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LIVE RADIO! John Manley and Ray McGinnis on Canadian COVID Dystopia (and Reasons for Opposing It)

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at It’s north-of-the-border night at Truth Jihad Radio, as two highly accomplished Canadian writers—first the author of the great Canadian COVID novel (maybe the great COVID novel period), then the author of the most important 9/11 truth book in many years—discuss Canada’s COVID dystopia and the religious and philosophical bases for opposing it. First hour: John Manley, author of the terrific new novel Much Ado About Corona, recently wrote to his readers: Dear Reader, Hot date tonight? Tell ’em you got monkeypox because… Today at 8pm EST I’ll be on Dr.…


Joachim Hagopian on Elites’ Endgame Dystopian Nightmare

Listen HERE Joachim Hagopian discusses his new article “Today’s Shifting Balance of Power, Elites’ Endgame Dystopian Nightmare: Its Winners and Losers.” An extract: “For eons the planet overlords have not only retained their centralized control and power over the population, but in recent years exponentially increased their absolute control through ownership of all public and private sector institutions and organizations. Be it through bribery and/or sexual blackmail, puppetmasters never seem to fail at compromising, owning and controlling governments at all levels, including judiciaries, law enforcement, intelligence services, militaries, mass media, Big Tech, Fortune 500 multinational corporations, the primary through university…


BREAKING! Monkeypox Virus Escapes, Simian Death Syndrome (SDS) Cases Soar

Biden Blames Putin, Calls for Vaccines and More Aid to Ukraine Dissociated Press The Center for Disease Scares (CDS) has issued a new warning that the dreaded monkeypox—a highly contagious illness that makes monkeys of men and women—is spreading across America. At a hastily-arranged  press conference in the monkey house of the National Zoo at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, President Joe Biden and his Chief Medical Ape Anthony Fauci called for Americans to unite in shared sacrifice to defeat the dread disease. “I have ordered the purchase of more than 500 million doses of experimental monkeypox injections from my…


Joel Hirschhorn on Long COVID & Collapse of Scientific Medicine; Fatna Bellouchi on Alternative Healing

Listen HERE First 40 minutes: Joel Hirschhorn discusses his article “Brain Fog A Stubborn Symptom of Long COVID.” Dr. Hirschhorn, author of Pandemic Blunder (which scooped RFK Jr.’s book by a year) argues that so-called “long COVID” is a very real problem, at least for a substantial minority of people who have been infected with SARS-CoV-2. If Hirschhorn stopped there, I could post this interview on YouTube. But he goes on to say that long COVID is at least partly caused by the toxicity of the spike protein—which explains why vaccinated people sometimes suffer long-COVID-like symptoms. (As well as short…


Linh Dinh on Globetrotting Through the Scamdemic

Listen HERE Expatriate American writer-photographer Linh Dinh fled Vietnam shortly before the first big lockdown and spent the rest of the scamdemic flitting from country to country, one step ahead of the brain police. Laos…Cairo…Alexandria…Aswan…Tirana…Cape Town…Klos….Swakopmund…Rehoboth…Windhoek…these are just some of the places Linh has immortalized in his “Postcards from the End of [the] America[n Empire]” (pictures here and articles here). Now that he’s back in a time zone compatible with my live radio show, it’s time for Linh to resume his duties as the Roving Global Correspondent for Truth Jihad Radio. In this interview we discuss some of the many…


William Willers & Dr. David King on Mask Psychosis & COVIDystopia

Listen HERE William Willers, a retired University of Wisconsin biology professor who supported my 9/11 truth academic freedom struggle, returns to Truth Jihad Radio to discuss a new article that he’s having trouble getting published in Wisconsin MSM. It begins: “Who Is Ryan Westergaard? “The short answer is that Dr. Westergaard, a public official, is Wisconsin’s Chief Medical Officer and State Epidemiologist. As such, he is in a position to advise the Governor on matters of public policy relating to health. From this position of influence, he has made it clear in multiple appearances that he represents ’science’ relating to…


Marilyn Singleton vs. American Oligarchy

Listen HERE Marilyn M. Singleton discusses her new article “Real Americans and the American Oligarchy.” In it she writes: “Federal and state governments have used Covid as a justification to cross the line from public safety measures into tyranny. Despite the decreasing Covid cases, the national Covid emergency declaration was extended beyond March 1, 2022. The national emergency designation gives the President more than 100 special powers that can bypass legal procedures ranging from banking to public health and anything else the government wants to control. “Despite a long tradition of differing opinions regarding medical disease processes and treatments, the…


Angela King on Body Sovereignty vs. Medical Apartheid

First half hour: Bestselling author and activist Angela Stanton King doesn’t pull her punches: “The attempt to force people to take the Covid-19 vaccine against their wishes disproportionately hurts and impacts the BLACK community. Saying BLACK people are incapable of making their own decisions and forcing them to follow orders or be discriminated against is the latest form of medical apartheid…Medical apartheid is population control. Population control comes in different forms: vaccines, abortions, mass incarceration, and perverted sexual agendas targeting children. Population control is racist! From the WOMB to the TOMB, it’s time Y’all!” Angela Stanton-King is a former U.S.…


FFWN: From COVID to Putin (with Alan Sabrosky)

Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above.  We are NOT broadcasting on my YouTube channel  this week due to censorship. PSA 1) Help Stop the Fear Virus, Donate to FFWN! 1A) Breaking News: Pfizer & Moderna Stock Craters Amid Evidence of Massive Harm & Widespread Death From COVID to Putin 2) The West’s Desperate Effort to Switch the Enemy from Covid to Putin 3 )F***ing Brilliant: Address by the President of the Russian Federation (Taking NATO to the Woodshed) 3A) “Empire of Lies”: NYT Hit Piece Smears RFK Jr. (and Lies…


COVID Crisis Implodes, Ukraine Crisis Explodes (Just a Coincidence?)

Listen HERE Is it just a coincidence that when the “fear COVID” narrative suddenly imploded, a new “fear Russia” narrative arose? Is the war in Ukraine designed to distract from the pro-freedom protests rising up around the world? Or is it all just geopolitical “business as usual”? These were among the questions raised by the brave and brilliant Irish alternative radio host Richie Allen in our interview earlier today.

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