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U.S.-backed ‘peace process’ in Afghanistan is a charade: Balkan Post interviews Kevin Barrett

“The U.S. will ultimately have to admit defeat and leave Afghanistan,” Kevin Barrett said in an interview with the Balkans Post, adding, “But the current ‘troop reduction’ is an election-year ploy by Trump.” Balkans Post Balkans Post: More than 18 years have passed since the United States invaded Afghanistan. What goals and strategies has the U.S. pursued in Afghanistan? Has the U.S. been successful? Kevin Barrett: The U.S. originally claimed it was invading Afghanistan to eliminate al-Qaeda’s base of operations there, and to remove the supposedly al-Qaeda-supporting Taliban government from power. But this pretext was a lie. The Taliban had…


Why Big Brother Fears Qassem Soleimani: He’s the Che Guevara of the 21st Century

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor, for the Unz Review He was the 21st century’s most accomplished military leader—and a deeply spiritual man. Before they killed him, they didn’t even want you to know his name. After martyring him, they realized their mistake—and pulled out all the stops to stop you from finding out that he was a great man, a modern-day Che Guevara. An unprecedented wave of censorship has crashed down on millions of people posting pro-Soleimani messages and images on social media. There has never before been a mass silencing like this. The hundreds of millions of Iranians, Iraqis,…


Banned from Facebook for Posting the Official Iranian Slogan Mourning Gen. Soleimani

by Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Facebook says my post, pictured above, “goes against our standards on dangerous individuals and organizations.” Apparently they think that Iran’s top military leader Gen. Qassem Soleimani was a “dangerous individual” and that the nation of Iran is a “dangerous organization.” They are insane. Iran has not attacked another country in centuries (some say millennia). Gen. Soleimani, the man who defeated ISIS, by far the most popular man in Iran, was the greatest anti-terrorist commander in modern history. Trump, who murdered Soleimani and repeatedly lied about the pretext—a narcissistic illiterate psychopathic nutjob with his finger…


2019: The Year Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself (and other things that didn’t happen)

Watch today’s False Flag Weekly News above; click HERE for the list of stories we covered By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor What was the biggest story of 2019? I’d argue that the the biggest happening of 2019 was what DIDN’T happen: Epstein killing himself. Sometimes it seems that all news is bad news. But sometimes there is hidden good news: even worse things didn’thappen. Here are the biggest “didn’t happen” stories of the past year. What Didn’t Happen in 2019 People believing the official story of Epstein’s “suicide.” The Zionist-occupied USA launching all-out war on Iran. Climate change causing…


I Just Made the ADL Short List!

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor A few hours ago, when my wife got home from the store, I greeted her joyfully: “Good news! I just won an amazing award from one of the world’s wealthiest and most powerful organizations!” She gave me a “yeah, right” look. “Really! They issued a ‘short list’ of the most notable people in the field, and I’m on it!” She didn’t exactly look impressed. “Can you guess which organization, and which field?” I gave her a hint: “I’m on the ‘short list’ alongside some of your favorite YouTube stars: Gilad Atzmon, E. Michael Jones…”…


Is a Hidden Hand Destabilizing Iraq?

The United States has “hijacked” the anti-government protests in Iraq to destabilize the country for defying Washington’s demands, an American scholar says. “The United States occupying Iraq was one of the greatest war crimes of the past century and the occupiers are now calling for immediate new elections,” said Kevin Barrett, an author, journalist and radio host with a Ph.D.  in Islamic and Arabic Studies. “When the occupier says it’s time for the current government to step down on the basis of these protests, that’s a sign that the protest has been hijacked and weaponized by the occupation,” Barrett told…


Is a Hidden Hand Destabilizing Iraq?

CIA Mockingbird Asset NYT Pushes Color Revolution Coup Attempt in Iraq By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor, for Crescent International I wrote this article two weeks ago. Since then, it has become abundantly clear that its thesis is correct. -KB In early October, violent protests broke out in Baghdad and other Iraqi cities. Some of them degenerated into all-out riots. Eight members of the security forces and almost 100 civilians were killed, and more than 5,000 wounded. At the time of this writing (October 21), the situation is beginning to flare up again as the Arba‘in pilgrimage winds down. The…


The Legal Lynching of a Truth-Seeker: Jim Fetzer’s Stalinist-Style Show Trial

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Tuesday was the final day of Jim Fetzer’ defense against Lenny Pozner’s libel lawsuit. I attended and wrote up a “just the facts” report that evening. At almost the same moment I published my report, the jury came back with a verdict awarding more than half a million dollars to Lenny “Jim Fetzer gave me PTSD” Pozner. Now it’s time for an opinion piece. And as much as I sympathize with Mr. Pozner, assuming his account is accurate, my opinion is that Jim Fetzer got a raw deal…and that the reverberations of this case…


Treasury Dept. Sanctions Diva Sigal Mandelker, Exposed as Israeli Mole, Resigns in Disgrace

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor When the FBI called me up to request an in-person interview—and to warn me I would be arrested if I attended a scholarly conference in Beirut—I told them the person they should be investigating was Sigal Mandelker, the suspected Israeli agent running the US Treasury Department’s sanctions program. Israeli-born dual citizen Mandelker was using her perch at Treasury to persecute loyal, patriotic Americans and deprive them of their rights of free speech and free association. Specifically, she had engineered a witch hunt against Iran-based NGO New Horizon, leading to that organization being spuriously designated…


Lindsey Graham: Trump’s Sexually-Blackmailed Israeli Handler?

Press TV interview with Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Lindsey Graham sure acts like a sexually blackmailed Israeli agent. To understand this we need to unpack the Jeffrey Epstein scandal. Ghislaine (whose name means “filth” in Arabic) Maxwell, daughter of Mossad superspy Robert Maxwell, was Epstein’s Mossad handler…or one of them. Ehud Barak was another. Epstein’s job was to pimp young girls to powerful people and get compromising photos and videos, which Israel uses to control the United States. Despite Epstein’s “suicide” there are still plenty of Epstein-types out there, many pushing underage males as well as females. Lindsey Graham…

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