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Anton Chaitkin on America’s Fight for Universal Progress

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Anton Chaitkin discusses his new book Who We AreAmerica’s Fight for Universal Progress, from Franklin to Kennedy.  (Check out the book website

Is the grand narrative of progress—a core element of the dominant secular humanist religion of the West—dead and buried, as Lyotard wrote in The Postmodern Condition? Not if Anton Chaitkin can help it! Who We Are offers a patriotic American, pro-nationalist version of the sacred narrative of material progress. Chaitkin, like others associated with the LaRouche movement, argues that nationalists (notably the American Founding Fathers) tend to be pro-industrial-progress, while imperialists (notably the City of London bankers and the British monarchy) tend to be malthusian luddites.

Anton Chaitkin is also the author of George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography  (with Webster Tarpley) and Treason in America from Aaron Burr to Averell Harriman.

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