Listen HERE First 25 minutes: Jason Unruhe of Maoist Rebel News and yours truly join Iranian broadcaster Press TV to discuss the rebellion in Baghdad’s Green Zone, where protestors angered by the US killing more than 30 members of Iraq’s armed forces are threatening to break into the American Embassy. Don’t miss the passionate 9/11 truth rant at the end of the segment (if you like that sort of thing). Note: Jason Unruhe agrees with Peter Myers that China is now an oppressive capitalist imperialist power, not a socialist country. Second half hour: Australian NWO researcher Peter Myers discusses the…
FULL ARTICLETag: peter myers
Peter Myers: Has the Pope Turned Pagan?
Listen HERE Broadcast live Fridays 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio, later archived at Australian New World Order researcher Peter Myers has just published “Pope Francis blesses Pachamama – a slide into paganism?” The article is reprinted below. Pope Francis blesses Pachamama – a slide into paganism? – by Peter Myers, Oct 27, 2019 Pope Francis has blessed Pachamama, an Inca goddess. Orthodox Jews and Evangelical Christians would see it as a slide into paganism, but the Catholic Church has practised religious syncretism for two thousand years. It has copied or borrowed themes from Ancient Egypt (the Madonna and…
FULL ARTICLEOpposing views on “right-wing populist surge in Australian & European elections”
Dr. Gideon Polya, an Australian scientist best known for his work on avoidable mortality (27 million Muslims murdered in the 9/11 wars, etc.) is not happy about the outcome of the recent Australian elections: “The right-wing, Trumpist and climate criminal Liberal Party-National Party Coalition has just won the 2019 Australian Federal election, defeating an earnest and altruistic Labor Party Opposition and gaining a bare majority in Parliament. The surprise defeat of the Labor Party came about because of neoliberal greed, support for the climate criminal Coalition from the racist One Nation Party, the Sinophobic and Trumpist United Australia Party of…
FULL ARTICLEPeter Myers on “possible false flag” Notre Dame fire; Greg McCarron on Mueller report and Russia-gate vs. Israel-gate
Listen HERE First hour: Australian NWO researcher Peter Myers writes of the tragic Notre Dame fire (and the simultaneous al-Aqsa fire, along with the earlier St. Sulpice fire and wave of attacks on French churches): “Consider the possibility that some of these are False Flag attacks like 911. Certain interests want Christians & Moslems to fight each other. The most important real estate in the world is the Dome of the Rock & Al Aqsa Mosque; some fanatics want to replace them with the 3rd Temple – from where, they believe, the Messiah will rule the world. Trump has already signed…
FULL ARTICLEPeter Myers and Ellen Brown on public banking, Green New Deal, Venezuela
Listen HERE First hour: Australian NWO researcher Peter Myers discusses the public banking movement—which seems to be picking up steam in several countries, including the USA. His most recent email digest of articles: AOC & Ellen Brown push Public Bank for Green New Deal. $ Hegemony ending – Michael Hudson (1) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wants to fund Green New Deal with a Public Bank (2) Germany’s Green Energy Revolution is funded with a Public Bank – Ellen Brown (3) Call for Canada Post to create a Postal Bank (4) If we bail out a bank, we’ll nationalize it – Italian gov’t (5)…
FULL ARTICLEPeter Myers solves the Malaysian Airlines MH370 Mystery—Official Report Hints at the Truth
By Kevin Barrett The recent “final but not really final” Official Report on the still-mysterious disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 expresses bafflement…puzzlement…befuddlement…and offers a double-strength dose of non-closure to the survivors. But it does offer a hint: The plane was disappeared by “unlawful interference.” The phrase “unlawful interference” would not be used to describe pilot suicide. Nor would it likely be employed to mean garden-variety terrorism. Instead, it is obviously a euphemism for some kind of interference with the flight conducted externally: possibly an accidental shootdown during a US-led war games exercise, but far more likely, a deliberate remote-hijacking.…
FULL ARTICLEPeter Myers and Ed Corrigan on Helsinki, Zionism, and what it all means
Is the Zionist oligarchy split on Trump? Broadcasts LIVE Friday, July 20, 8 to 10 pm Eastern, Revolution.Radio First hour: Australian researcher Peter Myers discusses topics raised in his recent email digests (see below). Second hour: Canadian human rights lawyer Ed Corrigan continues the conversation. From Peter Myers: Trump calls off Cold War II; Deep State & Media go berserk (1) Jewish commentary on the Trump-Putin summit by Peter Myers, July 20, 2018 My readers are finely attuned to Jewish politics. And whilst we know that the MSM is overwhelmingly Jewish-owned and operated, it’s worth noting dissident Jewish voices too – lest…
FULL ARTICLEJeff Brown, Peter Myers on China vs. US hegemony
Broadcast live, Friday, June 8, 8 to 10 pm Eastern, on http://Revolution.Radio First hour: Jeff Brown, author of China Rising.’ Second hour: Peter Myers of Topic: Peter Myers recently sent out the following email digest: China using Facial Recognition to control Uighurs, trapdoor in computers it supplied to African Union (1) The China Threat meets US hegemony (2) China using Facial Recognition to control Uighurs in Xinjiang (3) China has turned Xinjiang into a police state like Palestine, with Apartheid too (4) China planted a trapdoor in computers it supplied to headquarters of African Union (5) China’s ‘debtbook…
FULL ARTICLEKevin Barrett interviews Peter Myers on fake news, George Soros, and the New World Order
Broadcast here November 22nd 11 to noon Eastern. All my shows are available at my Patreon page – please subscribe and keep this program going! NOTE: THE VIDEO VERSION OF THIS INTERVIEW CAN BE VIEWED AT MY PATREON PAGE. Did newly-elected Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz eject George Soros’s foundations from the country? And is Kurz a 9/11 truther who was “red pilled” by watching Loose Change? Those claims were made last month in a YourNewsWire.comstory headlined “Youngest World Leader Bans George Soros’s Foundations From Austria.” But the claims are false. It’s fake news. Does that mean we should trust PolitiFact, the site thatdebunked the story?…
FULL ARTICLEA second (and third) opinion on Harvey Weinstein and the Jewish-Christian “culture wars”
This show broadcasts LIVE 8 to 10 pm Eastern Friday, October 27th at – click on Studio A – then gets archived about 24 hours later. For only $4 a month you can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads. Help Kevin keep these shows on the air – Click HERE! Joel Simpson First hour: Were Peter Myers and I “pursuing racism” in last week’s show Harvey Weinstein’s disgrace: A major event in the culture war? If so, I didn’t mean to be. But that was Joel Simpson’s first reaction. He wrote to a listener who had plugged the show:…