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Now that we’ve lost Afghanistan, can we hang Dick Cheney?

Watch the bowdlerized YouTube version of FFWN above, or the full uncensored show HERE By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor It’s been almost 20 years since 9/11. Why is Dick Cheney still walking around free? America is falling apart and desperately needs to blame somebody for something. Vaxxers blame anti-vaxxers because COVID hasn’t disappeared as promised. Trumpsters blame Bideners for stealing the election. Trump-haters blame Trump for everything. I say let’s get it right and blame Cheney and the neocons for destroying America. 9/11 was the worst crime ever committed on American soil. It put the final nail in the…


Censored by Patreon, I’m Moving to Substack

Kevin on Substack Yesterday I received an email saying “Woohoo – you just got paid! $3,383.92 was just sent out to you from Patreon covering earnings up to July 6, 2021.” Woohoo indeed. When your boss fires you with “here’s the money we owe you, now get out of here” he doesn’t say “woohoo.” But Patreon is run by mindless robots, and they’re even more obnoxious than the lousiest boss. A dozen emails down, another Patreon bot wrote: “Hey there! We hope you’re having a good day. We’re writing to give you a heads up about a small change for some…


In Which We Blaspheme Against the Sacred Vax, the Holy WHO, and the Infallible Dr. Fauci

Above is the YouTube-safe, VT-safe False Flag Weekly News. Watch the full uncensored “blasphemous” version, complete with links to the stories, HERE. By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Presbyterian minister John Shuck and I committed blasphemy in our introduction to this week’s False Flag Weekly News. If we had merely cursed God and His Prophets, spewed four-letter epithets for fornication and feces, urinated on sacred objects, and otherwise indulged in edgy Jewish comedy and avant-garde artistic expression, YouTube wouldn’t have cared. But we did something worse…vastly worse. We blasphemed against the sacred vax, the Holy WHO, and the infallible Dr.…


Random or Designed? COVID Origin and Evolution “Conspiracy Theories”

By Kevin Barrett Did COVID-19 jump from animals to humans due to random mutations? Or was a bat coronavirus deliberately tweaked to infect humans via gain-of-function research? The topic has been hotly debated since January 2020. But the debate was suppressed by the world’s most powerful institutions, including the medical and scientific establishments and the media, until May 2021, when suddenly it emerged as a legitimate topic of mainstream discourse. When one compares the human pathogen SARS-CoV-2 to its bat-infecting relatives, one notices features that at first glance seem engineered. The most obvious is the spike protein that functions as…


Did Israeli vaccine kill 40x more elderly than the disease would have killed? To know, we need better debunking

UPDATE FRIDAY MARCH 5: THE PATRICK DELANEY ARTICLE DISCUSSED HERE (SEE SCREENSHOT ABOVE) HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM THE CHILDREN’S HEALTH DEFENSE WEBSITE By Kevin Barrett Did the Pfizer vaccine in Israel kill 40 times more elderly, and 260 times more younger people, than COVID itself would have killed? That is the assertion in the headline of an article by Patrick Delaney, published in Childrens’ Health Defense. How should we go about “fact-checking” this kind of controversial claim? I spent many years teaching critical thinking in colleges and universities, so my way of approaching such questions focuses on logic and evidence. Oddly,…


Disasters Everywhere! Is God Punishing America for Supporting Israel’s Genocide of Jesus’s Family?

By Kevin Barrett America is suffering a series of disasters of Biblical proportions. Political chaos reigns, and possible civil war looms, in the wake of the January 6 Capitol insurrection. Half a million Americans have died of COVID—the worst death toll in the world. In Texas, America’s biggest hotbed of Christian Zionism, millions of people have been left without electricity and drinking water after the Polar Vortex hammered the Lone Star State. Hurricanes, wildfires, tornados…the list seems endless, and it’s getting worse. Is God angry with the USA? That’s what Christian Zionist preachers love to tell us. After 9/11, Jerry Falwell…


AP and Atlantic Council Anoint Me “COVID Conspiracy Super-Spreader”— and Erase Ron Unz

By Kevin Barrett, for Unz Review The bad news is that two of the most powerful institutions in America have anointed me a “COVID super-spreader.” The good news is that I stand accused of super-spreading “COVID conspiracy theories,” not the actual disease. But the worse news is that the way things are going, “conspiracy spreaders” may soon be quarantined in COVID camps as threats to public health. Dissidents, it seems, are the new terrorists. The Associated Press and the Atlantic Council simultaneously published a coordinated attack on me and others accused of propagating alternative analyses of the origin of COVID-19.  Though…


Iran’s Supreme Leader Wishes Trump a Happy and Carefree Retirement

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor As philosophy professor Sterling Harwood and I agreed during the final minutes of FFWN (watch the video and check out story links HERE) it is truly heartwarming to see the way Iran’s Supreme Leader, Imam Ali Khamenei, has fondly wished Trump a happy and carefree retirement. The Iranian rahbar tweeted an image of an Iranian “shadow drone” casting a mercifully cooling shade over the poor orange-skinned sweaty ex-president, protecting Trump from sunburn and the potentially mortal threat of skin cancer during a sweltering Florida golf outing. We were also happy to report that the…


Donald Trump: Another False Messiah?

Trump, Self-Styled “King of Israel,” Has Failed to Save America from Democrats and Pedophiles…Will His Cult Followers Keep Making Excuses? By Kevin Barrett In the year 1666 the whole Jewish world went crazy. A manic-depressive madman named Sabbatai Zevi, aided by his loquacious PR flack, Nathan of Gaza, had declared himself the Messiah. History hadn’t been kind to the Jews. Their self-image as God’s chosen, destined to rule over the goyim cattle, clashed with messy reality. Persecuted here, expelled there, despised everywhere, Jews felt themselves a nation in decline. Many were ready to follow a mad messiah who promised to…


General Qassem Soleimani: Iconic Martyr of the Century

By Dr. Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor, for Tehran Times The previous century (20th c.e., 14th h.) featured innumerable martyrs. But only a few of their names have been chiseled prominently into the tablets of world history. Mahatma Gandhi, John and Robert Kennedy, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, and Sayyid Qutb were all murdered for standing up against evil. None were saints, much less prophets or imams. All led imperfect lives and had personal as well as intellectual flaws. Yet each became emblematic of a different facet of the struggle for God and the good against the forces of Satan…

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