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9/11 truth graffiti – Building 7?

Now I’m not urging anyone to do this. Graffiti is illegal. But misprision of treason – knowing about an act of treason and not reporting it – is even more illegal. If you spray-paint graffiti like this and get caught, you might have to pay a fine or do some jail time. But if you fail to spread this message in any way you can, you’ve committed misprision of treason and could face life imprisonment. Or – worse – life imprisonment in your own bad conscience, knowing you were too cowardly to do the right thing. The choice is yours.


West, Zionists Mortally Threatened by Truth

  Press TV has conducted an interview with Dr. Kevin Barrett, with the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance from Wisconsin, to share his thoughts on the West’s double standards on freedom of speech. The following is an approximate transcription of the interview. Press TV: Dr. Barrett, you heard our guest there [talking about Intelsat “complying with sanctions against Iran”], your reaction. Barrett: That was the most vague and nonsensical bunch of gibberish I have heard in a long time and I’ve been up against some pretty goofy people on this show before. “It is not a breach of freedom of speech” (he says)…


Iran: Threat or Menace? Part 3: Why Iran-bashing is obligatory

Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei casts the first vote in Iran’s elections Today is presidential election day in Iran. So here is the pull quote for today’s article: In Going to Tehran, the Leveretts show that there was not a shred of evidence of significant fraud in the 2009 Iranian elections – as those crying fraud implicitly admitted in their failure to even try to provide the evidence that would have been easily available had widespread fraud actually occurred.  I wish the USA’s “black-box computer-fabricated” presidential elections were as honest as the Iranian ones, which use hand-counted paper ballots.-KB Iran: Threat or…


Jeffrey Goldberg confesses: The real “terror threat” is from neocons like him

My 2009 book Questioning the War on Terror began by pointing out that terrorism is less of a threat to Americans than bathtub drownings and lightning strikes. Since then, the “terror-bathtub” meme has gone viral. I push it every chance I get, and I’m hearing more and more echoes. Someone at Mossad’s psychological warfare division has apparently decided that the “terrorism is less dangerous than bathtubs” thing has become an actionable threat. So they assigned Jeffrey Goldberg, former guard at an Israeli political prison, to bash me with a bathtub. Goldberg’s new article Terrorism vs. bathtubs: the false analogy on…


David Ray Griffin, Gilad Atzmon take the United Nations!

Hillel Neuer: Unwitting publicist for twoof the most important authors of our time When Israeli propagandist Sayan Hillel Neuer stood up on the floor of the United Nations and started waving around David Ray Griffin’s The New Pearl Harbor and Gilad Atzmon’s The Wandering Who?, he probably didn’t realize that he was giving priceless PR to two of the most important books of our time. And yes, “priceless” is the word. Get a load of Neuer hawking Griffin’s and Atzmon’s books: Neuer’s unintentional book-promotion stunt was meant to be part of his witch-hunt against Special UN Human Rights Rapporteur Richard…


Iran: Threat or Menace? Part 2: Candidates and Issues

In Part One of this series, I covered some important historical background to Iranian politics in general, and the upcoming June 14th presidential elections in particular. Today, I will consider some specific candidates and issues. The two main political groupings in Iranian politics are the principlists and reformists. The former stress adhering to the principles of the Islamic revolution, and generally favor principle over expediency; while the latter are more willing to bend or compromise principles as they search for pragmatic solutions. The currently favored presidential candidate is Supreme National Security Council President Saeed Jalili, a leading principlist. Saeed Jalili…


NSA Spying: ‘Turn-key tyranny’ tomorrow, covert tyranny today

It’s official: The US National Security Agency is spying on you. Are you okay with that?  read the full article: NSA Spying: ‘Turn-key tyranny’ tomorrow, covert tyranny today    


Iran: Threat or Menace? Part 1: Background briefing

The first of a three-part series of brief articles considering the run-up to the June 14th Iranian presidential elections Compared to citizens of other developed countries, Americans are not especially well-informed about the world. Like other peoples only more so, Americans view the world through a glass darkly – a glass darkened by ignorance and prejudice. Much of the fault lies not with the people, but with their corporate-monopoly media. Consider the case of Iran, a geo-strategical lynchpin nation more than three times the size of Iraq. Since the Islamic Revolution of 1979, Iran has gotten uniformly bad press in…


Erdogan’s attack on Syria backfires

“FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds has revealed that elements of the Gladio-linked Turkish deep state were used by neoconservative moguls Richard Perle and Douglas Feith to finance the 9/11-anthrax coup d’état of September 11th, 2001. Obviously it is these people, not Erdogan, who hold the real power in Turkey.” Read the article:


The Guardian goes truther! Charlie Skelton exposes “the Great Wall of Bilderberg”

My intel contacts claim that The Guardian is, shall we say, in bed with, and heavily penetrated by, Britain’s intelligence services. Other UK contacts – people close to former high-level MP Michael Meacher – say that Meacher had his life threatened for writing about 9/11 truth in The Guardian. Since Meacher backed down in 2004, fearing for his family’s safety, The Guardian published no truthful material whatsoever about 9/11…until September 12th, 2011, when Charlie Skelton’s How the world changed after 9/11 blew a lot of minds. And now, Charlie is at it again: He’s covering the formerly top-secret Bilderberg Conference.…

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