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FFWN: Crimea Bloodbath: False Flags and the New Cold War

Crimea Bloodbath: False Flags and the New Cold War CONTRADICTIONS IN RUSSIAN MEDIA – TERROR SUSPECT IDENTIFIED AS VLADISLAV ROSLYAKOV Crimea bloodbath: College attack involved masked gunmen shooting at people witnesses tell RT Kerch attack suspect identified as college student killed himself – Crimea head Kerch Shooter Said to Have Identified with Movement for Ukrainian Independence. How a series of deadly Russian apartment bombings in 1999 led to Putin’s rise to power Doomsday Clock Ticks Towards Midnight Trump: U.S. to withdraw from arms treaty with Russia Gorbachev: Trump’s move to quit INF is ‘narrow-minded’…


E. Michael Jones: Kavanagh battle = “Catholics vs. Jews”—why can’t we talk about this?

Leading Catholic intellectual E. Michael Jones discusses his new article “The Hidden Grammar of the Kavanagh Hearings,” published in the November issue of Culture Wars. Jones first cites Pat Buchanan: “They rejected Brett Kavanaugh the day he was nominated. Why? Because the judge is a conservative and a Catholic, hence an unreliable vote to sustain Roe v. Wade…” Jones says Buchanan only tells half the story: “It was ultimately a Muslim who supplied the missing term to this equation. Kevin Barrett, who has been described as the Muslim H.L. Mencken, wrote a satirical piece for Veterans Today which portrayed the hearings as…


FFWN special: The Murder of Jamal Khashoggi in the Changing Business of Energy, Banking and War

The Murder of Jamal Khashoggi in the Changing Business of Energy, Banking and War 1. In an era of unbridled militarism, torture, debt enslavement, and journalistic malfeasance the murder of Jamal Khashoggi captures massive global attention 1.A Jamal Khashoggi, Washington Post, “Arab World Needs Free Expression,” 17 Oct./18 1.B Real News, “Khashoggi picked wrong prince say Prof. As’ad AbuKhalil 1.C. Picture- Prince Alwaleed bin Talal 1.D Picture-Prince Talal and Michael Jackson 1.E Picture-Prince Talal, Jamal Khashoggi and Bill Gates 1.F. Picture-Jamal Khashoggi, JK and Talal 1.G. Picture, Twitter Exchange between Prince Talal and Donald Trump 2. The Rise (and Fall?) of Saudi Crown…


Louisiana State Senator John Milkovich; Gordon Duff and Ian Greenhalgh on “Trump killed Khashoggi”

Listen HERE First hour: Louisiana State Senator John Milkovich is an uncommonly honest politician. He is a conservative family values guy who actually cares about ordinary working class folks and votes in their interests. But his uncommon courage goes beyond that. Exhibit A: Sen. Milkovich’s new book Robert Mueller: Errand Boy for the New World Order. As Sander Hicks reports, John Milkovich “gave the eulogy at the funeral of Dr. David M. Graham, who was killed for knowing too much about the 9/11 cover-up. Graham actually met two of the (alleged) 9/11 hijackers, ten months before 9/11, and reported to FBI…


Open Letter to Angela Merkel, re: Mounir el Motassadeq and Berlin Christmas false flag

Introduction: Elias Davidsson has done excellent work undermining the official stories of various terror PR stunts including 9/11 and the 26/11 Mumbai massacre. Here is his new letter to Angela Merkel on Mounir el Motassadeq, one of many Moroccans who have been falsely blamed for false flag terror events. Motassadeq was recently freed after spending almost two decades in prison for a crime, 9/11, that he had absolutely nothing to do with. –Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Open Letter to Mrs. Chancellor Angela MerkelDear Chancellor Merkel,I am writing to you regarding the fake terrorist attack that took place at a Christmas…


The Moroccans who saved my life

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Still finding it hard to believe I’m alive. Three days ago, while I was bodysurfing at Sidi Bouzid beach near El Jadida, Morocco, a freak wave slammed me head first into the sand, rupturing a disc in my neck and leaving me temporarily paralyzed between my waist and chin. I flopped helplessly in the breaking surf for a few minutes that seemed like forever, gasping for air when I could, emitting brief and feeble cries for help, and using my legs to try to shove myself shoreward. Totally underwater except during the rare moments when the…


Tribute to “Truth Troubadour” Vic Sadot (d. 10/6/18)

Will be posted HERE I’m very sorry to report that Vic Sadot, the “Truth Troubadour,” passed away this past weekend of as-yet-unknown causes. On Saturday October 6, Vic was supposed to show up at the Grand Lake Theater in Oakland, California with musical equipment for the “Was the 2016 Election Stolen?” event. When he failed to make it, a friend and colleague drove to his apartment, knocked on his door, and received no response. It took almost two hours to find a building manager to open the door. When they entered the apartment, “Vic appeared to have pushed his chair…


What is Behind “Russiagate”? by Mujahid Kamran

I have been traveling in Spain and Morocco, so I am a couple of weeks late posting this new piece by NWO researcher and physics professor Mujahid Kamran. His brand new book The World Order: How It Works, which develops his VT article of the same name, should be available soon.   –Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor What is Behind “Russiagate”? by Mujahid Kamran We will know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.                                 -Former CIA Director William Casey…


False Flag Weekly News is back! Kevin broadcasts live from Tarragona, Jeremy from Kansas

1) PSA: Help grown-ups stop believing in Santa Claus — support FFWN! Stolen Elections 2) PSA: Coming Saturday, October 6th  ONLINE CONFERENCE by donation  Was the 2016 election rigged for Trump?  Will the 2018 midterms be rigged too?  Did Bernie actually win the primaries over Hillary? 3) Oakland’s Grand Lake Theatre lets all ages see Michael Moore’s R-rated film, and Moore loves it The NYT also thinks there is a problem 9/11 5) 9/11 PTSD contagion infected America 6) 9/11 gave America PTSD: Limbic Warfare and Martha Stout’s “Paranoia Switch” 7) GOP-backed congressional candidate is a 9/11 truther 8)…


Test your internet IQ: Did Kavanagh REALLY Convert to Judaism?

I recently heard that someone fact-checked my article Kavanagh converts to Judaism to save Supreme Court nomination: Circumcision ceremony scheduled for noon tomorrow at National Cathedral. My friend D got an email from his Christian Zionist friend T as follows: D, I’ve done a fact check on the claim that Kavanagh is to convert to Judaism and I could find no credible evidence to support it – all I find were vague and obscure web sites about all manner of wacky unsubstantiated theories based on innuendo, speculation and assumptions that lead to erroneous conclusions, mainly to do with Left wing conspiracies that…

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