Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Scientist Josh Mitteldorf, trained in physics and accomplished in biology, is not afraid to ask taboo questions about such incendiary issues as UFOs, ESP, free energy, weaponized weather, hidden history, and of course the kinds of political conspiracies discussed on this show. Among his recent posts is “Anomalies, mysteries, conspiracies…maybe they are all related.” It ends with this remarkable hypothesis: “The story of our universe is the story of Consciousness creating a domain for itself and a playground for its myriad dissociated aspects. A very particular set…
FULL ARTICLETag: holocaust
Hamas Killed Six Million Jews in Gas Chambers on October 7th, BBC Hears
BBC by way of Dissociated Press The BBC has seen and heard evidence of the murder of six million Jews in gas chambers during the 7 October Hamas attacks. WARNING: CONTAINS EXTREMELY GRAPHIC DESCRIPTIONS OF GAS CHAMBERS AND RELATED ATROCITIES Several people involved in collecting and identifying the bodies of the six million Jews killed in the attack told us they had seen multiple signs of death by Zyklon B, including blue or pink skin, Auschwitz tattoos, and scribbled notes saying “is this a shower room?” Video testimony of an eyewitness at the Nova music festival, shown to journalists by Israeli…
FULL ARTICLEElon Musk Says “No Choice” But to Kill Six Million Israeli Jews
Elon Musk, reeling from an anti-Semitism scandal, has upped the ante. In a sit-down interview posted online by the Israeli Government Press Office, Musk clearly stated that the world has no choice but to kill six million Israeli Jews. Here is the quote, word-for-word: “There’s no choice but to kill those who insist on murdering civilians.” 90% of the Israeli Jewish population—slightly over six million Jews—insist on murdering civilians. Israel has murdered about 20,000 civilians in Gaza in six weeks—over 15,000 whose bodies have been counted and identified, and more than 5000 who are still rotting beneath the rubble of…
FULL ARTICLEMandatory Palestinian Holocaust Denial Bills Draw Bipartisan Support
Dissociated Press Bills introduced yesterday in the Florida State Legislature and US Congress would outlaw references to the Palestinian Holocaust—and make Palestinian Holocaust denial mandatory. Under the federal bill, supported by President Biden, violators would be fined up to one million dollars and imprisoned for up to 30 years. The Florida bill, written by allies of Governor Ron DeSantis, imposes the death penalty on Palestinian Holocaust affirmers. The DeSantis bill also includes an enhancement provision specifically targeting violators of Palestinian ethnicity. Under the bill, if an individual of Palestinian ethnicity refuses to deny the Palestinian Holocaust, that person’s entire extended…
FULL ARTICLEIsrael’s United Nations Ambassador Threatens to Gas Himself If UN Doesn’t Condemn Hamas
Dissociated Press Last Monday Gilad Erlan, Israel’s UN ambassador, brandished a yellow star—and said he wouldn’t take it off until the UN condemned Hamas. Erlan’s UN colleagues, as well as some Israeli officials, rolled their eyes. Erlan, angered by the frosty reception, got an Auschwitz-style number tattoo at his local tattoo parlor and spent Tuesday flashing it at his colleagues. Most were unimpressed. But the ambassadors from Tuvalu, the Maldives, and Liechtenstein all said it looked very nice. Now Erlan is upping the ante. Still wearing the yellow star and sporting the tattoo, the Israeli ambassador told the General Assembly…
FULL ARTICLEAnthony Blinken Offers SHOCKING Admission in “Holocaust Survivor” Speech
US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken touched down this morning in Doha, Qatar, to negotiate the release of Americans held by Hamas. Shortly before Blinken’s speech, it seems that the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, dosed the US Secretary of State’s coffee with scopolamine, colloquially known as “truth serum.” Below is a text of Blinken’s speech. Speech by Anthony Blinken in Doha, Qatar October 20, 2023 Good morning. My name is Anthony Blinken. Today is my 996th day as U.S. Secretary of State. And this is the 839th time I’ve flown to a foreign country and…
FULL ARTICLEFFWN: “The Holocaust” vs. Nuclear Holocaust
Full uncensored FFWN posted above by 1pm Eastern time Saturdays PSA 1) Help FFWN vs. Holocausts Nuke-iversaries 2) The US Nuked Nagasaki 78 Years Ago Today. “Oppenheimer” Barely Mentions It. 3) The Atomic Bombings of Japan Were Based on Lies 4) The Nuclear Plan to Decapitate Russia and China (and the Planet) 5) Addressing “The” Holocaust in an Era of Heightened Danger of Nuclear Holocaust COVID/Vax Holocaust? 6) More young Americans are dying – and it’s not COVID. Why aren’t we searching for answers? 7) Covid was very profitable for hospitals: Turns out that conspiracy…
FULL ARTICLEJafar Ramini on 75th Anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba—Which He Experienced at Age 5
Listen HERE Jafar Ramini, Palestinian writer and political analyst, joins us from Australia to discuss the recent 75th anniversary of the Nakba—the “Palestinian Holocaust”—which he experienced personally: “Jafar was born in Jenin, Northern Palestine on May 21st, 1943. He was 5 years old when he and his family had to flee the terror of the Zionist militia. He lived in London for 53 years, before emigrating to Perth, West Australia two years ago. Jafar will be 80 years old tomorrow. Justice for the people of Palestine is his life-long commitment.” For more on this issue, check out my new American…
FULL ARTICLEHolocaust in Palestine: 75 Years (with Palestinian refugee Johnny Punish on VT Radio)
VT Radio Al-Nakba (The Nakba), also known as the Palestinian Catastrophe, was the destruction of Palestinian society and homeland in 1948, and the permanent displacement of a majority of the Palestinian Arabs by Euro Colonists with guns and ideas of Judenstat built on the blood of a people who had ZERO to do with the German Euro-Holocaust.
FULL ARTICLEBill Gates: “COVID Vaccines Are The Final Solution.” ADL: “That’s Anti-Semitic!”
Dissociated Press The Anti-Defecation League has demanded that Bill Gates apologize for calling COVID vaccines “the Final Solution.” At a press conference in Basel, Switzerland, ADL chief Jonathan Greenbutt read a prepared statement flaying Gates for his insensitivity to Jewish suffering. “There is only one Final Solution,” Greenbutt intoned, “and that is the sacred six-million-victim big-H Holocaust. If Bill Gates thinks he can erase the memory of Hitler’s six million Jewish victims by killing six billion people and calling that the Final Solution, he needs to know that he’s shall I put it…anti-Semitic.” Greenbutt explained that the ADL owns the…