There are lies, damn lies…and the mainstream media. But sometimes “fake news” is just bad translation. In a recent tweet, Trump used the phrase “after I fired James Comey.” Al-Jazeera’s Arabic translation was: “After I opened fire on James Comey.” Wow! Trump just confessed to unleashing a hail of bullets at the former FBI Director! If they don’t impeach him now, I guess they never will.
FULL ARTICLECategory: articles
WaPo: CIA’s 1975 coup against Australia’s Whitlam was just a “government shutdown”
By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor The last time America faced a government shutdown (2013) William Blum, “the thinking man’s Chomsky,” pointed out that the CIA-influenced Washington Post used the occasion to lie about the 1975 CIA coup against Australia, saying the coup was just a “government shutdown”: Getting your history from the American daily press By William Blum (Dec. 2013) During the US federal government shutdown in October over a budgetary dispute, Washington Post columnist Max Fisher wondered if there had ever been anything like this in another country. He decided that “there actually is one foreign precedent: Australia did this once.…
FULL ARTICLEWas this PROVEN FALSE FLAG the biggest story of 2018?
By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor In the special New Years’ edition of False Flag Weekly News (watch it above, click HERE for story links) Jeremy Rothe-Kushel and I discussed the biggest stories of 2018. But we may have missed one: the slam-dunk proof that the MH-17 shootdown was a false flag by Ukraine and its NATO sponsors. For details, read Eric Zeusse’s article below. So…which story do YOU think was the biggest of 2018? Look at the list HERE and vote in the comments section. Note: Eric Zeusse will discuss MH17 on my live radio show this Friday, January 4, 9 to…
FULL ARTICLEIt’s a Christmas conspiracy, Charlie Brown!
Merry Christmas, fellow heretics! ‘Tis the season for exchanging gifts, ’tis it not? ‘Tis also the season for sending your friends and relatives some sort of greeting card, letter, or (if you’re a cyber-acculturated cheapskate) email letting them know you’re not dead and giving them at least a vague sense of what you’ve been up to. So why not send your friends and relatives some thought-provoking mirth too? Just forward this Peanuts parody as—or alongside—your “official Christmas greeting.” Who knows, if it goes viral, maybe thousands or even millions of people will eventually come to doubt the official story of…
FULL ARTICLEIsraeli PR jumps the gun (as usual) on Strassbourg false flag
“Like 9/11, Nice, and Munich, the January 7 2015 Charlie Hebdo massacre, November 13 2015 Paris attacks, and the March 22 2016 Brussels Airport attacks all featured pre-positioned publicists who appeared to be Israeli agents.” –False Flag Trilogy v.3, Orlando False Flag, p.200 By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Readers of my False Flag Trilogy know that Israel’s fingerprints are all over the most spectacular recent “terrorist attacks” in France, including the Mohamed Merah affair, the Charlie Hebdo spectacular, the 11/13/15 follow-up, and the 2016 Nice truck attack. So it shouldn’t surprise us that the perfectly timed (for Macron) Strassbourg…
FULL ARTICLETrump’s Attorney General nominee Barr a drug dealing assassin?
By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Anybody who thinks Trump is out to drain the swamp and bust the Deep State just got a dose of reality medicine, in the form of Trump’s nomination of swamp monster William Barr as our next Attorney General. According to former Bush-CIA black ops specialist Chip Tatum, Barr was part of Operation 40, an Agency-linked criminal gang that moved huge quantities of drugs and was involved in many high-level political assassinations, including those of the Kennedies, Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme, and dozens of others. Ironically, Trump—who tossed a few rhetorical punches at the…
FULL ARTICLEAnti-Semitism is doubleplusungood, Holocaust denial is crimethink
By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Our Orwellian era just took a terrifying turn for the worse. Not content with mangling the English language to disguise victimizers (themselves) as victims, and their victims as “terrorists,” the chutzpah-bloated chosenites of the Zionist Power Establishments (ZIPES!) are demanding that the sacred scriptures of Islam and Christianity be rewritten to their own liking: Jewish leaders call for new editions of the Bible and the Koran to carry trigger warnings highlighting anti-Semitic passages According to ZIPES, the Gospels and the Qur’an are…what else…hotbeds of anti-Semitism! The mind fairly boggles at the obscene hypocrisy of…
FULL ARTICLEDing Dong the Bush is Dead
By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor My Catholic friend Martin Hill just wrote to me on the occasion of the death George H.W. Bush: As a Catholic I hope no one of God’s creatures will go to hell. To wish such on anyone would be evil & demonstrate a fundamental misunderstanding of the seriousness of what hell actually is. When I heard the news of Bush’s death we prayed for his soul. OK Martin, I see your point. But for little ole Muslim me, praying for the soul of George H.W. Bush seems a waste of perfectly good prayer space.…
FULL ARTICLEEd Asner, Lawyers Committee celebrate a step toward 9/11 justice
By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Ed Asner, Executive Director of the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry, is celebrating an important step towards 9/11 truth and justice. According to Asner and the Committee, U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman has announced that the Department of Justice will comply with 18 USC Section 3332 regarding the Lawyers’ Committee’s Petition. That means that a Special Grand Jury should soon be seated to launch an independent investigation of the unsolved crimes of September 11, 2001, beginning with the apparent explosive demolition of the World Trade Center complex including its three skyscrapers. Asner, one of the…
FULL ARTICLEBrett Favre endorses Goyim Defense League: “Don’t ever forget the USS Liberty!”
By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Brett Favre was the ultimate indestructible quarterback —the guy who could take a licking and keep on ticking. Even after he got old and became a Minnesota Viking, we outraged and betrayed Packer fans had to admire the way he could finish a game against a gang of cheating killers who’d put a bounty on his head. Now we’re hoping the JDL (Jewish Defense League) doesn’t put a bounty on his head. Favre appears to have endorsed the JDL’s arch-rival and nemesis, the GDL (Goyim Defense League): “Brett Favre here with a shout out…