways of rigging elections,”…


James Perloff on “COVID-19 Red Pilled”

Listen HERE Bestselling author James Perloff discusses his new book COVID-19 and the Agendas to Come, Red-Pilled—which systematically explores many of the burning issues raised during the past six months on this radio show, including: —Are the virus’s health risks greater than those posed by the lockdowns? —What does the science say about masks and social distancing? —Why were no lockdowns imposed for previous pandemics of comparable magnitude? —How accurate are the death numbers attributed to COVID-19? —Is the virus completely natural, or could bio-engineering have played a role? —Should the world’s population take a COVID vaccine developed at “warp…


Jared Kushner: Peacemaker or Holocaust Perp?

Press TV interview with Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor By Kevin Barrett Jared Kushner, Trump’s Kosher Nostre handler and son-in-law, has been barking from occupied Jerusalem (al-Quds), alongside National Security Adviser O’Brien that Arab and Muslim countries will follow the lead of the United Arab Emirates, in “normalizing relations” with the genocidal Zionist entity. Kushner has been loudly thumping his chest and invoking the Holocaust as he does this. He said: “As the grandson of two Holocaust survivors, it means more to me and to my family than I can ever express.” Well, Kushner is crying crocodile tears. He is…


Godfree Roberts on China & Cultural Revolution

Listen HERE Is comparing BLM-Antifa to the Chinese Cultural Revolution…an insult to the Cultural Revolution?! Godfree Roberts takes issue with my essay comparing BLM-Antifa to the Chinese Cultural Revolution. He says the Cultural Revolution didn’t kill tens of millions, but in fact lifted hundreds of millions out of poverty and set China on the road to success. Godfree Roberts writes: “I suggest we start with my Unz article on the Cultural Revolution. And you might recommend listeners read The Unknown Cultural Revolution: Life and Change in a Chinese Village, by Dongping Han, an American history professor who grew to adulthood during the CR. It’s a wonderful little…


Bill Whitehouse on Roots of the Current Crisis

Listen HERE Bill “Anab” Whitehouse may be America’s most underrated Muslim political thinker. Like Peter Simpson he is a fan of the Antifederalists and their vision of limited government. He writes: “Any form of public policy, including health, gives expression to a species of religion which government officials are seeking to evangelically and forcibly impose on other individuals (i.e., citizens). No one – not governments (whether federal or state) and not individuals — can be shown to have a right under the U.S. Constitution — to establish the foregoing sort of religious perspective.” In this interview he discusses the political…


LIVE RADIO! Bill Whitehouse on Roots of the Current Crisis; Godfree Roberts on China & Cultural Revolution

Listen live 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio First hour: Bill “Anab” Whitehouse may be America’s most underrated Muslim political thinker. Like Peter Simpson he is a fan of the Antifederalists and their vision of limited government. He writes: “Any form of public policy, including health, gives expression to a species of religion which government officials are seeking to evangelically and forcibly impose on other individuals (i.e., citizens). No one – not governments (whether federal or state) and not individuals — can be shown to have a right under the U.S. Constitution — to establish the foregoing sort of…


FFWN: “Reproaching Evildoers” with E. Michael Jones

Broadcasts Saturdays live 11 to noon Eastern on PSAs 1) Help FFWN Reproach Evildoers! 2) Limited Webinar tickets–The 9/11 Truth Film Festival will be ONLINE this year on Sept. 10th 3) Madison WI 9/11 Event: “Remembering 9/11, Reproaching Evildoers” 4) Organizers of August 1st Berlin Demonstration (800k people) planning huge Europe-wide demo Aug. 29 Wisconsin Burning 5) Jacob Blake Shooting: What Happened in Kenosha, Wisconsin? 6) Buildings burned, businesses looted amid protests in Kenosha 7) Jacob Blake case: Madison protests turn to looting, unrest in second night following Kenosha police shooting 8) Teenage Vigilante Accused of Shooting 3, 2…


In Which Rolf Lindgren and Robert David Steele Try to Convince Me to Support Trump

Listen HERE First 20 minutes: Rolf Lindgren, 79th Assembly District Representative of the Republican Party of Dane County, Wisconsin, discusses the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha; why we should all support and vote for Donald J. Trump; and two upcoming Madson, Wisconsin events: This Saturday, Sept. 20 at 5:30 p.m., Helbach’s Coffee Roasters is having a going away party. They are being shut down by the local government for refusing to enforce the mask mandate. Then on Friday, September 11, at 6 pm, a group of us will be gathering at  Garner (Harrison) Park to commemorate 9/11. Major-party political candidates,…

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