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Is spirituality better than science & religion?

  Truth Jihad Radio Mon. 7/16/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Kelly Mitchell is the author of Buddha Is An Atheist: A Spiritual Autopsy of Science and Religion, forthcoming from Red Pill Press. If you enjoy wide-ranging discussions of life, the universe, and everything, you’ll find this book stimulating. Buddha is an Atheist takes a skeptical look at both science and religion, and opts for spirituality as a better alternative. After touting atheism in earlier writings, Mitchell now apparently agrees with Vincent Bugliosi that agnosticism is the most…


Joshua Blakeney, Veterans Today respond to Mossad-ADL assault!

Truth Jihad Radio this week: The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is supposed to fight prejudice and bigotry. Yet it operates mainly as a defender of the world’s last remaining officially racist state. In fact, it might as well be a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Mossad. The ADL’s real motto is: “By way of defamation thou shalt do war.” Recently, the ADL defamed me and three writers for Veterans Today: Gordon Duff, Alan Sabrosky, and Jim Fetzer. As the only one of the four not working for Veterans Today, I was flattered at being singled out. I was also impressed that Veterans…