ADL-Backed Legislation Would Ban the Word “Genocide”

Dissociated Press Legislation banning the word “genocide” has been simultaneously introduced in the US Congress, the Canadian parliament, and dozens of states, provinces, and European countries. The flagship bill is the Countering Antisemitism Act, “the most far-reaching anti-Semitism initiative to be introduced in Congress” according to the ADL. It defines anti-Semitism as “any critical or negative statement about Jews or Israel,” and provides stiff fines and prison sentences for those who commit anti-Semitic transgressions, including the use of forbidden words. “The word ‘genocide’ is an anti-Semitic term, because it delegitimizes a 2500 year old Jewish religious practice,” explained ADL spokes-Semite Shlomo…


LIVE RADIO! Gordon Duff Drops Some Intel; Josh Mitteldorf on UFO/ET Issue, Diversity of Jewish Agendas, and Other Big Questions

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Ex-VT editor Gordon Duff, now at, writes strikingly non-mainstream headlines: *Biden concedes Netanyahu a ‘lunatic mass murderer’ making continued US support of endless War Crimes ‘hard work’; *126 New Jewish Recruits refuse after thousands of Jewish war criminals killed by Freedom Fighters; *Gaza death toll exceeds 33,500 as the newest US backed Jewish Genocide continues; *Zionist regime will drown in blood of Haniyeh’s children and other Palestinians; *Thousands of ‘Half Caste/Untouchable’ Indian Slave Laborers sent to Jewish Occupied Palestine to Act as Human Shields in Iranian…


FFWN: Israhell Misfires! (With J. Michael Springmann)

Watch above Saturdays after 1 pm Eastern Watch on Bitchute PSAs 1) Boycott Isra-hellish propaganda, support FFWN 2) In Michigan, a Ramadan like no other as Muslims grapple with Gaza: Across the US, the Islamic holiday is less joyous, more sombre as Muslims seek answers to the suffering in Gaza. 3) Bažant’s Fraudulent theory exposed! The mathematics he used to explain the Twin Towers Collapse is WRONG! Iran vs. Israhell 4) HOW WILL IRAN RESPOND TO DAMASCUS EMBASSY ATTACK? 5) What are likely scenarios for Iran’s retaliatory strike against Israel? 6) Israel threatens to strike Iran…


LIVE RADIO! Alan Sabrosky on US Collapse, Zionism, Gaza, and the Uniparty; AJ Smuskiewicz on “Why I’m Still for Kennedy”

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Alan Sabrosky returns to his “first Friday of the month” slot to discuss the collapse of the Francis Scott Key bridge as a metaphor for the collapse of America; will the Zionists start World War 3, and/or finish the genocide of Gaza, with no interference from the US; where did these crazy Zionists come from originally; is the two-party system just a “faction fight” with the Jewish-dominated uniparty; and “what do we do when we realize the Left has won?” Dr. Alan Sabrosky is the former Head of…


FFWN: Political Conflict in the Age of Psychic Warfare (with John Carter)

Watch above Saturdays after 1 pm Eastern Watch on Bitchute Guest: John Carter. We’ll cover the news for the first half of the show, then discuss “Political Conflict in the Age of Psychic Warfare” in relation to the week’s news. PSA 1) Help FFWN engage in political conflict in the age of psychic warfare Banned 2) I was banned from Elon’s ‘free speech’ X app for offending power   3) JewTube nukes my last (backup) channel (article forthcoming)  Background: Dangerous World 4) World Gets More Dangerous Due to (1) Israel’s Attack on Iran/Syria, and (2)…


LIVE RADIO! Laurent Guyénot on “Fear of the Jews and the Jewish God of Terror”; Oliver Boyd-Barrett on Moscow Terror Attack & War Updates

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Historian Laurent Guyénot discusses his new article “Fear of the Jews and the Jewish God of Terror.” It begins: ““It’s time for Jews to be feared!” declared Rabbi Shmuley recently. Jews having failed to overcome anti-Semitism by trying to be loved, respected or admired, must now make themselves feared. This is the new watchword. The problem is, if Jews want to be feared, then they must also accept being hated.” Laurent Guyénot is the author of From Yahweh to Zion and many other books and articles. He is…


FFWN: Smoking Synagogues! Encameled Unitarians! (with E. Michael Jones)

Watch above Saturdays after 1 pm Eastern Watch at Bitchute Guest: E. Michael Jones. We’ll cover the news for the first half of the show, then debate “Was Ralph Waldo Emerson a Satanist?” during the second half. That debate grows out of my comment on Dr. Jones’s new article. PSA 1) Help FFWN notice things Biden vs. Bibi? 2) UN Security Council passes Gaza resolution, Israel fumes at US for not using veto power 3) Biden-Netanyahu rift grows, as Israel cancels delegation visit then reschedules Moscow-Baltimore 4) Baltimore Bridge Collapse Linked to Moscow Massacre? 5) Russia…


Kushner Excited Over Gaza Organ Theft Opportunities

Dissociated Press Jared Kushner has urged Israel to “finish the job” of exterminating the Palestinians, expressing unbridled enthusiasm about economic opportunities opened up by the booming genocide industry. Along with “very valuable waterfront real estate,” Kushner said he looked forward to availing himself of the thousands of hearts, lungs, kidneys, corneas, gallbladders, and other valuable human organs that have, as he put it, been “just left lying around” under the rubble in Gaza. Israeli Organ Trafficking and Theft: From Moldova to Palestine “As the Israeli proverb goes, ‘If I don’t steal it, somebody else gonna steal it,” Kushner said with a slyly…


LIVE RADIO! Pilot and 9/11 Whistleblower Glen Stanish, Rick Sterling on Political Weaponization of Sports & JFK-Israel

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Retired Air Force officer and commercial airline pilot Glen Stanish reflects on the history of the 9/11 truth movement. Was a consensus ever reached about how the illusion of hijacked-then-crashed planes was manufactured? Were the crashed planes ever identified based on their dozens of virtually-indestructible parts with serial numbers and replacement date codes? If not, why not? Whatever happened to Glen’s friend Christopher Bollyn, author of Solving 9/11, which implicates Israel as the author of 9/11? Could the Gaza genocide have been avoided if the truth about…


FFWN Special! Cat McGuire Asks Jeff Brown about “Zio-American Empire vs. China”

Watch above Saturdays after 1 pm Eastern Watch on Bitchute This week, instead of the regular weekly news roundup, False Flag Weekly News presents a special edition on “The Zio-American Empire vs. China” featuring Cat McGuire questioning bullish-on-China Jeff Brown. Cat McGuire’s questions: How does “socialism with Chinese characteristics” differ from the two political systems China straddles:  capitalism and communism? CCP versus Chinese billionaires: Is the CCP the good cop for the people whereas Chinese billionaires are the bad cop in bed with Western FinTech companies like BlackRock? How deeply involved is world Jewry with multipolar world projects such as…