Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Josh Mitteldorf, author (with Dorion Sagan) of Cracking the Aging Code, returns to discuss “Technologies of the Future — are they already here?” Josh writes: “The hypothesis is that there are regular earthlings who have access to technologies that can tap into energy of the vacuum, defying the 2nd law of thermodynamics modify materials remotely at the level of molecules shield gravity or create repulsive gravity transmit energy using other means than electromagnetic radiation “I’m just now piecing together stories that have impinged on my mind from different directions,…
FULL ARTICLEAuthor: Kevin Barrett
FFWN: “This Website Has Been Seized”
Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays —watch live above or at PSA 1) Help FFWN avoid getting “seized”! Global War on Freedom (GWOF) 2) American Herald deplatformed AGAIN from the Internet by order of the FBI 3) UK: Political Judge Sentences Woman to Jail for Calling Holocaust A “Cash Cow” 4) Russia fines Twitter for not taking down (CIA propaganda) calling (for children) to protest then Twitter Deletes Dozens of Russian Accounts for “Undermining Faith in NATO” War on “Conspiracy Theories” 5) Why COVID-19 conspiracy theories persist 6) How to talk to…
FULL ARTICLELinh Dinh recovering from illness in Tirana, Albania; plus my latest with Richie Allen
Listen HERE First half hour: Poet-journalist-photoessayist Linh Dinh, recovering after a nasty bout with what may have been COVID-19, reports from Tirana, Albania. Why are Albanians, like so many others around the world, obsessed with American kitsch, at the very moment when America’s empire and culture are in steep decline? Check out Linh’s pictures of the spaghetti western themed restaurant and other items of Tirana Americana, and read his postcards from Albania: Dying Thoughts, Fred Reed, Joe Biden and John Cassavetes, Juden Über Alles!, From Communism to Remembering the Holocaust, in Tirana Second half hour: Richie Allen, Europe’s leading alternative…
FULL ARTICLEBinoy Kampmark on Killer AI, Rashid Daoud & Dr. Yang-chu Higgins on “Great Reamset”
Listen HERE Garry Davis (discussed in the previous show) was a human being. So when given orders to participate in insane, meaningless carnage, he was capable of questioning those orders. But killer AI, unlike most human beings, is 100% psychopathic—and therefore perfectly suited to the military mass murders that have killed over 100 million people in a little over a century. So let’s talk to Binoy Kampmark of RMIT University, Melbourne about “War Mongering for Artificial Intelligence” and some of his other articles on such topics as vaccine passports, cancel culture, drug moralists, forever wars, and more. In the second half…
FULL ARTICLEArthur Kanegis on World Citizen Garry Davis
Listen HERE Seven years ago on this show I interviewed Troy Davis, the son of World Citizen Garry Davis. Today we revisit this fascinating story with Arthur Kanegis, director of the new film Martin Sheen Presents: The World Is My Country: The Garry Davis Story, which will premiere on PBS this month: “The film, introduced by Academy Award®-winning actor Martin Sheen, includes exclusive footage from Davis’ live performances alongside pristine archival footage documenting his journey from Broadway actor to bomber pilot to being dubbed ‘World Citizen #1’ by the media reports of the day. “‘Back in the Golden Age of…
FULL ARTICLELIVE RADIO! Arthur Kanegis on World Citizen Garry Davis; Binoy Kampmark on Killer AI, Rashid Daoud & Dr. Yang-chu Higgins on George Floyd Trial, “Great Reamset” and more
Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Seven years ago on this show I interviewed Troy Davis, the son of World Citizen Garry Davis. Today we revisit this fascinating story with Arthur Kanegis, director of the new film Martin Sheen Presents: The World Is My Country: The Garry Davis Story, which will premiere on PBS this month: “The film, introduced by Academy Award®-winning actor Martin Sheen, includes exclusive footage from Davis’ live performances alongside pristine archival footage documenting his journey from Broadway actor to bomber pilot to being dubbed ‘World Citizen #1’ by the…
FULL ARTICLEFFWN: Papers, please!
Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays —watch live above or at PSAs 1) Help FFWN resist dystopia! 2) PSA “Coronavirus–Inside Job” Webinar Live stream ARCHIVE page 2B) Breaking: Capitol Car Ramming Suspect: MK Ultra Patsy Tasked to Smear Nation of Islam? Culture Wars 3) How Court TV is covering the George Floyd trial: ‘This is American history in the making’ 4) Van Jones: If Chauvin isn’t guilty, it’ll be seen as ‘open season’ for cops to ‘murder in broad daylight’ ‘The system is on trial,’ the CNN commentator said 5) Florida State University Holding…
FULL ARTICLE9/11 Controlled Demolition Debate! Niels Harrit (Chemist) vs. Denis Rancourt (Physicist)
Listen HERE Since the recent 9/11 physics debate focusing on the nuclear demolition hypothesis garnered a lot of interest in the Unz comment section, and since nanothermite-investigating chemistry professor Niels Harrit recently published an interesting article on the shortcomings of PCR tests, I thought this would be a good time for a flashback to the Great Demolition Debate of 2010. As I wrote then: On my November 6 (2010) show physics professor/activist Denis Rancourt and I spent the first hour amicably discussing 9/11, and mostly agreeing with each other. During the second hour, we had a heated debate (temperatures almost…
FULL ARTICLERolf Lindgren & Alan Sabrosky on Boulder & “Blue Terror”
Listen HERE Republican activist Rolf Lindgren, later joined by Dr. Alan Sabrosky, discuss what Dr. Sabrosky calls the “blue terror“—and offer their respective views of the Boulder mass shooting and other issues. Will deplorable Republicans come roaring back in 2022 and 2024? Rolf Lindgren says “yes.” Alan Sabrosky says of people like Rolf: “They are wrong. ‘Politics as usual’ in America is dead. If the Democrats get their way, there may be some competitive elections in 2022 but not enough to matter, and before 2024 it will be a done deal – the U.S. for all intents and purposes will…
FULL ARTICLEAttorney Thomas Willcutts Says False Flag Plots Always Have Fallback “Plan B”
Listen HERE Thomas Willcutts, an attorney who specializes in going after banksters, says false flag plots often feature a fallback Plan B. He writes: “Listening to Geert Vanden Bossche, I was struck by his response to the question posed to him in the interview – ‘Did governments really have any choice but to deploy their experimental vaccines – where being seen to do nothing is not a practical alternative for a government?’ Vanden Bossche’s response to that question, invoking the hippocratic oath of ‘do no harm,’ completely ignored curative treatments available, which provide the best reasoning for not deploying an…