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LIVE RADIO! Gordon Duff on Lebanese protestors shot by snipers for exposing Israeli nuking of Beirut; Cat McGuire and Tessa Lena on freedom movement & infiltration

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Ex-intel-insider Gordon Duff of Veterans Today has garnered almost half a million reads for “The Beirut Nuclear Coverup as Protests Break Out, Oct. 2021 Over Lies.” In it he writes: “The people of Lebanon were victimized, not once by a nuclear attack by Israel but by their own leaders and corrupt press.  They still aren’t taking it. Gunfire broke out in Beirut when snipers under the control of Saudi Arabia, using paid contractors trained by the US, attacked a Hezbollah led protest.  Behind it all is the investigation…


FFWN: “Accidental lab leak” DEBUNKED—deliberate bio-attack CONFIRMED

Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above, or a shorter version on my YouTube channel  (where the broadcast begins after story #5) PSA 1) Help FFWN fight apartheid! NYC Protests 2) Protesters Against Vaccine Mandates in NYC: ‘This Is a Turning Point’ 3) Cat makes NYT Instagram! Medical Issues 4) No, lifting lockdowns isn’t hiding the success of the vaccines 5) Beyond Industrial Medicine (Charles Eisenstein) COVID Origins 6) MSM debunks “accidental lab leak” theory—ignoring that COVID was deliberate neocon bioattack on China and Iran 7) COVID-19…


NYC Freedom Day Rally Organizer Cat McGuire: “No Mandates, No Passports!”

Listen HERE Cat McGuire, a key organizer of the New York franchise of Saturday’s Worldwide Rally for Freedom, discusses the challenges and opportunities of organizing pro-freedom demonstrations in an increasingly unfree world. This interview was recorded on the eve of the demonstration, which attracted thousands in New York City and untold numbers in more than 180 cities worldwide, including Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, Salt Lake City, Boulder, Calgary, London, Edmonton, Manchester, and of course Melbourne where clashes with police elicited worldwide MSM hysteria, as exemplified by the Washington Post article  “Far-right activists blamed for fueling anti-vaccine mobs in Melbourne Australia.” The worldwide demonstrators’ message…


LIVE RADIO! Cat McGuire on Tomorrow’s Worldwide Freedom Rally; Jim Fetzer Discusses COVID Hospitalization and Recovery

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Cat McGuire is organizing the New York franchise of tomorrow’s Worldwide Rally for Freedom, a network of demonstrations in dozens of cities worldwide. The four-word slogan: “No mandates! No passports!” (They’re not crazy about lockdowns either.) Second hour: Philosophy professor James Fetzer has been known to question the ontological and epistemological reality of the COVID-19 virus and the illness it causes. Since he came down with it himself, got hospitalized, and is (thankfully) almost fully recovered, will he echo Dr. Samuel Johnson’s famous refutation of Bishop Berkeley…


FFWN: Orange Alert! Al-Qaeda plot to just sit back and enjoy collapse of United States nearing fruition

Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above, or a shorter version on my YouTube channel  (where the broadcast begins after story #9) Guest commentator Cat McGuire whose August 28 “Wake Up New York” rally was a huge success—watch her speech PSAs 1) Help FFWN stymie al-Qaeda plot to just sit back and enjoy collapse of United States 2) 9/11 Truth Film Festival Thursday Sept. 9 Grand Lake Theater Oakland CA 3) Coming up September 11th. Global Live Stream from the 9/11 Lawyers’ Committee Medical-Related Stuff You’re Not Allowed to…


FFWN: Anti-Semitic Anti-Vax Crackpots Refute Ad Hominem Arguments (with Cat McGuire)

Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above, or a shorter version on my YouTube channel  (where the broadcast begins after story #6) PSA 1) Annoy Alan Dershowitz, Contribute to FFWN! 1.5) Support 9/11 Families Protesting 9/11 Coverup Just the Vax Ma’am 2) New York becomes first U.S. city to order COVID vaccines for restaurants, gyms  3) Ex-DHS Apparatchik Proposes No-Fly List for Unvaxxed 4) You’re going to be asked to prove your “master race” status under vax apartheid. Here’s how to do it. 5) Why Are Globalists And Governments…


Cat McGuire on World Freedom Day Rallies this Saturday July 24; Italian Journalist Andrea Cinquegrani Says COVID Came from Ft. Detrick

Listen HERE First 20 minutes: Cat McGuire of False Flag Weekly News says: “Hey, everyone, go to a Worldwide Freedom Day rally on July 24. There are over 180 participating cities. “Please make an effort to attend.  It’s getting down to the wire, so it’s very important we show our numbers and speak out now while we still have our freedoms. “No lockdowns! No vaccine mandates! No Great Reset Brave New World Order! “Our Worldwide Freedom Day rally is for: Freedom of Speech! Freedom of Movement! Freedom of Choice! Freedom of Assembly! Freedom of Health! Thanks, Cat” Final 35…


FFWN: War on History, War on Reality

Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above, or a shorter version on my YouTube channel  (where the broadcast begins after story #7) Guest host Cat McGuire PSAs 1) Duck & cover FFWN’s expenses! 2) Warning: Cyber Polygon exercise next Friday, July 9 Medical Malpractice 3) AMA Thinks I Am a Medical Doctor—Any FFWN Viewers in Need of Surgery? 4) The War on Reality (CJ Hopkins) 5) Anti-Vax Protest at SPRINGSTEEN ON BROADWAY 6) Aerial Footage Of MASSIVE LONDON FREEDOM MARCH [Censored YouTube live broadcast begins] 9/11 & the…


Cat McGuire on Cyber Polygon: Cyber attack “drill goes live in July?”

Listen HERE Cat McGuire, co-host of False Flag Weekly News, gave a talk yesterday on “Cyber Polygon: Clues to the Elite’s Next Pandemic.” She writes: “The World Economic Forum (WEF) has telegraphed their plans over the years to radically transform society. To institute their ‘Great Reset,’ the Davos billionaires intend to completely collapse our economic, social, and political systems. Enter Cyber Polygon, a simulation announced by WEF for July 9, 2021, in which participants will role-play a cybersecurity attack by ‘rogue actors.’ The simulation will defend against an attempted hack of supply chains and a control-grid blackout. “If past simulations are…


LIVE RADIO: Ken Meyercord INSISTS on talking about the Holocaust; Cat McGuire on Cyber Polygon: Cyber attack “drill goes live in July?”

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Ken Meyercord—like fellow Truth Jihad Radio regular Randy Short—seems to be running for the office of “most dangerous man in DC.”  Ken’s cable access TV show (check out the Holocaust episode) has focused on the same kinds of topics we cover here. And when he isn’t butchering sacred cows on Washington DC-area cable TV, Ken may be found at think tank seminars, speeches, book-signings and similar events raising the hard questions and making the denizens of our nation’s capital uncomfortable. I recently invited Ken back on the…

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