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Monika Schaefer on COVID-NWO Agenda

Listen HERE Monika Schaefer, a Canadian citizen and former Green Party activist, spent most of 2018 as a prisoner of conscience in Germany after she was prosecuted for apologizing to her mother.  Henry Makow just published her Open Letter to the Jasper Town Council: “I have looked into this, and have come to the conclusion that what we are witnessing is nothing less than the implementation of a New World Order, and it is pure communism. If they succeed, it will be a tyrannical one-world-government police state in which our every move will be monitored, controlled, and dictated. We will be…


Ken McCarthy: Tony Fauci is Corrupt to the Core!

Listen HERE Is Anthony Fauci one of the most institutionally corrupt individuals of our time? That’s what today’s guest, Ken McCarthy, says. Ken McCarthy, an early Internet commercialization pioneer who specializes in seeing what’s hidden in plain sight. He tracks what he calls the CoVid Con and other atrocities at Excerpts from the interview: “The two great experts on Tony Fauci, unfortunately, are deceased. One guy that could get into the science was Nobel Prize winner Kary Mullis. And he was very outspoken about Fauchi as a fraudulent scientist. And then there was a great gay rights activist journalist…


US bankers stole $7 trillion during COVID-19 lockdown, destroyed small businesses

By Kevin Barrett, for Press TV Donald Trump has a way of saying a lot of crazy and incoherent things. And he’s such a ‘genius’ at it that people (like comedian Sarah Cooper) can parody him pretty much by just playing a tape of what he says. And recently, the most recent example of this is his quite amazing statement that the concept of chokeholds sounds ‘so innocent, so perfect.’ That is a very strange statement. It sounds like something that an insane murderer would say after he’s been arrested for choking hundreds of people to death. They finally got…


Eric Beeth, MD: HCQ Works, WHO’s Corrupt, COVID Plandemic is “An Operation with an Agenda—to Create Chaos”

Listen HERE WARNING: THIS POST MAY BE CENSORED BY SOCIAL MEDIA OUTLETS THAT CONSIDER THE W.H.O. INFALLIBLE! Is the COVID plandemic “an operation with an agenda”? Dr. Eric Beeth, who has been successfully treating COVID-19 patients in Brussels,  suspects exactly that. In this interview he suggests that the people in charge of the big global health organizations (and presumably the banksters who own them) may be deliberately steering people away from effective COVID-19 treatments in order to heighten the disruptive impact of their “plandemic.” Dr. Beeth says: “From the beginning, when we were hearing what was going on in China,…


Gary Kohls MD: An Alternative Medical View on COVID-19

Listen HERE Gary Kohls, MD is the author of “The Important ‘Plandemic’ Documentary that Has Justifiably Gone ‘Viral.’” It begins: “The powers-that-be behind the banning of ‘Plandemic’ and the disparaging and slandering of Dr. Judy Mikovitz are obviously afraid of something that will expose them for planning something evil. Tyrannical corporate forces, starting with Google and YouTube and the CDC and Big Pharma and the MSM have kicked into high gear before any more of us ‘Sheeple’ are allowed a chance to view some unwelcome truths…” Dr Kohls is a retired rural family physician from Duluth, Minnesota who has written a weekly column…


LIVE RADIO! Prof. Thaddeus Kozinksi on COVID Tyranny; Gary Kohls MD Offers an Alternative Medical View

Listen live 7 to 9 pm Fridays on Revolution.Radio First hour: Philosophy and humanities teacher Thaddeus Kozinski is the author of Modernity as Apocalypse: Sacred Nihilism and the Counterfeits of Logos. In this interview he discusses the historical and religious/spiritual implications of the onrushing tyranny triggered by the coronavirus pandemic. His essay for “Open Up California” is reproduced below. Second hour: Gary Kohls, MD is the author of “The Important ‘Plandemic’ Documentary that Has Justifiably Gone ‘Viral.’” It begins: “The powers-that-be behind the banning of ‘Plandemic’ and the disparaging and slandering of Dr Judy Mikovitz are obviously afraid of something that will expose them for…


BREAKING! Mutant Strain of COVID is 100% LETHAL

Dissociated Press The Center for Death Control (CDC) has warned that a new mutant strain of coronavirus has been associated with a 100% fatality rate in people who contact it. “What we’re saying, basically, is that everybody who catches this disease is going to die,” explained CDC doomsayer Vivian LaMorte. “Get this bug, and you are condemned to utter and complete extinction. Your body will break down and finally your heart will stop beating and you will be dead. Cold, stone dead. Your lungs won’t be pumping air. Your stomach won’t be digesting food. Your brain won’t be frantically trying…


Philosopher-Theologian John Cobb: Our Institutions Have Failed Us

Listen HERE At age 95 John Cobb  continues to be one of the world’s most important thinkers. The leading light in process philosophy/theology, he has authored over 40 books and edited 16 more (including 9/11 and American Empire v.2, which I co-edited). In this interview John Cobb argues that our civilization is failing because it accepted the wrong set of ideas—among them Cartesian/Kantian dualism and materialism—a few centuries ago.  Some quotes from this interview: “The (coronavirus) plague has a possibility of waking people up and moving them in the direction that might make future crises less destructive then they otherwise would…


Matthew Ehret on Luc Montagnier’s Optical Biophysics

Listen HERE Matthew Ehret of and discusses the amazing work of Dr. Luc Montagnier, discoverer of the AIDS virus, who recently made the news arguing that COVID-19 is a bioweapon. Matt writes: “Here are the two Montagnier pieces I published this week. One with a greater focus on bioweapons and the other with a greater focus on the science.” Big Pharma Beware: Dr. Montagnier Shines New Light on COVID-19 and The Future of Medicine Dr. Luc Montagnier and the Coming Revolutions in Optical Biophysics


FFWN: Coronavirus War = Techno-Tyranny!

Watch live Saturday 11 to noon Eastern on PSA 1) Help Keep FFWN Bringing You Our Weekly “Roundup” 2) Helen Booted off for Telling Coronavirus Truth COVID-19 No More Lethal than Flu?  3) Coronavirus Has Infected A 5th Of New York City, Testing Suggests 4) Coronavirus Infections May Not Be Uncommon, Tests Suggest Coronavirus War: Techno-Tyranny 5) TECHNO-TYRANNY: HOW THE US NATIONAL SECURITY STATE IS USING CORONAVIRUS TO FULFILL AN ORWELLIAN VISION 6) Government Tracking How People Move Around in Coronavirus Pandemic 7) Team Trump Turns to Peter Thiel’s Palantir to Track Virus 8) Facebook Removes Coronavirus Protest Pages at Request of…

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