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General Qassem Soleimani: Iconic Martyr of the Century

By Dr. Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor, for Tehran Times The previous century (20th c.e., 14th h.) featured innumerable martyrs. But only a few of their names have been chiseled prominently into the tablets of world history. Mahatma Gandhi, John and Robert Kennedy, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, and Sayyid Qutb were all murdered for standing up against evil. None were saints, much less prophets or imams. All led imperfect lives and had personal as well as intellectual flaws. Yet each became emblematic of a different facet of the struggle for God and the good against the forces of Satan…


Hey Trumptards, HERE Is the real Evidence of Election Fraud

Watch me engage with Trump voter J. Michael Springmann on False Flag Weekly News above, click HEREfor the stories we covered By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor In addressing this article to “Trumptards,” I’m not referring to all Trump voters. Plenty of smart people voted for Trump as a lesser evil and middle finger to the Establishment—including my False Flag Weekly News co-hosts J. Michael Springmann (J. Mike) and E. Michael Jones (E. Mike). But neither Mike is an uncritical Trump kool-aid drinker like certain other friends I won’t name, some of whom are so inebriated that they have fallen…


Why We Muslims Don’t Celebrate Halloween—and Christians and Jews Shouldn’t Either

In Fact, No One Should. It’s “Literally Demonic”! By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor For as long as it has existed, monotheism has been at war with demons. And I mean literal demons, not just figurative ones. So what are “demons”? VT Senior Editor Gordon Duff has described seeing a highly-classified C*A memo describing “extradimensional entities that feed on human suffering, and interface with selected humans to maximize the suffering they feed on.” (As if there weren’t enough human suffering already!) The Satanic/Druidic/Babylonian/Khazar/Freemasonic cults that ally with demons conduct human sacrifices according to the pagan calendar. Halloween, today’s version of…


Andre Vltchek Dead—Murdered by NATO/Zionists?

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor We just lost one of the world’s greatest journalists…and one of my radio show’s most eloquent and informative regular guests. Andre Vltchek, globetrotting scourge of the Western power elite, mysteriously dropped dead while riding in a chauffeured car between Samsun and Istanbul. ABC Newsreports: Turkish authorities are investigating the death of an American author and journalist who died while traveling overnight from the Turkish Black Sea coastal city of Samsun to Istanbul, Turkey’s state-run news agency reported Tuesday. Andre Vltchek, 57, and his wife were traveling inside a rented and chauffeured car and arrived…


My 9/11 Interviews for 19th Anniversary: 9/11/2020

Above: My two-hour interview with libertarian Muslim activist Hesham El-Meligy, also featuring Enver Masud. Below: My op-ed published today (9/11/2020) in the Tehran Times, Iran’s English language newspaper. 9/11 and Death of the American Dream By Kevin Barrett, published inThe Tehran Times Sometimes comedians can get a laugh just by telling the truth. George Carlin was good at that. One of his most famous quotes is: “That’s why they call it the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it.” Sigmund Freud famously analyzed dreams as wish fulfillment fantasies. In that kind of dream, the dreamer attempts to…


The Chutzpah! YouTube Just Froze My Channel Using Spurious Charge of “Impersonation”

YouTube just nuked False Flag Weekly News, but you can still watch it HERE By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor In the middle of today’s live webcast of False Flag Weekly News, YouTube nuked the broadcast, issued a strike, and froze my channel for a week. They absurdly claimed that I violated their policy against “impersonation.” I immediately appealed: YouTube’s determination is obviously mistaken. There has been no impersonation. This has been my channel, and I have been doing False Flag Weekly News, for more than a decade! I use my own name in all my work, and my guests…


More COVID Censorship! M.D. Suspended from

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Sachi Kuhananthan, MD, a retired physician from El Paso, began posting on‘s health and nutrition section a little over a month ago. His posts were well-received, garnering unanimously positive comments and becoming among the most popular items on the site—until August 13, when he posted a brief article entitled “Scams and Lies Related to COVID19.” Hours after posting the article, Dr. Kuhananthan discovered that his post had been removed and his account had been suspended for four days, allegedly for “violating terms of service.” Dr. Kuhananthan immigrated to the US from Sri Lanka in part because…


American Taliban: Is Smashing Historic Heritage a Meritorious Act?

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor, for Unz Review In March 2001, in the mountains northwest of Kabul, the Taliban blew up two colossal statues of Gautama Buddha. The act was almost universally condemned. But the Taliban’s justification of historic vandalism makes at least as much sense as those offered by today’s American Taliban, who are on a nationwide rampage of statue-destruction. Here in Madison, Wisconsin, confused protesters just destroyed two statues honoring causes they presumably support. One honored Hans Christian Heg, “a Norwegian immigrant, activist and abolitionist who led an anti-slave catcher militia helping slaves escape before serving as…


Malcolm X Was Right, Islam Can Solve US Racism Problem

Iranian newspaper Sobhe Sadiq interviews Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Question: Protests over police brutality and the death of George Floyd continue to rage across the US. What do you think about the protests? I sympathize with people who are angry about the murder of George Floyd and other abuses by American police. Abusive police are a serious problem here in the USA, epecially in black communities. The police abuse problem is one aspect of the larger problem of rampant injustices and inequalities. There is also the related problem of the moral, ethical, and spiritual vacuum left by the decline…


Israel Trains “Vast Numbers of Law Enforcement Officials” in Minneapolis

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor The Jewish Institute of National Security Affairs (JINSA) brags that it has brought Israelis to train “vast numbers” of Minneapolis cops. Are they training them to treat Americans the way Israel’s uniformed thugs treat Palestinians? No wonder the black community sees cops as an army of occupation.

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