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FFWN: The Ministry of Truth Has NOT Approved this Broadcast!

Broadcasts live (barring further censorship) 11 to noon Saturdays at my YouTube channel and below: Guest commentator Cat McGuire PSA   1) Defy the Ministry of Truth! Support FFWN Vaxxed! 2) Did Israeli vaccine kill 40x more elderly than the disease would have killed? To know, we need better debunking     3) Younger Members of the U.S. Military Are Shunning the Vaccine in Droves 4) Fauci says pandemic won’t end till 110% of the population is vaccinated (satire)   Religious Objections 5) Cells taken from aborted fetuses for COVID-19 vaccines cause moral dilemma for some Canadian Catholics…


FFWN: “Reality Czar” Eradicates “Epistemic Terrorists”—What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Broadcasts live Saturdays 11 to noon Eastern Guest host: Cat McGuire PSA 1) Help FFWN Fight the COVID-1984 Unfreedom Epidemic! “Epistemic Terrorism” (i.e. dissent) 2) NYT Calls for “Reality Czar” (Ministry of Truth) 3) NYT Blasts Surveillance Capitalism (Good) Calls Dissidents “Epistemic Terrorists” (Bad) 4) Without Trump to dump on how will MSM attract an audience? (NYT profits soared thanks to TDS & abandoning pretense of neutrality) Capitol “Insurrection” Fallout 5) 77 Days: Trump’s Campaign to Subvert the Election  6) Pentagon, stumped by extremism in ranks, orders stand-down in next 60 days 7) Robert…


Kevin MacDonald and Cat McGuire on DC “Save America” Rally a.k.a. “The Insurrection”

Listen HERE Prof. Kevin MacDonald of the Occidental Observer recently published Cat McGuire‘s article “I was at the Washington D.C. ‘Save America’ rally.” Not so many years ago, that would have seemed incongruous: Cat was a hardcore leftist while Kevin MacDonald, an evolutionary psychologist, has long been an intellectual inspiration of the white identitarian movement and the alt-right. But now, as hegemonic pseudo-liberal oligarchy mutates into tyranny, MacDonald and McGuire aren’t so far apart. Both side with the (nonviolent) folks at the Stop the Steal rally, and both are pessimistic about America’s future under a Biden Administration.


Crossing Ideological Divides on Stop-the-Steal Protest with Kevin MacDonald, Cat McGuire, and William Woodward

Listen live 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio – later archived at Patreon The USA is riven by an ideological divide like never before in history, with the possible exceptions of 1776 and 1860. Half the population wants to cancel the other half. Everybody’s in their own echo chamber, their own social media bubble, dismissing everything the other side says as lies and “conspiracy theories.” In hopes of starting some actual dialogue, we’re going to bust down the barriers and bring on three people with distinctively different ideological orientations. Call it “an alt-right white identitarian, a recovering leftist, and…


FFWN: Resistance in 2021!

  Watch live Saturdays 11 to noon Eastern on This week’s show features Cat McGuire Breaking news! This just in from a trusted FFWN team member:  Wikileaks just dumped all of their files online. Everything from Hillary Clinton’s emails, McCain’s being guilty, Vegas shooting done by an FBI sniper, Steve Jobs HIV letter, PedoPodesta, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Bilderberg, CIA agents arrested for rape, WHO pandemic. Happy Digging! Here you go, please read and pass it on…..… These are Clinton’s emails: Index file!… Send to everyone you can as fast as you can! PSAs  1) Sig Heil Zuck?…


FFWN: 2020 Was Bad—Wurst Is Yet to Come

Watch live Fridays 11 to noon Eastern at This week’s co-host: Cat McGuire PSAs 0) Help FFWN unmask illuminati — and stop them from doing their wurst! 1) Coronavirus–An Inside Job Webinar is now free to the public Trump 9112B Edges Closer? 2) Trump backers, including Flynn edge toward a call to ‘suspend’ Constitution to head off Biden taking office 3) Iran’s Mohsen Fakhrizadeh killed by 62-person hit squad, reports say –  ACT OF WAR 4) A Successful U.S. Missile Intercept Ends the Era of Nuclear Stability (Nuke War to Keep Trump in Power? Or Biden v. Russia?) Slow Motion…


FFWN: The Panopticon Is Already Here

Broadcasts live Saturdays 11 to noon Eastern on PSAs 1) Stand Up for FFWN! 2) 9/11 Film Festival Will be Virtual this Year 3) Geoff Campbell’s Family Seeks to Reopen 9/11 Controlled Demolition Murder Case Who Nuked Beirut? 4) Esper appears to backtrack on Beirut explosion cause after White House pushback 5) NETANYAHU ANNOUNCED TO THE WORLD IN 2018 THAT ISRAEL WAS GOING TO MISSILE ATTACK A SUPPOSED HEZBOLLAH ARMS STORE NEXT TO BEIRUT PORT. THIS WEEK, THEY TURNED IT INTO BEIRUTSHIMA. EERILY SIMILAR TO THE 2015 DESTRUCTION OF TIANJIN PORT China Syndrome 6) China and Russia ditch dollar 7)…


John Shuck on his pilgrimage to Karbala; Cat McGuire and Andrew Blair debate the term “holohoax”

Listen HERE First hour: John Shuck is a Presbytarian pastor and KBOO Portland radio host with an exemplary commitment to truth and justice. (Check out his Palm Sunday and Easter sermons.) We discuss his Arbaeen pilgrimage to Karbala, the subject of his new documentary film For Love of Hussain (A.S.)…as well as the subject of my article “Arbaeen: The World’s Biggest Event.” We also discuss the ongoing annihilation of free speech and free thought by the forces of Orwellian censorship—including those that pressured the KBOO board to force John to cancel his planned interview with me. (Negotiations aimed at rescinding…

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