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Gordon Duff: The C*A Showed Me Secret UFO Documents—Followed by Close Encounter

Listen HERE Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans Today, describes how he was shown top secret UFO documents, then was buzzed by a gigantic (space?)craft. All this by way of discussion of Gordon’s article “Why No One Should Vote.” Among the questions pondered therein: Why did an idiot nation elect an idiot (and worse) president? Is it a multi-generational fascist plot? Are there insectoids among us? Are the aliens breeding us for stupidity? Or as Gordon puts it: “Do entities from off planet, unseen that may have been here for millions of years, perhaps less, exist, do they interact with chosen…


LIVE RADIO! Gordon Duff on “Why No One Should Vote”; David Swanson on “Leaving WW2 Behind”

Listen live 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio First hour: Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans Today, joins us to discuss “Why No One Should Vote.” Among the questions pondered therein: Why did an idiot nation elect an idiot (and worse) president? Is it a multi-generational fascist plot? Are there insectoids among us? Are the aliens breeding us for stupidity? Or as Gordon puts it: “Do entities from off planet, unseen that may have been here for millions of years, perhaps less, exist, do they interact with chosen groups of humans and are they directing the mayhem we see…


Atty. Thomas Willcutts on Science Propaganda Machine & COVID Censorship

Listen HERE Attorney Thomas Willcutts disagrees with many of last week’s guest Gordon Duff‘s assertions about COVID-19. He argues that the “scientific consensus” supporting universal masking, lockdowns, Orwellian contact-tracing, and vaccines, and opposing HCQ, is questionable. Willcutts argues that propagandists “employ widespread control of media, fear, and anti-science ridicule, as well as pervasive control and policing of academic publishing and funding” to push self-interested perspectives and fabricate a “mainstream scientific consensus” on issues ranging from COVID to climate change to 9/11. Thomas Willcutts disagrees with Gordon Duff’s claims that a consensus of experts agrees HCQ doesn’t work, and that dissident doctors…


Gordon Duff Says Israel Nuked Beirut

Listen HERE Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans Today, has been on a roll lately with such articles as “After-Report on the Nuclear Attack on Beirut,” “Breathtaking: Case Closed, Infrared Video Reveals Details of Israeli Nuclear Missile,” “Israel Hits Beirut with Nuclear Missile, Trump and Lebanese Govt. Confirm,” and “Did the Missile/Fertilizer/Fireworks Explosion Miss the ‘Warehouse?- New Impact Photos.” And how does the nuking of Beirut relate to “Trump’s Secret War Plan for the South China Sea“? Tune in and find out.


LIVE RADIO! Prof. Tony Hall on Corona/Beirut WW3, Gordon Duff Says Israel Nuked Beirut

Listen live 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio First hour: Prof. Emeritus Anthony Hall, Globalization Studies, University of Lethbridge, discusses Beirut/BLM-Antifa/COVID—and wonders whether all of these bizarre phenomena of 2020 are part of an escalating hybrid war. If so, the author of that war would presumably be the same bankster cabal that gave us the world wars of the 20th century. We’ll discuss various analyses of the Beirut bombing including Thierry Meyssan’s “Israel destroys East Beirut with a new weapon,” Taxi’s “The US, Israel, and Beirutshima,” Richard Silverstein’s “Israel Bombed Beirut,” and the Gordon Duff articles referenced below. Anthony…


Gordon Duff: USA Is a Narco-State

Listen HERE Intro: Shout out to Thievery Corporation & “Culture of Fear.”  First half hour: Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans Today, says the USA has suffered a hostile takeover by organized crime (whose current top dog is Semion Mogilevich) and has become a narco-state.  It turns out that letting the CIA dominate the global drug trade since World War II wasn’t such a good idea after all. Letting the bad guys kill JFK in broad daylight was also a mistake. Opening our doors to the Russian-Zionist mob in the 1990s, then acquiescing to the 9/11 false flag, probably wasn’t…


Myers-Brown Debate Pt. 2; Gordon Duff on Soleimani murder & looming WW3

Listen HERE First 30 minutes: Ellen Brown and Peter Myers continue their debate on the rise of China. Final 30 minutes: Gordon Duff, Senior Editor at Veterans Today, discusses Trump’s murder of Gen. Qassem Soleimani and what it portends for the rest of 2020. Hint: It isn’t good! Gordon just published “Trump’s War on Iran: A Bullet in the head for America.” Excerpt: “General Soleimani is being smeared as is the Quds Force.  For those of us who know the facts, who are combat veterans and security specialists, Soleimani is Robert E. Lee (yes, VT would keep his statues up despite…


FFWN: Gordon Duff on “The Scramble of October 2019, a New World”

Broadcast Fridays live 11 to noon Eastern on PSA  1) Help Us Defeat MSM Denial Monkeys—Support FFWN! Turkey-Syria: Invasion or Solution? 2) Gordon Duff: The Scramble of October 2019, a New World   and the brand new 3) Syrian army to deploy along Turkish border in deal with Kurdish-led forces 4) Covering the tracks? US jets BOMB own base in Syria as troops retreat 5) Fake news fail! ABC claims footage from Kentucky gun range shows Turkish attack on Kurdish civilians 6) Westerners who propped up Islamist ‘moderate rebels’ suddenly realize they’re terrorists as they launch ‘genocide’ of Kurds 7) One…


Gordon Duff on Trump Impeachment

  Listen HERE Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans Today, discusses the looming impeachment of President Donald Trump. His articles on the topic include Blocked by Google on orders from Attorney General Barr: “NEO, The End of the Trump Presidency is Here”; “Informed Speculation: How the Right Took Down Trump, Now a “Dead Man Walking”; “So Far Beyond Watergate Read VT’s Hosted Whistleblower Complaint“; and “America’s Secret “First Couple.” Quotes from this interview: “The issue isn’t so much impeachment, as that someone absolutely pushed Donald Trump—and I think they were spiking his smurf dust—they pushed him towards a Constitutional crisis…there was…


Veterans Today Editors Gordon Duff and Jim Dean on anti-Iran false flag, Trump crimes, and more

Broadcast Fridays live 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio First hour: Jim Dean, Managing Editor of Veterans Today, is well known for his pithy introductions to articles exposing what’s really going on in the world, especially the Middle East. Recent topics he has covered include: The launch of INSTEX, a European instrument designed to bust Trump’s anti-Iran sanctions; US-run concentration camps in Syria; the indictment (and hopefully conviction and ruination) of 9/11 suspect “Bibi” Netanyahu; the collapse of Pompeo and Bolton’s anti-Iran Warsaw conference; and more. We will presumably also discuss the Trump regime’s witch-hunt against the Tehran-based New…

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