Listen HERE Most of the MSM tells us we’re facing a climate change emergency…yet no significant action to reduce carbon emissions is ever taken. More and more mainstream voices insist that large-scale geoengineering may be the only viable solution; and sometimes they even admit that “huge geoengineering projects” are already underway. Yet there is still a yawning gap between what mainstream media/academia claim about geoengineering and the alternative perspective of Dane Wigington, founder of In this interview Dane argues that the massive aerial spraying of toxic substances into our atmosphere is making the environmental crisis worse, not better. He…
FULL ARTICLECategory: Radio Show
Journalism professor Piers Robinson exposes propagandists—including “Integrity Initiative”
Watch the video HERE Piers Robinson of the University of Sheffield is one of the UK’s most distinguished journalism professors. According to the University’s website: “Piers’ current research focuses on organised persuasive communication (OPC) and contemporary propaganda, with a particular focus on the current war in Syria. He is co-director of the Organisation for Propaganda Studies (OPS) and convenes the Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media. Recent published work includes a new conceptual approach for theorising propaganda and analysis of propaganda and deception in relation to the ‘war on terror’ and the 2003 Iraq invasion (ses publications).” Certain professional…
FULL ARTICLEJonathan Revusky on people who are so ignorant they don’t even know they’re ignorant; Eric Zeusse on MH-17, 9/11, Chomsky, Syria, and the Holocaust
Listen live, 8 to 10 pm Eastern, on Revolution.Radio First hour: Scheduled guest Dane Wiggington didn’t show up due to an emergency. (He’s OK and will be joining us in the near future.) So Jonathan Revusky of joins us to discuss various matters including the problem of people ignorant of their own ignorance…then hangs around for the conversation with Eric Zeusse. Second 90 minutes: Investigative historian Eric Zeusse writes for and GlobalResearch among other outlets. He is the author of several books, including They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created…
FULL ARTICLEKeith Kahn-Harris on “Denial: The Unspeakable Truth”
Listen HERE In Denial: The Unspeakable Truth, Keith Kahn-Harris argues that “Holocaust denial is not just eccentricity; it is an attempt to legitimate genocide through covert means. Denials of the harmfulness of tobacco, of the existence of global warming, and other denialisms, are, similarly, projects to legitimate the unspeakable.” Among the “other denialisms” he cites non-Western-mainstream views on 9/11, AIDS, vaccines, the Armenian and Bosnian genocides, the “fine-tuning” argument for the existence of God, the Apollo moon landings, Lysenko’s genetics, Tiananmen Square, perpetual motion machines, and flat earthism. What’s more, Kahn-Harris urges us to “remember that denialism can never actually be…
FULL ARTICLEIan Greenhalgh: Chemical weapons false flag coming to Ukraine? plus Eric Walberg on Egypt & more
Listen HERE First 15 minutes: Veterans Today Editor Ian Greenhalgh discusses his new article “As Syrian War winds down, Ukraine appears to be next hot spot.” Ian says that the usual suspects (NATO/Zionist crime syndicate) are moving “ISIS” and chemical weapons from Syria to Ukraine in preparation for a false-flag-triggered offensive against Donbass this spring. Final 40 minutes: Eric Walberg, author of The Canada-Israel Nexus, Postmodern Imperialism, From Postmodernism to Postsecularism, Islamic Resistance to Imperialism, discusses the horrific al-Sissi dictatorship in Egypt; the history of capitalist attempts to destroy civilizational alternatives; the untrustworthiness of Americans and Zionists (watch out, Kurds!),…
FULL ARTICLEAlan Sabrosky on Mattis firing & Syria withdrawal; Ken Meyercord on “extreme weather”
Broadcast live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio First hour: In 2010 Dr. Alan Sabrosky’s forceful and unequivocal statement that the Israeli Mossad did 9/11 sent shock waves through the 9/11 truth movement. Dr. Sabrosky (Ph.D. University of Michigan, former director of studies at the US Army War College) put it bluntly: “I have had long conversations over the last two weeks with contacts at the Army War College and the headquarters, Marine Corps, and I’ve made it absolutely clear in both cases that it is 100% certain that 9/11 was a Mossad operation.’ Period. The Zionists are playing this as an…
FULL ARTICLELinh Dinh on “Endless Culture War”
Listen HERE Linh Dinh is one of America’s best writers. He is now living in Dak Lak, Vietnam, working as a foreman in his brother-in-law’s plastics recycling plant. Read about life in Dak Lak, among other things, in Linh’s new article “Endless Culture War.” How did Linh get unofficially expelled from the American literary scene? “It happened step by step. I didn’t support Obama live everybody else. I’m not a Democrat, not a Republican—I’m neither. So it started there. And then I’d talk about 9/11. And I wrote articles about the Bin Laden assassination. I thought it was nonsense. There…
FULL ARTICLELaw professor Francis Boyle: Stop the Merger between John Marshall Law School & Bloody Gina Haspel CIA MURDER INC University of Illinois at Chicago
Listen HERE First segment: University of Illinois international law professor Francis Boyle explains why the American Bar Association should “deny the merger of the John Marshall Law School & Bloody Gina Haspel CIA MURDER INC University of Illinois at Chicago.” Francis Boyle is a professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law. He received an AB (1971) in Political Science from the University of Chicago, then a JD degree magna cum laudefrom Harvard Law School, and AM and PhD degrees in Political Science from Harvard University. Final 40 minutes: Richie Allen interviews Kevin Barrett. Richie writes: “The…
FULL ARTICLECharles Upton on “Dugin vs. Dugin”; Charles Messina on (Shia) Islam…and working at NYC’s Ground Zero
Live every Friday 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio Tonight’s show features two white American Muslims named Charles. Whether this coincidence has any cosmic significance I know not. First hour: Noted poet and metaphysician Charles Upton has just published Dugin Against Dugin: A Traditionalist Critique of the Fourth Political Theory. It strikes me as more of a critique of Dugin’s metaphysics than his politics. But maybe bad metaphysics create bad politics? Listen to Charles Upton, read Dugin Against Dugin, and decide for yourself! Here is my blurb for the book: “There is an epic quality to Charles Upton’s struggle…
FULL ARTICLEMega-censored musician-philosopher Gilad Atzmon on “Blockhead ban” in Islington
Listen HERE. Gilad Atzmon is one of Europe’s greatest saxophonists—and probably the hardest working one. He also may be the “most censored thinker” in the Western world. Everywhere he goes, Zionists (and occasionally anti-Zionists) clamor to have him banned. Now the censors may have gone too far. After the Islington (London) council banned him from performing with The Blockheads based on a single complaint from an angry Zionist, a wave of support for Gilad, and for free speech, has been washing across the world. In this interview Gilad says he is grateful that the Zionists have exposed their own neuroses—compare…