Daniel Bushell of Russia Today’s TruthSeeker just put out a great segment for 9/11 – I’m honored to be a part of it.
FULL ARTICLETag: inside job
Bulgarian bus bombing: More Israeli false-flag terror?
Laura Knight-Jadczyk on alternative history, Barbara Honegger on 9/11 events
Fri. 9/6/13, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) First hour: Laura Knight-Jadczyk is the author of Comets and the Horns of Moses: The Secret History of the World, Volume II, which outlines a fascinating alternative view of history and spirituality. Laura was one of the early voices exposing the 9/11 false-flag. She is also a leading figure calling attention to the importance of psychopathy in politics. (Her work was a major inspiration for my widely-read essay Twilight of the Psychopaths.) She works with the alternative news outlet Sott.net. Second hour: Barbara Honegger, former White House Policy Analyst, recently…
FULL ARTICLESyria chemical mayhem: Another Israeli false-flag?
Today’s Press TV op-ed: Syria chemical mayhem: Another Israeli false-flag? “On Wednesday – just hours after the massacre of hundreds of Syrians with chemical weapons – Israeli Minister of Military Affairs Moshe Yaalon claimed he knew who did it: The Syrian government…Christopher Bollyn reminds us: “Within minutes of the airplane crashes on 9/11, Ehud Barak (the founder and master of the Israeli military’s covert operation force, the Sayeret Matkal) was in the London studio of the BBC World ready to provide a plausible (and political) explanation to the world. Barak, the real mastermind of 9/11, was the first person to…
FULL ARTICLEAnother “9/11 Truth Graffiti Bombing “
More 9/11 truth graffiti! See also: 9/11 truth graffiti – Building 7?
FULL ARTICLE9/11/13 Million American March ignites media firestorm!
The Million American March Against Fear – originally the Million Muslim March, until non-Muslims started asking to join – is reaping a bonanza of publicity. Thanks to idiots like Sean Hannity, the Million American March appears likely to succeed in drawing a crowd to the National Mall in Washington DC on September 11th, 2001. The main sponsor of the March is the American Muslim Political Action Committee (AMPAC), founded by MD Alam and Isa Hodge. AMPAC currently enjoys a limited promotional budget, so any free publicity is useful. And Sean Hannity just handed AMPAC millions of dollars worth of publicity…
FULL ARTICLEMSNBC blames “deeply racist” Alex Jones for Boston bombings – because he has a bigger audience than they do?
I’ve been defamed by the lamestream media more than once. Hannity calls me “a nut.” The New York Times publishes an op-ed falsely accusing me of pushing my own political views on my students. O’Reilly calls for me to be murdered in a mob hit. National Post editor Jonathan Kay publishes a book calling me a “left wing Holocaust denier” and quotes me as saying insane things I never said. All in a day’s work. But MSNBC’s recent claim that “deeply racist” Alex Jones is responsible for the Boston bombing is a smear too far. I am not an uncritical…
FULL ARTICLETsarnaevs 9/11 truthers, not terrorists
“Why would a Muslim who knew that 9/11 was an anti-Islam PR stunt – and a disaster for Muslims – want to stage another 9/11-style attack on US civilians?” Full story: http://presstv.com/detail/2013/08/09/317875/tsarnaevs-911-truthers-not-terrorists/ See also the Boston Globe report on which the above op-ed is based: http://m911t.blogspot.com/2013/08/tsarnaevs-911-truthers-not-terrorists.html
FULL ARTICLEAbsurd US ‘terror alert’ hints at coming false-flag
“The US government has issued a worldwide travel alert for the entire month of August. To show it means business, it has closed 21 embassies and consulates around the world. “The US authorities say that ‘al-Qaeda’ terrorists may attack Western targets this month. Where? Anywhere on the planet. How? Nobody knows. Why? That is a very good question. “No specific information whatsoever about this alleged terror threat has been released.” Full story: http://presstv.com/detail/2013/08/04/317140/us-terror-alert-hints-at-falseflag/
FULL ARTICLEPsychology professor demonstrates: “Conspiracy theorists” OK; government dupes clueless, humorless
Coast to Coast Radio just canceled its plans to broadcast a show tonight on my widely-read Press TV article on research suggesting that “conspiracy theorists” are saner than government dupes. They replaced it with “whales and dolphins in captivity.” Full story: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/07/27/c2c-conspiracy/