Listen HERE Nita M. Renfrew is the author of A History of the American Militia Movement: America’s Shooting Edge—completed in 1999, the first several chapters self-published in 2010. (Renfrew, an MSM insider, was shocked to discover that the militia movement was right about the Oklahoma City bombing, the Federal Reserve, and much more.) Today, as the militia movement is being recast as a leading MSM boogeyman, Renfrew’s book is an essential resource for those interested in the roots of our ever-worsening Constitutional crisis. Nita M. Renfrew was an independent journalist until 2000. Earlier, she had focused on stories having to do…
FULL ARTICLECategory: Radio Show
LIVE RADIO! Nita Renfrew on “History of the American Militia Movement”; Dr. Omar Zaid on Aliens/Djinn/NWO
Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio First hour: Nita M. Renfrew is the author of A History of the American Militia Movement: America’s Shooting Edge—completed in 1999, the first several chapters self-published in 2010. (Renfrew, an MSM insider, was shocked to discover that the militia movement was right about the Oklahoma City bombing, the Federal Reserve, and much more.) Today, as the militia movement is being recast as a leading MSM boogeyman, Renfrew’s book is an essential resource for those interested in the roots of our ever-worsening Constitutional crisis. Nita M. Renfrew was an independent journalist…
FULL ARTICLEEric Margolis on Trump & Military Service—and More
Listen HERE In his new article “Is This the Man with his Finger on the Button?” award-winning journalist Eric Margolis offers a nuanced yet devastating assessment of Trump’s alleged remarks calling fallen soldiers “losers” and “suckers”: “Our commander-in-chief Trump reportedly dodged the Vietnam era draft six times, at least once because of a little bone spur in one of his dainty feet that were more used to the floors of New York discos than far-flung battlefields…I enlisted in the wartime US Army to go fight in Vietnam. I didn’t have to. I had been accepted to do advanced degrees at…
FULL ARTICLEPriest and Nonviolence Activist Rev. Emmanuel Charles McCarthy on 60s Assassinations, 9/11, COVID
Listen HERE I recently encountered the work of Rev. Emmanuel Charles McCarthy through his review of The Martyrdom of Thomas Merton, reprinted below. (Check out my interview with co-author David Martin.) Clearly “Charlie” McCarthy is one of those rare American religious leaders who are both well-informed and committed to seeking and speaking the truth. In this interview Rev. McCarthy begins by recounting his journey from “normal Irish-American Catholic boy” to truth-speaking apostle of the gospel of nonviolence. In the second half of the show we focus on the 1960s wave of CIA-linked political assassinations, 9/11 and the pre-planned wars it triggered, and the…
FULL ARTICLEGilad Atzmon on COVID & Apocalyptic Hysteria
Listen HERE Musician and philosopher Gilad Atzmon searches for the roots of our ever-escalating apocalyptic hysteria and finds them—where else—in the Torah, a.k.a. Old Testament, and its interpretive traditions. Check out his new article Apocalypse Now! Excerpts: “For two decades, we, the people who happen to dwell on this planet, have been subjected to repeated apocalyptic hysteria. Following 9/11 we were taken into a world war against Islam as the ‘Islamists,’ we were told by our Neocon masters, were ‘intending to eradicate our civilization.’ Shortly after, the economic bubble collapsed. We were prepared for global poverty. Even as we recovered from the economic…
FULL ARTICLEMeryl Nass MD on HCQ & Other Plandemic Issues
Listen HERE Meryl Nass, MD, independent biowarfare expert and one of the stars of Plandemic 2, makes many of the same points in that film that she made months earlier on my radio show (transcript here) and in my COVID Biowar webinar. Now she’s back to discuss recent developments including: How a false hydroxychloroquine narrative was created, and more (updated many times) Comprenhensive list of HCQ studies: Covid-19 deaths in Italy: 96% had pre-existing conditions, 99% were age 50 or older…Basically confirming the CDC stats that only 6% of deaths were from Covid alone Hydroxychloroquine: the EVIDENCE you have nothing to worry…
FULL ARTICLEJohn Hankey & Peter Myers on “COVID-19 Inside Job” & “Plandemic”
Listen HERE First hour: John Hankey, director of Dark Legacy and The Assassination of JFK Jr.discusses his highly recommended new documentary COVID-19 Inside Job. If you were wondering why the CDC has ordered state officials to prepare to distribute the new COVID-19 vaccine by late October or early November, right before the election—even though it should be impossible to produce a safe effective vaccine against a novel coronavirus in anything less than years—wonder no more. According to John Hankey, COVID-19 is a decade(s)-old biological weapon that was deliberately unleashed on the world by the same group that orchestrated the world wars…
FULL ARTICLELIVE RADIO! COVID CONSPIRACY DOCUMENTARIES: John Hankey & Peter Myers on COVID-19 Inside Job; Meryl Nass MD on HCQ & Other Plandemic Issues
Broadcasts live Fridays 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio First hour: John Hankey, director of Dark Legacy and The Assassination of JFK Jr. discusses his highly recommended new documentary COVID-19 Inside Job. If you were wondering why the CDC has ordered state officials to prepare to distribute the new COVID-19 vaccine by late October or early November, right before the election—even though it should be impossible to produce a safe effective vaccine against a novel coronavirus in anything less than years—wonder no more. According to John Hankey, COVID-19 is a decade(s)-old biological weapon that was deliberately unleashed on the world…
FULL ARTICLEJames Perloff on “COVID-19 Red Pilled”
Listen HERE Bestselling author James Perloff discusses his new book COVID-19 and the Agendas to Come, Red-Pilled—which systematically explores many of the burning issues raised during the past six months on this radio show, including: —Are the virus’s health risks greater than those posed by the lockdowns? —What does the science say about masks and social distancing? —Why were no lockdowns imposed for previous pandemics of comparable magnitude? —How accurate are the death numbers attributed to COVID-19? —Is the virus completely natural, or could bio-engineering have played a role? —Should the world’s population take a COVID vaccine developed at “warp…
FULL ARTICLEGodfree Roberts on China & Cultural Revolution
Listen HERE Is comparing BLM-Antifa to the Chinese Cultural Revolution…an insult to the Cultural Revolution?! Godfree Roberts takes issue with my essay comparing BLM-Antifa to the Chinese Cultural Revolution. He says the Cultural Revolution didn’t kill tens of millions, but in fact lifted hundreds of millions out of poverty and set China on the road to success. Godfree Roberts writes: “I suggest we start with my Unz article on the Cultural Revolution. And you might recommend listeners read The Unknown Cultural Revolution: Life and Change in a Chinese Village, by Dongping Han, an American history professor who grew to adulthood during the CR. It’s a wonderful little…