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G. Edward Griffin joins the truth jihad!

Mon.  5/20/13, 3-5 pm Central,  American Freedom Radio  (archived here.)

First hour: G. Edward Griffin‘s books and documentary films include the perennial bestseller The Creature from Jekyll Island – the best introduction to the checkered history of the Federal Reserve bankster conspiracy.

Second hour: Live reports from Baraboo, Wisconsin, where farmer Vernon Hershberger (read my VT article about him) is in court defending food freedom – specifically, his right to produce raw milk, and the right of raw milk fans (including yours truly) to drink the stuff. Seriously, folks – even using the worst-case analysis, the alleged threat of raw milk to human health is a fraction of the threat posed by alcohol and soft drinks. And unlike alcohol and soft drinks, raw milk actually has positive nutritional value. This issue is a no-brainer. Let people decide what they want to drink!

This is the first day of Vernon’s trial, which is expected to draw a crowd rivaling that at the Barnum & Bailey/ Ringling Brothers Circus down the street.

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