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FFWN: Criticism of Israel Now Banned by Executive Order (with E. Michael Jones)

Broadcasts Fridays 11 to noon Eastern on PSAs 1) Support FFWN…It’s Double-Plus Ungood! 2) Road to 9/11 Justice? A Year-End Update from the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry 2.5)  #FreeJahar : Innocent Boston Marathon patsy begins appeal to overturn his death sentence   Evidence he’s innocent: Saudis, Pensacola, & 9/11 3) Six Saudis Said to Be Questioned After Pensacola Navy Base Shooting 4) Three Were Filming Attack 5) Flashback: 9/11 “Hijacker” Patsies Lived and Trained at Pensacola Naval Air Station 6) Saudi murders revive 9/11’s unanswered questions Impeachment 7) Kissinger Opposes Impeachment (Posted by pro Trump Sinclair Employee James Rosen) Anti-Semitism:…


FFWN: The War on “Conspiracy Theories” (with E. Michael Jones)

Broadcast live every Friday 11 to noon Eastern on PSA 1) Help FFWN Push Back Against MSM Stooges MSM vs. “Conspiracy Theories” 2) CBS fires employee tied to leak of ABC hot mic video on Epstein: report 3) CONSPIRACY THEORIST Labour activist who wants to unseat Boris Johnson claimed US government was behind 9/11 attack 4) Tulsi Gabbard: U.S. Government ‘Is Hiding the Truth’ on 9/11 Terror Attacks 5) MSM Blasts Gabbard’s “9/11 Conspiracy Theories” 6) NYT Bashes Trump “Conspiracy” Tweets—But Like Trump, Can’t Discern Which “Conspiracy Theories” Are True 7) Prof. Offers Vague, Banal Evolutionary Explanation for “Conspiracy Theories”…


FFWN: Bolton Fired on Eve of 9/11 Anniversary (With Guest Commentator E. Michael Jones)

PSAs 1) Celebrate Bolton’s departure & support FFWN 2) 9/11 Anniversary Events — Watch the Ones You Missed 9/11 Anniversary 3) Most Americans Who See Collapse of Building 7 Doubt Official Story, Survey Finds 4) Explosives used on 9/11 say commissioners 5) Neocon New Republic: 9/11 Brought Orwellian Dystopia, Maybe We Shouldn’t Have Blown Up the WTC 6) Never Forget: Israeli Operatives Masterminded and Committed 9/11 7) Son of Neocon Human Sacrifice Ritual Victim Chants Myth, Chastises Heretics—Offering Undying Support to His Mother’s Killers 8) RT Founder Lesin Was Murdered for Allowing 9/11 Truth—Now They Spew Zionist “Blame and Genocide the…


“Moon Landing Skeptic” unveils true identity; E. Michael Jones on Jewish privilege, white identity, and Jeffrey Epstein

Listen HERE Note: Video versions of both of these shows will be available for my Patreon subscribers. First half hour: The viral article The Moon Landings: A Giant Hoax for Mankind? elicited more than 1,500 comments on last April. The new updated version on Veterans Today is even better. It may be the best short introduction to the question of why so many people doubt that Americans really walked on the moon between 1969 and 1972. (The best three-hour introduction is Massimo Mazzucco’s film American Moon.) So who exactly is “Moon Landing Skeptic”? Listen to this show and find out. (Hint: He…


Afghan politicians call for unconditional ceasefire

Press TV interview with Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor, and E. Michael Jones Afghanistan’s political figures have called for an unconditional ceasefire across the country, as a peace summit concludes in the capital, Kabul. Several Afghan leaders present at the traditional Grand Assembly said they wanted to see an immediate end to years-long hostilities in the country. Thousands of Afghan officials have attended the summit known as Loya jirga to discuss peace talks with the Taliban. They also talked about the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan. The Taliban have dismissed the assembly’s call for a truce, saying its decisions…


E. Michael Jones: My translator may be thrown in jail

Listen HERE E. Michael Jones, a leading Catholic intellectual and editor of Culture Wars, discusses white nationalism, the perils of screaming “hey “asshole!” at a biker rally, and the likelihood of the Slovakian publisher of Jones’ The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit going to jail. We also discuss Dr. Jones’ review of Pete Buttigieg’s campaign autobiography, which is now available on Amazon Kindle. (Will Buttigieg be our first gay president?!) And we engage in some, er, interfaith dialogue about New Horizon conferences in Iran and how Allah works in mysterious ways. Specifically: Are the censors highlighting the very truths they are trying to hide?…


Christians respond to NZ mosque terror! E. Michael Jones (Catholic) and Scott Bennett (Protestant)

Broadcast live, 8 to 10 pm Eastern, Revolution.Radio (Studio A) First half hour: I discuss the deep historical background of the New Zealand terror attack, referencing my new article on Then I am joined by E. Michael Jones, editor of Culture Wars magazine, who remains for the duration of the show. E. Michael “Mike” Jones is one of America’s most provocative and important Catholic intellectuals. He argues, here and in his new ebook Beyond the Bomb: Werner Heisenberg and Jewish Science, that Logos is the only solution to the onslaught of chaos. Second hour: Scott Bennett, a Christian from a…


Two American Christians discuss Monica Witt/New Horizons witch hunt

Broadcast live 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio The Justice (sic) Department just charged US military whistleblower Monica Witt with spying for Iran—and sanctioned the Iranian NGO New Horizons. The charges against Witt allege that Press TV news anchor Marzieh Hashemi is in the business of recruiting spies, and was somehow responsible for Monica Witt’s decision to move to Iran. Yet not a single shred of evidence supporting these allegations has been made public. And Marzieh Hashemi has not been charged with any crime—even though the FBI kidnapped her and held her for ten days as a “material witness”…


E. Michael Jones: Kavanagh battle = “Catholics vs. Jews”—why can’t we talk about this?

Leading Catholic intellectual E. Michael Jones discusses his new article “The Hidden Grammar of the Kavanagh Hearings,” published in the November issue of Culture Wars. Jones first cites Pat Buchanan: “They rejected Brett Kavanaugh the day he was nominated. Why? Because the judge is a conservative and a Catholic, hence an unreliable vote to sustain Roe v. Wade…” Jones says Buchanan only tells half the story: “It was ultimately a Muslim who supplied the missing term to this equation. Kevin Barrett, who has been described as the Muslim H.L. Mencken, wrote a satirical piece for Veterans Today which portrayed the hearings as…


E. Michael Jones on why the Pope should resign; Brian Ruhe continues the conversation on religion and sexuality

Broadcast live 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio. First hour: E. Michael Jones, editor of Culture Wars magazine, argues that Pope Francis ought to become the second pope in a little over five years to resign. Such calls for the Pope’s resignation have followed the release of a letter by Archbishop Vigano accusing Francis of removing papal sanctions imposed by his predecessor, Benedict, against credibly-accused sexual predator and ex-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick—despite knowing about McCarrick’s wide-ranging depradations. (Vigano says he forcefully told Francis about McCarrick’s history of wide-ranging sexual abuse, and even handed Francis a detailed dossier…and yet Francis essentially rehabilitated…

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