Truth Jihad Radio Fri. 7/20/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Leading European 9/11 truth activist Dr. Eric Beeth reports live from Bulgaria on the (likely false-flag) Bulgarian bus bomb. If nations were schoolyard kids, Israel would be a vicious, muscular, but not-so-tall budding psychopath with a Napoleon complex – sort of like Joe Pesci in Goodfellas – who goes around slapping himself in the face, then screaming “Why’d ya hit me you asshole!” and beating the crap out of other kids. The Zionists are far and away the…
FULL ARTICLECategory: Radio Show
“Mad Pride” messiah-seeker Seth Farber, Muslim math whiz Ali Adams
Truth Jihad Radio Wed. 7/16/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Seth Farber‘s brilliant book The Spiritual Gift of Madness updates RD Laing and Thomas Szasz for the post-millennial meltdown. Today, as the world is threatened by ecological catastrophe, freedom-crushing technology, an increasingly fraudulent monetary system, and war-mongering false-flagging psychopaths in power, we need messiahs more than ever! Yet if anyone starts to have visionary experiences – or even serious problems adapting to our insane social system – they are force-fed toxic psychiatric “medications” that have been proven not…
FULL ARTICLEDavid Gerson for Congress!
Tuesday, July 17th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (archived here a few hours after broadcast). David Gerson is running for Congress in Minnesota, and We Are Change Minnesota and We Are Change Wisconsin are helping his campaign! Find out why – listen to this interview.
FULL ARTICLEIs spirituality better than science & religion?
Truth Jihad Radio Mon. 7/16/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Kelly Mitchell is the author of Buddha Is An Atheist: A Spiritual Autopsy of Science and Religion, forthcoming from Red Pill Press. If you enjoy wide-ranging discussions of life, the universe, and everything, you’ll find this book stimulating. Buddha is an Atheist takes a skeptical look at both science and religion, and opts for spirituality as a better alternative. After touting atheism in earlier writings, Mitchell now apparently agrees with Vincent Bugliosi that agnosticism is the most…
FULL ARTICLEMore 9/11 truth conversation…plus, satanism-NWO-9/11 links!
Truth Jihad Radio Fri. 7/13/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: James Hufferd of, a leading Midwestern 9/11 truth activist, is the author of Troublesome Country (forthcoming later this year from Progressive Press) and Homeland: A Comedy as well as quite a few other books. This is is first appearance on Truth Jihad Radio. We will continue the 9/11 truth movement conversation, discuss James’ books, and contemplate the larger questions of creativity in the truth movement… Second hour: William Ramsey is the author of Prophet of Evil: Aleister…
FULL ARTICLE“Truth movement” conversation continues with John Bursill
Truth Jihad Radio Wed. 7/11/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Post your questions to my Facebook page. What’s up with the 9/11 truth movement? I recently discussed this topic with Sander Hicks (listen here) and Eric Sayward and Adam Syed (listen here). Call-in number is ON today! 218-339-8525 Today’s guest, John Bursill, an Australian 9/11 activist, begs to differ with some of the opinions expressed on those shows. John is known for his vociferous criticisms of Pilots for 9/11 Truth, and he seems to be an unofficial member of the group Adam Syed mistrusts – sometimes characterized…
FULL ARTICLEImran Hosein: Arab Spring a Zionist psy-op?
Tuesday, July 10th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (archived here a few hours after broadcast). Guest: Islamic scholar Imran Hosein, a leading Islamic eschatologist and one of the first and most important Muslim supporters of 9/11 truth. Is the Zionist global banking elite intentionally destroying the USA in order to replace it with a new world hegemon: a Zionist empire based in Occupied Palestine? Is the Arab Spring a Zionist psy-op designed to pave the way for a big Mideast war, or even a nuclear World War III? Do the Zionists actually WANT an “islamist” takeover…
FULL ARTICLEMark Bruzonsky on Arafat assassination; Baron Baretzky on UFOs and other global issues
Truth Jihad Radio Mon. 7/9/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Post your questions to my Facebook page. First segment: Mark Bruzonsky, a former student of Richard Falk, edits two of the best Middle East news websites, and WashReport. He scooped al-Jazeera on Israel’s assassination of Yasser Arafat by eight years, and revealed more about the killing – including the complicity of PLA officials – than al-Jazeera has. Mark holds dual advanced degrees in international affairs and law from Princeton University and New York University where he was a Root-Tilden Scholar. He is a journalist and international…
FULL ARTICLEIlluminati insider tells all!
Truth Jihad Radio Fri. 7/6/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Michael Adair, author, Forbidden Secrets of the Illuminati: The Luciferian Deception: “The Illuminati form a secret society that plans to impose the draconian New World Order on the whole of humanity. The information contained in this book was entrusted to the author by an Illuminati insider who instructed him to write a pro-Illuminati recruitment book. The author has instead revealed the secrets of their belief system, the deceptive recruitment process they use to lure unsuspecting initiates, and the…
FULL ARTICLETurkish TV commentator Ceylan Özbudak: Peace is possible!
Tuesday, July 3rd, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (archived here a few hours after broadcast). Guest: Ceylan Özbudak is a 30 year old Middle East peace activist and expert in Middle East politics and anti-Darwinist, anti-materialist activism. She is a commentator on A9 TV Channel, a satellite TV channel based in Istanbul, Turkey. She is also hosts the “Building Bridges” Show on the American WTPN Network ( reaching millions of people. Show topics: The Arab Spring, tensions between Turkey and Syria, interfaith peacemaking, Darwinism as a destructive ideology, and Netanyahu’s push for war on Iran.