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Sunlight Disinfects Sunstein – Now Bring on the War Crimes Tribunals

Cass Sunstein argues that the government should infiltrate 9/11 truth groups, “disable” 9/11 “conspiracy purveyors,” and thereby promote the spread of “beneficial cognitive diversity.” To my readers, David Ray Griffin’s new book Cognitive Infiltration is absolutely brilliant. It elegantly does several things at once: * Puts forward  key 9/11 evidence; * Reveals the slightly hilarious inadequacy of the  official story defenders’ case,  as exemplified by Cass Sunstein’s “Conspiracy Theories” article; * Uses irony to demolish the neocons’ philosophy of the noble lie — the philosophy that in all probability led directly to the 9/11 inside job. David has been out…


Anthony J. Hall and Joshua Blakeney Challenge Michael Shermer About His 9/11 Denialism

This just in from my friend Josh Blakeney of the University of Lethbridge (Alberta): Dear Friends and Comrades, Here is the latest action by Prof. Anthony J. Hall and I : We were so disgusted with Prof. Michael Shermer’s lack of knowledge about 9/11 that we were compelled to intervene during his parodic lecture at the University of Lethbridge last night. Shermer purports to be a skeptic (his magazine is named “Skeptic Magazine”) who has read “ALL of David Ray Griffin’s books” (DRG is actually his colleague at the Clairmont Graduate School ). However, Shermer is clearly somebody who has…


Does Honey-Trap Smear Suggest WikiLeaks is for Real?

Is WikiLeaks for real? Gordon Duff says the real purpose of its Afghanistan leak was “to spread imaginary stories about Pakistan, the only nuclear power in the Middle East capable of standing up to Israel and the enemy of India.” (WikiLeaks is Israel, Like We All Didn’t Know.) Then why is Wikileaks founder Julian Assange still being smeared by some intel agency with power in Sweden? Recent Kevin Barrett Show guest Israel Shamir explains: “In other words,  the farcical rape charges have once again been leveled against the Pentagon’s Public Enemy Number One. Julian Assange now stands accused of: (1)…


Duluth Reader Demolishes 9/11 Commission Report!

  The Duluth (MN) Reader says it’s “The Best Paper Money Can’t Buy – Locally Owned.” Living up to its motto, the September 2nd Reader featured  a blockbuster story by Dr. Gary Kohls, “A Call for a New, Unbiased 9/11 Commission to Investigate the Controlled Demolition of the Three WTC Towers.” Then just to show it wasn’t a fluke, the September 9th, 2010 Reader included a 9/11 truth cover story by Jim Fetzer–this one entitled “Top Ten (x2) Reasons the ‘Official Account’ of 9/11 is Wrong.” An irate reader responded with the following letter to the editor: Regarding: “A Call…


New Alan Sabrosky Interview: 9/11 and Beyond

Dr. Alan Sabrosky (Ph.D. University of Michigan, former director of studies at the US Army War College) appeared on my show last spring and made news by explaining why he is certain that the Israeli Mossad was behind 9/11. Dr. Alan Sabrosky was interviewed on Iranian TV (Sahar TV) on 9/11/2010. Thanks to Veterans Today and My Catbird Seat (where you can read Sabrosky’s comprehensive article on 9/11 Treason, Betrayal, and Deceit) for breaking this story. Part 1: Part 2: Part 3:


Jews Must Root Out Radical Jewish Extremists from their Communities

The Jewish-dominated corporate mainstream media often admonishes us that we Muslims have a duty to root out radical Muslim extremists from our communities. The problem is, I don’t know any radical Muslim extremists. All of the Muslims I know are kind, polite, timid souls who wouldn’t hurt a fly. Oops, I take that back — my irrepressible co-host on the Garden of Truth TV show, Abdullah Champeon, can be kind but is rarely polite or timid. It requires no stretch of the imagination to envision Abdullah harming a fly, though I am sure he would only do it in self…


Michael Moore Endorses My “Build a Mega-Mosque ON Ground Zero” Project; Begins Fundraising!

Closet 9/11 truther Michael Moore, one of America’s all-time great political filmmakers, has come out in favor of my “build a mega-mosque ON Ground Zero” proposal — and started raising the construction money! (My proposal won Matt Taibbi’s award for most obnoxious thing on the internet.) In a recent article, Moore writes: “I am opposed to the building of the ‘mosque’ two blocks from Ground Zero. I want it built on Ground Zero…” Like me, Michael Moore wants to see a mega-mosque with minaret(s) as high as the demolished Towers: “…But to even have to assure people that ‘it’s not…


9/11 truth OWNS Bobfest!

September 11th, 2010Baraboo, WI The top of the hierarchy that puts on Fighting Bob Fest — Wisconsin’s premiere left-progressive annual festival — includes a few 9/11 gatekeepers. But on Saturday, September 11th, 2010, the gate was busted down and the sheep stormed boldly out of the pen, as Wisconsin’s dedicated 9/11 activists managed to get their message out to the thousands of festival-goers…and discovered a sympathetic, responsive, and 9/11-truth-savvy audience. A big 9/11 truth booth (complete with looping videos and mega-banners) was mobbed the whole day, thousands of 9/11 truth DVDs and AE911Truth brochures were given away, dozens of books…

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