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Ron Unz on Election Train Wreck

Listen HERE Ron Unz may be the most important figure in alternative media. His latest article “Glenn Greenwald Escapes His $100 Million Webzine” examines the massive pre-election suppression of news about Biden corruption scandals. Tonight we’ll discuss our respective takes on the ongoing train wreck of an election, as well as the censorship epidemic surrounding and feeding on it. Ron is skeptical about my endorsement of the work of Jonathan Simon, who suspects that massive voting machine rigging in favor of Republicans has been an ongoing feature of major federal elections since 2004.


LIVE RADIO: Homer Van Meter “I Stopped an Illuminati Human Sacrifice”; Ron Unz on Election Train Wreck

Listen live 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio—later archived HERE Since 2006 my full-time job has been sifting through non-mainstream perspectives and trying to figure out which “conspiracy theories” are true.  Tonight I am going to go way out on a limb and consider material that even most of the alternative community tends to dismiss or ignore. First hour: Homer Van Meter may be the most interesting narrator of “told as true” personal experience narratives I have ever encountered. I read his mind-blowing autobiographical account Dreaming Time: Anatomy of a Cover-Up during Halloween week and all I can say…


FFWN: Was Rigged Election Re-Rigged?

  Watch Saturdays live 11 to noon Eastern on PSAs 1) Help FFWN Unrig the System  Don’t force me to keep making cat videos! 1A) GRATITUDE IS A CHOICE AND KEY TO SURVIVING DURING HARD TIMES Guest host John Shuck’s website: 2) Van Morrison, “No More Lockdown” 2A) Stand Up for American Herald Tribune—Seized and Silenced by DOJ 2B) And for David Icke – Twitter permanently suspends conspiracy theorist David Icke’s account Election Train Wreck 3) Trump Prepares to Launch 2nd Term (and Big False Flag?) Early, Even Without Winning 4) REPORT: TRUMP IS TERRIFIED ABOUT GOING TO PRISON AFTER LOSING THE…


Trump Reveals “Absolute Proof Election Was Stolen”

Dissociated Press Donald Trump stunned the nation this morning by unveiling what he called “absolute proof” the election was stolen. Trump produced Michael Connell II, the GOP’s Voting Machine Adjustment Czar, who swore on a Satanic Bible that he had rigged the machines to produce a narrow Trump victory in key swing states, along with a close enough election nationwide to make it plausible. But the evil, cheating Democrats, Connell II explained, undid all of his hard work by “pulling an unexpectedly large number of mail-in ballots out of their, er, party symbol.” Trump snatched the microphone away from Connell…


Jonathan Simon: 2020 Election Most Fraudulent Ever? Blue Tsunami Crushed by Red Shift, 10+ Million Votes Stolen?

Listen HERE The 2020 election results are disturbing to say the least—but not for the reasons trumpeted by the controlled corporate MSM. As I wrote in today’s article “Trump Didn’t Delegitimize this ‘Election’—We Did“: “The MSM, which is under orders to never, ever mention the fact that our voting machines fabricate votes rather than counting them, is scratching its collective head over yet another epic polling fail. Even after frantically adjusting their polling methodologies nonstop for 17 years to increasingly favor Republicans, the pollsters keep coming up short. Every year, important elections show an ever-greater ‘red shift’—a gap between the…


John Shuck on Plandemic & Censorship

Listen HERE John Shuck is an Ordained Presbyterian minister who has served four congregations since 1992. Censored by KBOO radio (People’s Republic of Portland) for inviting me on his show, then censored by his church, John is still a voice of truth—only now he’s “crying in the wilderness” of eastern Montana. (Funny how the two greatest truth-tellers from Christian pulpits, John Shuck and Chuck Baldwin, are both in Montana…) John writes: Kevin, I could have provided these earlier, but here are some things I have put on my blog since this COVID thing. Most recent. These…


Peter Simpson on “Does It Matter Who Wins the Election?”

Listen HERE Philosophy professor Peter Simpson responded to my forthcoming Crescent International article “Does It Really Matter Who Wins the US Presidential Election?” (the short answer is no) writing: “Well I’m afraid I have to agree with your sentiments in the piece you posted (‘afraid’ because it would be nice if things were different). However untypical Trump is as president (for good or ill), he can’t break the system. The reason of course, in my view anyway, is the Constitution, which was written by oligarchs for oligarchs. You didn’t quite say that — perhaps that would really be going too far…


LIVE RADIO! Peter Simpson on “Does It Matter Who Wins the Election?” John Shuck on Plandemic & Censorship

Listen live 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived HERE First hour: Philosophy professor Peter Simpson responded to my forthcoming Crescent International article “Does It Really Matter Who Wins the US Presidential Election?” (the short answer is no) writing: “Well I’m afraid I have to agree with your sentiments in the piece you posted (‘afraid’ because it would be nice if things were different). However untypical Trump is as president (for good or ill), he can’t break the system. The reason of course, in my view anyway, is the Constitution, which was written by oligarchs for oligarchs. You didn’t quite…


Zionist Islamophobes Macron & Pam Geller Turn “Free Speech” Upside-Down

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor I finally got America’s queen of Islamophobia, Pam Geller, to shut up. Geller had been exchanging long-winded emails with Michael Korn, a Jewish convert to Christianity, and I was on their cc list. She endlessly blathered, spewing mendacious generalities about how “Islamic law forbids criticism of Islam, Quran, Muhammad” and that the word Islamophobia “is used to intimidate people into thinking there is something wrong with opposing jihad terror.” When Korn didn’t swallow her BS, Geller signed off saying “I will never surrender…I have survived multiple assassination attempts because of this cartoon.” I answered…


FFWN: Smash the Great Reset, Crush the NWO! (with J. Michael Springmann)

Broadcast live every Saturday 11 to noon Eastern on PSA 1) Help Fund FFWN’s Weekly Truth Injections! Great Reset 2) The Great Reset for Dummies 3) Joseph Mercola: The Global Takeover Is Underway Plandemic 4) NYT Hypes “9 Million COVID Cases” (But Deaths Still Flatlined)—Predicts Biden National Mask Mandate 5) COVID-19 spreading half as quickly in counties with mask mandates, KU research shows   More studies purporting to show same thing: 6) County Judge: El Paso hospitals and intensive care units are at 100% capacity 7) Flu away: Scientists baffled at disappearance of influenza… but is it really gone, or…

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