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Bill “Kill ’em All” Maher: Smirky Avatar of West’s DeathCult

Bill Maher hates people and wants to kill them. The islamophobia industry says “Islam is a culture of death.” They point to the fierce warriors of Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan – wherever an Islamic country has been invaded – who say: “We love death as much as you love life.” The islamophobes are missing the point. What the fierce Islamic warriors are really saying is: “We’re not afraid to die, because our cause is just.” They’re saying: “You Western Zionist-slave chickenshit pussies blow up our women and children from hundreds of miles away with drones and bombs and missiles because you’re…


Islamophobic NY subway ad improved!

(read this at my newly revamped website) My rant about the Islamophobic NY subway ads went viral and got 3,000 hits in one day. Since there is no way in hell that the 9/11-complicit mobbed-up Zionist courts in New York are going to allow comparable anti-Jewish ads equal time with the anti-Muslim ads, this is a violation of the First Amendment’s decree that all religions must be treated equally. When unconstitutional acts occur, extreme measures are called for. Blowing up the NY subway system and/or killing everyone responsible for putting up the Islamophobic ads (which is what the terrorist Jewish…


Buddhist Monks Screaming for Genocide: A new punk band?

Genocidal skinhead Buddhist monks in Myanmar take to the streets screaming for the extermination of the Rohingya people . Somehow, Buddhists have convinced many Americans that they represent a kinder, gentler religion.  Not in Myanmar. There, super-nationalistic Buddhist thugs are a prime force behind the effort to exterminate nearly one million Rohingya Muslims – “the most persecuted minority in the world” according to the UN. What can you say to “Buddhists” like this? “Nazi monks fuck off!”? Somebody should take these skinheads bowling.


Don’t believe the Islamophobic hype!

Hello Kevin, I’ve raised the issue of Muslim extremism with you before. An anxious friend sent me the attached link:  and it does certainly seem to augur vast changes in Europe, and not for the better.  The West is in moral decline,  which lends ammunition to the extremist Muslim position. But Shariah law is in such deadly opposition to Western values it’s difficult to see anything but an extremely violent outcome, if developments continue as predicted here.  As usual, the majority are silent, while a very small, fanatical minority takes control. Cannot moderate Muslims rein these people in?  Or…


US rewarding Myanmar for massacring Muslims

  US accomplice to Rohingyas massacre in Myanmar: Analyst A political analyst says the United States is responsible for the genocide of the minority Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar, Press TV reports. “The United States of America bears responsibility for this genocide, since the US has been rewarding the Myanmar regime with ever-closer political and economic ties during recent months of accelerating atrocities,” Kevin Barrett wrote in an article published on Press TV Website.ll (full Press TV story here) * * * Open Letter to American Buddhists: Please Stop the Myanmar Genocide! By Kevin Barrett,  Press TV Dear American Buddhist brothers…


Is the Pentagon developing genocidal anti-Islam bio-weapons?

  Press TV   An apparent Pentagon video, leaked by the hacker group Anonymous, details US military plans to develop and deploy a biological weapon that would destroy people’s receptivity to religion in targeted Muslim populations. The proposed bio-weapon would be distributed in flu vaccines in Muslim countries. It would alter human genomic expression to produce a sort of “chemical lobotomy,” destroying the part of the brain associated with religiosity and spirituality.  (read my Press TV article)


Oliver Villar: It’s a war FOR drugs & a war OF terror!

Tuesday, July 31st, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (archived here a few hours after broadcast).Guest: Oliver Villar, author (with Drew Cottle), Cocaine, Death Squads and the War on Terror: US Imperialism and Class Struggle in Columbia. If the “criminal state” known as Israel is the Empire’s dagger in the heart of the Middle East, another criminal state – Columbia – is the imperial dagger in the heart of Latin America. In both cases, the Empire is waging Orwellian “wars” supposedly against terror and drugs. But in reality, these are wars OF terror and FOR drugs…wars of…


Suu Ky’s silence on oppression of Muslims shocking: Analyst

Rohingya people trying to cross the Naf river into Bangladesh to escape the genocide The West, led by the US, is pouring huge sums of money into Myanmar (Burma) and blathering about the supposed “democratization” of that long-time human rights pariah nation. Meanwhile, the Rohingyas – a Muslim ethnic group called “the most persecuted group in the world” by the UN – are facing slow-motion extermination. Though they’ve lived there for centuries, Burma’s government refuses to grant them citizenship, and is trying to get rid of them. Mass murder, pogroms, the burning of homes and mosques – the usual tools…


Deface 9/11!

A genocidal satanic icon, erected by war criminals, was recently greatly improved by someone with a can of spray paint. The official story of 9/11 is a satanic, idolatrous false religion. It is an evil idol, and it must be smashed. The story that Muslims did 9/11 is patently false. Yet this big lie launched the mass murder of more than a million Muslims – an act of genocide. Imagine: A group of Nazis slaughters 3,000 innocent Christian children, drains them of blood, and sells the “official story” that Jews butchered the children and drank their blood. A war on…


My letter to journalists covering 9/11

See the original of this amazing image full-scale – and zoom in to look at the pixels! I have sent the letter below to many dozens of journalists who have requested interviews with 9/11 family members, and copied it to those organizing 9/11 remembrance events. I have also taken to posting a short version as a comment on offending articles (example here). Dear (name of journalist), One of the approximately 50% of 9/11 family members who rejects the official story of 9/11 informs me that you are a journalist who is covering the 10th anniversary of 9/11. You and other…

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