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Gordon Duff on Trump Impeachment

  Listen HERE Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans Today, discusses the looming impeachment of President Donald Trump. His articles on the topic include Blocked by Google on orders from Attorney General Barr: “NEO, The End of the Trump Presidency is Here”; “Informed Speculation: How the Right Took Down Trump, Now a “Dead Man Walking”; “So Far Beyond Watergate Read VT’s Hosted Whistleblower Complaint“; and “America’s Secret “First Couple.” Quotes from this interview: “The issue isn’t so much impeachment, as that someone absolutely pushed Donald Trump—and I think they were spiking his smurf dust—they pushed him towards a Constitutional crisis…there was…


Rex Tillerson is Right, Bibi Netanyahu Is a Liar—Like the Other Zionists

Press TV interview with Veterans Today Editor Kevin Barrett Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other current and former officials in the regime have spread lies about Palestine for decades in order to carry out their Zionist project of creating Israel, an American scholar says. Netanyahu “is an extreme psychopath and one of the most over-the-top liars and manipulators that we’ve ever seen in world politics,” said Kevin Barrett, an author, journalist and radio host with a Ph.D.  in Islamic and Arabic Studies. Netanyahu’s dishonest trait “is characteristic of Zionist and Israeli leadership over the past century,” Barrett told Press TV…


Hezbollah shattered Israel’s sense of impunity: Expert

Press TV Debate featuring Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor An American author and Middle East expert tells Press TV’s The Debate that Hezbollah’s recent response to Israel’s aggression signals limitation in the apparent impunity, with which the regime would attack others expecting little to no retaliation. On Sunday, Hezbollah struck an Israeli military vehicle, reporting casualties, including possible death of a general heading Israel’s Northern Command. Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah had earlier said his group would increase its defensive measures in the face of Israeli incursions after Israel killed two Hezbollah members fighting terrorists in Syria and crashed…


Israel’s aggression against Lebanon: Kevin Barrett vs. Lee Kaplan

Press TV Debate featuring Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Is Israel, which just attacked three of its neighbors within 24 hours, just a poor put-upon peace-loving nation that everybody hates for no reason at all? That’s the Lee Kaplan version of reality. In his latest Press TV Debate, Lee Kaplan says he can’t hear the questions. But his responses are exactly the same as in the many Debates in which he does hear the questions. He just keeps repeating “poor innocent little Israel, always attacked by big bad neighbors who hate the Jews.” That’s pretty much the whole extent of…


Greg Felton: “The United States is a Stupid Country Run by Stupid People”

 Listen HERE Canadian ex-MSM journalist Greg Felton says: “The United States is a stupid country run by stupid people who have no respect for reason.” WHAT?! Them’s fightin’ words, pardner! We also argue about religion, sacred violence and sacrifice, and the moon landings…but largely agree about Zionism and the 9/11 wars.


Trump should go back to Israel, where he comes from: Analyst

Press TV If US congresswomen from other descents need to go back to their countries as US President Donald Trump has suggested, then the American head of state himself should go to Israel where his allegiance lies, says an American scholar. Dr. Kevin Barrett, an academic and political scholar based in Wisconsin, made the remarks in the aftermath of racist tweets by Trump, who has called on several female lawmakers critical of his policies to return to their countries of origin. In a series of tweets on Monday, Trump said the congresswomen — three of them Muslims — were “spewing” “racist…


Was Israel behind 9/11? Adam Green vs. Elias Davidsson

Watch this week’s False Flag Weekly News featuring guest commentator Adam Green above; click HERE for links to the stories we covered. The week’s biggest story: “Newly Released FBI Docs Shed Light on Apparent Mossad Foreknowledge of 9/11 Attacks.” Adam Green of KnowMoreNews was the perfect co-host to discuss Israeli complicity in 9/11 in general, and the Dancing Israelis in particular. The Dancing Israelis affair, on the face of it, seems to prove Mossad foreknowledge (and approval) of the demolition of the World Trade Center. Along with other evidence, both hard and circumstantial, it suggests that—as Alan Sabrosky once informed his…


“Lawyers for Israel” censorship attempt quashed—victory for free speech

Click here to listen to my interview with Tony Gosling recorded prior to OFCOM’s decision Good news! Former BBC journalist Tony Gosling has won his battle with the Zionist censors. UK Lawyers for Israel had targeted his radio program, Politics This Week, in a complaint to OFCOM, the UK’s communications regulatory agency. The Zionist complaint against Tony alleged that his show is “being used for the propagation of conspiracy theories and extremist views.” Ofcom’s ruling in Tony’s favor is explained below.  – Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor UK Lawyers for Israel broadcasting regulator complaint against BCfm Politics show dismissed by Ofcom by…


“Al-Sisi’s a crypto-Jew!” My exposé (in Arabic) heading for 400K views

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor The original headline was “Al-Sisi’s a Jew, Egypt Is Israeli-Occupied Territory.” As my article went viral, quickly rocketing into the tens of thousands of reads, some ADL-type activist(s) complained to VT management, which obligingly changed the headline to “Jewish Al-Sisi Runs Egypt; Now an Israeli-Occupied Territory.” (That should stem the anti-Semitism pandemic!) The article was well into the hundreds of thousands of reads when somehow the counter got reset. But never fear! Along came al-Sharq TV to translate the article into Arabic and put it on prime time television. So now the Arabic version…


Washington Loyalty to Israel (Press TV Debate)

Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor, debates Maxine Dovere (again) Do many American politicians have mixed loyalty when it comes to which nation they should represent? One would think that they would represent the American people and be loyal to the United States. According to some American politicians who have seen national politics from the inside, the Israel lobby AIPAC is running the show and has bought the alleDogiance of many in Washington.

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