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Black Tuesday: Mourning the death of American democracy

This election day, whoever you vote for, dress in black to mourn the death of democracy. By Kevin Barrett, Bev Harris of suggests that you wear the color of the party you’re voting for on election day: blue for Democrat, red for Republican, green for Green, and so on. She says the black box voting machines, many owned by Mitt Romney, cannot be trusted to count your vote. So the only meaningful way to express your political preference is through the color of your clothing. But I say: Let’s dress in black for “black Tuesday” – to mourn…


Busting Larry Silverstein and the Likudniks!

Fri.  11/2/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) Update: Former lead BBC Middle East correspondent and 9/11 truth supporter Alan Hart will join us during the last segment of the first hour to discuss his new article Remembering Abu Jihad and why, really, the Israelis killed him. * * * “Larry and the Likudniks” sounds like a zio-nazi skinhead punk rock band. Unfortunately, they’re not a punk band – they’re a band of 9/11 criminals and genocide perps. And just because these creeps call themselves Jewish, doesn’t mean that Jews in general support them. Polls show that Jews,…


Bulldozing Islam: Israelis and Saudis plot destruction of holy sites, while Burma’s Buddhists annihilate Muslim towns

“The Israelis are always whispering threats about nuking Mecca if the Muslims get out of hand. But the way things are going, the Saudis may beat them to it. By the time the Israelis get there with their bombs, there won’t be anything left to destroy.” Read the whole article at Press TV


Holocaust apologist Jonathan Kay: A Bully Among the Truthers

Here is a terrific new review of Jonathan Kay’s anti-truth diatribe Among the Truthers.  The author, Yehuda Littman, is a young Orthodox Jewish man who has recently joined the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth. Yehuda is booked for today, Wednesday 10/31/2012, on Truth Jihad Radio. I hope he will return to debate Jonathan Kay – if Kay dares show his face after this! Jonathan Kay libels me outrageously, getting nearly all his facts wrong, in his book. Please help me find a pro bono libel lawyer! – KB Holocaust apologist Jonathan Kay: A Bully Among the Truthers by Yehuda Littman,…


Some Jewish-Muslim dialogue for Hallowe’en!

Mon.  10/31/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) How Jews appear to Muslims How Muslims appear to Jews It’s almost like we’re seeing each other in monster masks. Muslims, horrified by the Zionist genocide in Palestine, imagine that all Jews regard the goyim in general, and Arabs and Muslims in particular, as sub-human. Jews, terrorized by Holocaust memories and the “pre-traumatic stress disorder” of envisioning what might some day develop from the growing anti-Zionist backlash, imagine that Arabs and Muslims are the new Nazis. But rip off the masks, and Jews and Muslims both turn out to be…


Egypt’s president a 9/11 truther: less America-centrism offers hope for Truth movement

Great article here by Barrie Zwicker! (Read the whole article at  -KB Egypt’s president a 9/11 truther: less America-centrism offers hope for Truth movement By Barrie Zwicker, Truth and Shadows


Sander Hicks reports live from hurricane-battered NYC!

Live broadcast! Monday, October 29th, 6 to 7 pm Central; repeated Tuesday, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (then archived here a few hours after broadcast).  Sander Hicks reports from New York City, where he gave a talk this Saturday on The Art of Social Enterprise Creation. Earlier today, Sander narrowly escaped with his car and his life from the rising waters of the Hutchinson River in the Bronx. He describes huge oak trees crashing down on buildings, power lines coming down just a few feet from him, and other fearsome hurricane sights… Sander writes: “It was…


London calling! Gilad Atzmon, Ian Henshall on TJ radio

Mon.  10/29/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio  (archived here.)First hour: Gilad Atzmon, the acclaimed Israeli-born British saxophonist, is one of the world’s notable jazz musicians. His new book The Wandering Who? has provoked a mega-storm of praise and outrage, and become an underground best-seller. BG (before Gilad), anyone who suggested that the genocidal excesses of Zionism – and I would include 9/11 in that category – were inexorably linked to certain aspects of Jewish culture, was automatically assumed to be a benighted anti-Semite. Then Gilad Atzmon thoughtfully and passionately opened the door to reasoned discussion of this issue…and the…


Al-Qaeda operates on behalf of Israel, West

 -Press TV (watch video) The al-Qaeda mercenaries in Syria operate on behalf of the Israeli regime and the West, aiming to break up the Middle East and spread sectarianism, an analyst tells Press TV. Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri recently called for support for the foreign-backed insurgents in Syria in their fight against the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Meanwhile, despite a temporary truce that took effect in Syria on Friday, the insurgents launched attacks in several areas, killing dozens of people and injuring tens of others. Syria has been experiencing unrest since March 2011. Many people, including large numbers…


Mitt Romney Originally Planned to be in NYC on 9/11

Did Bibi “9/11 is very good” Netanyahu warn his old friend Mitt to stay away from Ground Zero on 9/11? Change of Schedule Saved Mitt Romney From Being Near the World Trade Center on 9/11 -Shoestring 9/11 blogMitt Romney, the Republican presidential candidate, was originally going to be at a public event near the World Trade Center on the morning of September 11, 2001, but a late change to his plans meant the event was rescheduled and he was out of harm’s way when the 9/11 attacks occurred. Romney is therefore one of a number of prominent individuals known to…

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