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FFWN: “Top Secret 9/11-like Coronavirus Response”

PSA  1) Help us keep you informed—and amused! Give generously to FFWN 9/11 Lives! 2) Peer-Reviewed Journal Publishes Article on Academic Resistance to 9/11 Truth. Outright Hostility Ensues. 3) World Trade Center Blueprints Found in Trash Up for Sale 4) A Record of Major High-Rise Fires Worldwide “Top Secret 9/11-like” Coronavirus Response?! 5) US Intel Agencies Played Unsettling Role in Classified and “9/11-like” Coronavirus Response Plan 6) The Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic: The Real Danger is “Agenda ID 2020” 7) Dirty money: The case against using cash during the coronavirus outbreak (CNN propaganda for cashless society) 8) William Engdahl: Will Rockefellers…


Kevin MacDonald on escalating censorship; Peter Myers says coronavirus was made in a lab

Broadcast live 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Kevin MacDonald, Professor Emeritus of  Psychology at California State University–Long Beach, discusses escalating censorship, Trump and competing elites, the white identity movement circa 2020, the presidential race, and of course coronavirus and its implications. We’ll also touch on his most recent book Individualism and the Western Liberal Tradition: Evolutionary Origins, History, and Prospects for the Future. Second hour: Peter Myers argues that coronavirus was made in a lab—”most likely from Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV)….All such P4 labs  (BSL-4 labs) develop both weapons and vaccines, the vaccines being a protection…


Truth-Teller & Devil-Shamer Gerard Menuhin Pushes Back Against Censorship…with Two New Books!

Listen HERE Gerard Menuhin descends from an illustrious line of rabbis. Both his father (the famous violinist Yehudi Menuhin) and grandfather (Moshe Menuhin) were peace activists and anti-Zionists. Gerard has taken their activism several steps further. His 2016 book Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil (read it free here, buy it here) is eloquent, incendiary, and infused with the kind of prophetic rage that gatekeepers, censors, and inquisitors falsely label “hate.” It has been banned from various nations and platforms, and was even the object of a police raid on his house. His two new books, the darkly humorous play…


Professor Anthony Hall: We Need Free Speech on Coronavirus

Listen HERE Anthony Hall, Professor Emeritus of Globalization Studies (University of Lethbridge) and editor of American Herald Tribune, is the author of a brand-new six-part series on Wuhan virus “conspiracy theories” and free speech: [Complete article] [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6] Mainstream media have used the Wuhan coronavirus crisis as a cudgel to bash China. The main talking point: China’s authoritarian system, with its restrictions on free communications and freedom of the press, has supposedly impeded an effective response to the pandemic. Yet these same MSM outlets have also tried to restrict the debate—by labeling uncensored speech on…


Michael Howard (American Herald Tribune) on “The Iranian Black Legend”

Listen HERE Judging by his photo, American Herald Tribune writer Michael Howard doesn’t look old enough to remember the 1960s and 1970s. But he seems fully up to speed on the propaganda “black legend” that’s been blasting out BS about Iran ever since the 1979 Islamic Revolution. In this interview we discuss the insanity of American foreign policy, especially its mad infatuation with nuclear weapons and Zionism, its Iranophobia, and its clumsy aggression towards Russia and China, forcing those two nations to form an alliance against the declining US (ex-)hegemon. Note: The American Herald Tribune has recently come under attack…


Banned from Facebook for Posting the Official Iranian Slogan Mourning Gen. Soleimani

by Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Facebook says my post, pictured above, “goes against our standards on dangerous individuals and organizations.” Apparently they think that Iran’s top military leader Gen. Qassem Soleimani was a “dangerous individual” and that the nation of Iran is a “dangerous organization.” They are insane. Iran has not attacked another country in centuries (some say millennia). Gen. Soleimani, the man who defeated ISIS, by far the most popular man in Iran, was the greatest anti-terrorist commander in modern history. Trump, who murdered Soleimani and repeatedly lied about the pretext—a narcissistic illiterate psychopathic nutjob with his finger…


Alan Sabrosky and Jeremy Rothe-Kushel on Madman Trump’s Attack on Iran, and More

Listen HERE Two legendary truth warriors, Dr. Alan Sabrosky (“The Most Censored Man in America“) and Jeremy Rothe-Kushel discuss Trump’s war on Iran…and the neocon-Zionist power behind it. Among other topics, we discuss Jeremy’s hypothesis that Iran’s accidental shootdown of Ukrainian airliner PS752 could have been the result of cyber-hacking of Iran’s Russian-supplied air defense equipment. Alan Sabrosky, Ph.D, spent ten years in Marine Corps. He is the former Director of Studies at the United States Army War College’s Strategic Studies Institute where he held the position of The Douglas MacArthur Chair of Research. Some view Dr. Sabrosky, the best known…


Ken Meyercord on Trump’s Insane War on Iran, and Other Free Speech Issues

Listen HERE Ken Meyercord is the author of “Immoral Injury,” the heart of my recent Veterans Today post “Trump’s Shameless Murder of Soleimani Will Kill Thousands of US Troops—By Suicide.” Ken is also a fearless truth warrior who attends think-tank-sponsored events in the Washington, DC area and asks the hard questions. Watch him intervene during the Q&A at the SETA Foundation’s forum on US war on Iran (at the 1:02:50 minute mark) asking about a near-future Iran-liberates-Iraq-from-US-occupation scenario. Concerning which, he writes: “The SETA event took place on Tuesday, before Iran retaliated with missiles. The moderator collected 5 questions at…


FFWN: Criticism of Israel Now Banned by Executive Order (with E. Michael Jones)

Broadcasts Fridays 11 to noon Eastern on PSAs 1) Support FFWN…It’s Double-Plus Ungood! 2) Road to 9/11 Justice? A Year-End Update from the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry 2.5)  #FreeJahar : Innocent Boston Marathon patsy begins appeal to overturn his death sentence   Evidence he’s innocent: Saudis, Pensacola, & 9/11 3) Six Saudis Said to Be Questioned After Pensacola Navy Base Shooting 4) Three Were Filming Attack 5) Flashback: 9/11 “Hijacker” Patsies Lived and Trained at Pensacola Naval Air Station 6) Saudi murders revive 9/11’s unanswered questions Impeachment 7) Kissinger Opposes Impeachment (Posted by pro Trump Sinclair Employee James Rosen) Anti-Semitism:…


Creg Nelson Discusses His Defamation Suit Against the SPLC

Listen HERE Craig Nelson is suing the Southern Poverty Law Center for defamation. As he wrote in his interview with Linh Dinh: “…while white males are only 30 percent of the US population, we are, according to the Centers for Disease Control, a mind-blowing 70 percent of the nation’s suicides. “It became obvious to me the country was experiencing a public health crisis, and it was getting virtually no attention. That led me to develop the Robinson Jeffers Boxing Club, a 13-week residency program combining healthy eating, exercise, and academic study including philosophy, literature, math, music, history, and, to help…

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