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LIVE RADIO! Bill Whitehouse on Roots of the Current Crisis; Godfree Roberts on China & Cultural Revolution

Listen live 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio

First hour: Bill “Anab” Whitehouse may be America’s most underrated Muslim political thinker. Like Peter Simpson he is a fan of the Antifederalists and their vision of limited government. He writes: “Any form of public policy, including health, gives expression to a species of religion which government officials are seeking to evangelically and forcibly impose on other individuals (i.e., citizens). No one – not governments (whether federal or state) and not individuals — can be shown to have a right under the U.S. Constitution — to establish the foregoing sort of religious perspective.”

Second hour: Godfree Roberts takes issue with my essay comparing BLM-Antifa to the Chinese Cultural Revolution. He says the Cultural Revolution didn’t kill tens of millions, but in fact lifted hundreds of millions out of poverty and set China on the road to success.

Godfree Roberts writes:

I suggest we start with my Unz article on the Cultural Revolution. And you might recommend listeners read The Unknown Cultural Revolution: Life and Change in a Chinese Village, by Dongping Han, an American history professor who grew to adulthood during the CR. It’s a wonderful little tale with interesting conclusions.

I’d be grateful if you’d introduce me as the publisher of the weekly newsletter, “Here Comes China!” It’s the only comprehensive source of accurate information about the country that I know of(!).

One Thought to “LIVE RADIO! Bill Whitehouse on Roots of the Current Crisis; Godfree Roberts on China & Cultural Revolution”

  1. William Gibbons

    Good topic. I’m looking forward to learning a lot.

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