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What’s really happening in Egypt, part 3

Ramadan mubarak! I just weighed in with another piece on what’s really happening in Egypt:New World Order kills Egypt democracy You can look at it as part three of my series on Egypt. (Read part 1,  Egypt needs real Islamic revolution, and part 2, Egypt’s deniable coup: Another anti-Islam psy-op) Also posted Eric Margolis’s terrific piece on Egypt, with an introduction: So Much For Mideast Democracy


G. Edward Griffin joins the truth jihad!

Mon.  5/20/13, 3-5 pm Central,  American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) First hour: G. Edward Griffin‘s books and documentary films include the perennial bestseller The Creature from Jekyll Island – the best introduction to the checkered history of the Federal Reserve bankster conspiracy. Second hour: Live reports from Baraboo, Wisconsin, where farmer Vernon Hershberger (read my VT article about him) is in court defending food freedom – specifically, his right to produce raw milk, and the right of raw milk fans (including yours truly) to drink the stuff. Seriously, folks – even using the worst-case analysis, the alleged threat of raw…


Michael Collins Piper, Chris Rodda on TJ radio today

Wed.  5/15/13, 3-5 pm Central,  American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) First hour: Michael Collins Piper is one of the best-known voices in American independent media. “An old-style American progressive in the LaFollette-Wheeler tradition,” Piper has outpaced other progressives in calling attention to the depredations of the New World Order/Israeli lobby and its organized crime assets. Piper’s books include The New Babylon (an overview of the Rothschilds and the NWO), The Caiaphas Complex (a collection of essays focusing on the Zionist-driven post-9/11 agenda), The Confessions of an Anti-Semite (a deconstruction of Zionist propaganda techniques), and his latest offering Ye Shall Know…


Leading Islamic scholar Imran Hosein: Americans are awakening to false-flag terror plots!

Tuesday, April 23rd, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (then archived here a few hours after broadcast). Sheikh Imran Hosein is one of the world’s most accomplished Islamic scholars – and undoubtedly THE leading Islamic scholar of Islamic eschatology and world events. (If you can find any other Islamic scholars who are in his league on those topics, please let me know!) Today, Sheikh Imran Hosein and I will take up where yesterday’s conversation with Bishop Richard Williamson left off, concerning the spiritual/religious dimension of contemporary history. In the wake of the Boston bombing, Sheikh Imran Hosein…


Why I am not a secularist

Tuesday’s radio guest, Feroze Mithiborwala, thinks that secularism is the solution to the problems of religious extremism and religious conflict in South Asia, and around the world. I disagree. I think religious extremism and religious conflict are being created/exacerbated by the New World Order as part of its war on traditional religion. It’s the same old “problem-reaction-solution” method they always use. Religious extremism and violence is the problem; the public reacts against it; then they offer a secularist New World Order dictatorship, run by closet Satanists, as the solution.Below is my response to a pro-secularism message from Feroze.-KB Hi Feroze,…


Five good reasons not to nuke Washington, DC

Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Kim Jong-un’s Nuclear Threats By Kevin Barrett, When I heard that North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un was threatening to nuke Washington, DC, and “engulf the nation’s capital in a sea of flames,” my first thought was: “At last, a politician with a plan that could actually solve our nation’s most pressing problems.” The thought of Inside-the-Beltway Washington going up in flames brought joy to my heart. The politicians – incinerated! The lobbyists – carbonized! The Supreme Court – cremated! The Pentagon – a five-sided crème brûlée! AIPAC – reduced…


William Engdahl on The Fracked-Up USA shale gas bubble, Vera Blake on “Muslim convert” false-flag patsy James Holmes

Mon.  3/25/13, 3-5 pm Central,  American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) Call-in: 218-339-8525 First hour: Author William Engdahl is one of the world’s leading experts on energy/currency geopolitics and the New World Order.  His new article The Fracked-Up USA shale gas bubble begins:At a time when much of the world is looking with a mix of envy and excitement at the recent boom in USA unconventional gas from shale rock, when countries from China to Poland to France to the UK are beginning to launch their own ventures into unconventional shale gas extraction, hoping it is the cure for their energy…


Alex Jones is NOT a complete idiot, you idiots!

Piers Morgan may be terrified of Alex, but he can’t ignore him One thing I’ll say about Alex Jones: He elicits strong feelings, one way or the other. A lot of people really care about Alex. They want to talk about him. They want to argue about him. Some want to insult him. Others rush to defend him. Still others have something more nuanced to say. My article entitled “Is Alex Jones a complete idiot?” was actually pretty nuanced. Me, I like Alex. But I didn’t like him pissing on Hugo Chavez’s grave, so I went ahead and called him…

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