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9/11 truth wildfire still spreading—Ron Unz “comes out” with a bang

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor I have long suspected that Ron Unz, my favorite conservative intellectual, was a closet 9/11 truther. Now Ron has confirmed my suspicions. His new article “American Pravda: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories” is a barn-burner of a coming-out. Listen to Ron Unz discuss “Holocaust Denial” and the JFK assassination on my radio show. Alongside his own article Ron Unz has just published Laurent Guyénot’s “9/11 Was an Israeli Job.” Since almost all the other intellos committed mass suicide by drinking Charlie Hebdo kool aid in 2015, Dr. Guyénot has emerged as arguably the most important French intellectual…


Christopher Bollyn, Dean Henderson, and Cat Watters discuss 9/11 and more

Listen HERE Cat April Watters interviews me, Christopher Bollyn, and Dean Henderson on “who really did 9/11” and related topics. Christopher Bollyn is the author of Solving 9/11 and The War on Terror: The Plot to Rule the Middle East. Dean Henderson has authored five books including Big Oil and Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf.


Eric Walberg on “The ‘Protocols’ Revisited”

Listen HERE Eric Walberg, formerly a journalist with Egypt’s leading newspaper al-Ahram, is the author of The Canada Israel Nexus, From Postmodernism to Postsecularism, and Postmodern Imperialism. In this interview we discuss Eric’s latest essay, “The Protocols Revisited.” Eric’s take on the Protocols of the Elders of Zion is shockingly heretical: “The ‘elder’ly bile aside (pretty nasty stuff), it is in fact an series of 24 mostly articulate, well-argued lectures outlining a plan for world capitalist domination, with sharp political and social analysis, lots of Machiavelli and a Marxian sophistication in its understanding of capitalism and historical processes. Briefly, it…


Jonathan Simon on election rigging; Gideon Polya on anti-racist Jews vs. Zionism; Jim Fetzer on internet censorship

Listen live 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio  First hour: Jonathan Simon of the Election Defense Alliance discusses his book Code Red: Computerized Elections and the War on American Democracy. I cannot recommend this book too highly; it makes a persuasive case that wholesale voting-machine rigging has massively distorted US politics and government since around 2002, when black-box voting machines owned by right-wing Republicans started “counting” the votes…and exit polls, which used to be extremely accurate, suddenly started under-predicting Republican “surprise victories.” Those on the brink of exposing this high-stakes fraud have a habit of dying suddenly. Karl Rove’s top…


Lauren Booth, Rabia speak out on spirituality, politics, and much more!

Listen HERE Islamophobes (a category which includes many self-styled apostles of “tolerance” and other liberal virtues) often take a condescending and insulting attitude toward Muslim women. They imagine that women who feel liberated by Islam  are too stupid or naive to realize their actual condition as “slaves of the patriarchy.” And yet three quarters of Western converts to Islam are women—for the most part highly educated independent spirits. Maybe we should stop projecting Orientalist fantasies on Muslim women and let them speak for themselves. First 35 minutes: Activist author-journalist Lauren Booth talks about battling misconceptions and misinformation since accepting Islam in…


FFWN: Stop the assassination of liberty!

PSAs 1) Stop the assassination of liberty, support FFWN! 1a) PSA: Protest KPFA banning of Guns & Butter psa.jpg 2) Letter to the Editor: “Was 9/11 a ‘false-flag’ operation?” (write one yourself!) War on Free Speech 3) Bnai Brith lynch mob still persecuting Professor Anthony Hall 4) War on Alex Jones Goes Nuclear 5) Alex Jones’ Lawyer Seeks To Make Sandy Hook Parents’ Home Addresses Public 6) Constitution-shredding traitors cite Cass “jail the 9/11 truthers” Sunstein in call to ban “conspiracy theories” 7) How purging Alex Jones from social media could backfire spectacularly according to free speech advocates 8)…


Arab Dictatorships Collapsing? Al-Sisi, Bin Salman lashing out…and losing legitimacy

The two worst terrorist-supporting dictatorships in the Arab world—the al-Sisi regime in Egypt and the Bin Salman regime in Riyad—have simultaneously shot themselves in the foot. Within a few days, both regimes madly lashed out at human rights activists, revealing the psychological instability of the two dictators and the tenuousness of their hold on power, while further undermining their own legitimacy. On Monday the Saudis, led by the unstable egomaniac Bin Salman, committed one of the most outrageous public relations blunders in history by tweeting a threat to launch a 9/11 style attack against Canada. What did Canada do to…


FFWN 8/3/18: Trump briefed on 9/11

FFWN broadcasts live every Friday 11 to noon Eastern, then is archived right here 1) PSA: Help FFWN keep the 9/11 issue alive  9/11 Is Still THE Issue 2) 9/11 Memo to Trump: 27 experts brief the president 3) Senator Richard Blumenthal seeks declassification of last 9/11 documents Seymour Hersh: “I don’t buy ‘Bin Laden did 9/11’ story” 4) Legendary journalist Seymour Hersh on the truth behind novichok, the Russian hacking and 9/11 (this article was deep-sixed, then put back up) 5) Seymour Hersh, 9/11 truther War on Palestine 6) Concerns over Freedom Flotilla activists ‘beaten,…


Discussing Israel and hidden history with Ray McGovern and Cat April Watters

Listen HERE Cat April Watters of the Freedom Flotilla to Gaza recently invited me on her radio show…and when I got there, Ray McGovern was on the line. McGovern, a former CIA analyst, delivered the President’s Daily Brief in the 1980s, retired with a very respectable resumé, and became an activist and truth-speaker after his 1990 retirement, growing increasingly outspoken in response to the 9/11 wars. In this conversation, I bring up the two biggest shock-and-awe demonstrations of Zionist power in the USA—the Kennedy assassinations and 9/11—and argue that activists need to break down the discursive walls that prevent Americans from learning…


Peter Myers and Ed Corrigan on Helsinki, Zionism, and what it all means

Is the Zionist oligarchy split on Trump? Broadcasts LIVE Friday, July 20, 8 to 10 pm Eastern, Revolution.Radio First hour: Australian researcher Peter Myers discusses topics raised in his recent email digests (see below). Second hour: Canadian human rights lawyer Ed Corrigan continues the conversation. From Peter Myers: Trump calls off Cold War II; Deep State & Media go berserk (1) Jewish commentary on the Trump-Putin summit by Peter Myers, July 20, 2018 My readers are finely attuned to Jewish politics. And whilst we know that the MSM is overwhelmingly Jewish-owned and operated, it’s worth noting dissident Jewish voices too – lest…

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