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FFWN: Was Rigged Election Re-Rigged?

  Watch Saturdays live 11 to noon Eastern on PSAs 1) Help FFWN Unrig the System  Don’t force me to keep making cat videos! 1A) GRATITUDE IS A CHOICE AND KEY TO SURVIVING DURING HARD TIMES Guest host John Shuck’s website: 2) Van Morrison, “No More Lockdown” 2A) Stand Up for American Herald Tribune—Seized and Silenced by DOJ 2B) And for David Icke – Twitter permanently suspends conspiracy theorist David Icke’s account Election Train Wreck 3) Trump Prepares to Launch 2nd Term (and Big False Flag?) Early, Even Without Winning 4) REPORT: TRUMP IS TERRIFIED ABOUT GOING TO PRISON AFTER LOSING THE…


Trump Reveals “Absolute Proof Election Was Stolen”

Dissociated Press Donald Trump stunned the nation this morning by unveiling what he called “absolute proof” the election was stolen. Trump produced Michael Connell II, the GOP’s Voting Machine Adjustment Czar, who swore on a Satanic Bible that he had rigged the machines to produce a narrow Trump victory in key swing states, along with a close enough election nationwide to make it plausible. But the evil, cheating Democrats, Connell II explained, undid all of his hard work by “pulling an unexpectedly large number of mail-in ballots out of their, er, party symbol.” Trump snatched the microphone away from Connell…


Trump to Pursue Herd Immunity Through COVID-Laced Breakfast Cereal

Dissociated Press President Donald Trump has announced his new “herd immunity” plan to defeat the pandemic: A breakfast cereal made of GMO corn, high-fructose corn syrup, COVID-19 virus, and glyphosate and other artificial flavors. “If every child in America ate a bowl of CoronaFlakes every morning,” the President tweeted yesterday, “we could achieve herd immunity in less than two weeks. Back to work, America! Just in time to re-elect me and save me from another bankruptcy and maybe prison.” The herd-immunity-through-cereal strategy was drafted by Trump’s new science advisor, self-taught virologist and defrocked gynecologist Dr. Buster Hymen, inventor of the…


Trump administration pushes the US war on Iran into high gear

Interview by Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor, for Press TV The Trump administration is pushing the US war on Iran into high gear with these new ramped-up sanctions that are more extreme than just about any sanctions anyone has ever applied anywhere. These sanctions are now stopping basic medical equipment from getting into Iran such as the Mepilex dressings from Sweden that are used to treat wounds, serious wounds. Apparently, Trump and his Zionist backers want Iranians to be wounded and not to heal. They want to inflict horrific pain on ordinary Iranian people. Why would they do that? Well,…


Trump Campaign Activist Rolf Lindgren Debates “No Fan of Republicans” John Hankey

Listen HERE Wisconsin-based Trump campaign operative Rolf Lindgren, debates conspiracy filmmaker John Hankey on the 2020 presidential elections. Will Wisconsin “swing” to Trump and help keep the orange archfiend in the White House? It will if Rolf can help it! A former Libertarian activist, Rolf now works with the Wisconsin Republican Party on the Trump for President campaign. As for John Hankey, he has little use for Trump, having gone so far as to accuse our fearless leader of signing off on the COVID-19 strike on China and Iran and then getting vaccinated in November at Bethesda Naval Hospital. (That hypothesis…


Calling Trump an Anarchist Is an Insult to Anarchists

By Kevin Barrett Hossein Dehqan, who is a former defense minister and current advisor to the Supreme Leader of Iran, has spoken out to warn the United States that if it acts against Iran, it will receive a decisive response and that the Americans should not twist the lion’s tail. Mr. Dehqan said that Trump is “an anarchist. He’s ready to wreak havoc on his own society. And he’s an anarchist in every sense of the word.” Well, I often agree with people in Tehran about these things, but in this case, I have to differ with Mr. Hossein Dehqan,…


Eric Margolis on Trump & Military Service—and More

Listen HERE In his new article “Is This the Man with his Finger on the Button?” award-winning journalist Eric Margolis offers a nuanced yet devastating assessment of Trump’s alleged remarks calling fallen soldiers “losers” and “suckers”: “Our commander-in-chief Trump reportedly dodged the Vietnam era draft six times, at least once because of a little bone spur in one of his dainty feet that were more used to the floors of New York discos than far-flung battlefields…I enlisted in the wartime US Army to go fight in Vietnam. I didn’t have to. I had been accepted to do advanced degrees at…


Trump to Dead Supporters: Vote Early and Often!

Dissociated Press President Donald Trump is facing a storm of criticism after calling on dead people to vote for him “early and often.” Responding to critics, Trump explained that he was not urging dead people to cast “just ten or twenty” votes each, which would be illegal, and might not work anyway. Instead, he said, each corpse should cast “hundreds or thousands” of votes as a safeguard to make sure that at least one of them is counted. Trump explained that deceased people are routinely discriminated against in the voting process. “That’s one of the Democrats’ ways of rigging elections,”…


Trump’s Iran policy disastrous, doomed to fail

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor, for Press TV Wendy Sherman is a professor at Harvard University. She’s the former Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs under Obama and worked on the 2015 JCPOA nuclear deal with Iran. And now she is out with a new article in Foreign Policy magazine. Its headline is the “Total Destruction of US Foreign Policy under Trump.” Well, that’s an interesting title. I think US foreign policy has been heading in a lot of bad directions for a long time, but she makes some good points. She points out that the Trump administration hasn’t…


‘Trump ordered by his Israeli masters to assassinate General Soleimani’

Kevin Barrett interviewed by Press TV US President Donald Trump was ordered by his Israeli masters to authorize the American military to assassinate Iran’s top General Qasem Soleimani, says political analyst Kevin Barrett. Soleimani, the commander of the Quds Force of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the second-in-command of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units (PMU), were killed in US airstrikes at Baghdad’s international airport on January 3. A few days later, Iran responded to the assassination, striking the American airbase of Ain al-Assad in Anbar province in western Iraq and another in Erbil, the capital of…

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