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FFWN Keeps on Rockin’ in the Free World (with E. Michael Jones)

Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above, or a shorter version on my YouTube channel  (where the broadcast begins after story #11) PSAs 1) Help FFWN Keep Rockin’ in the Free World 2) Antifa & Co. Attack “Kevin the Consiparacist” 3) 9/11 Lawyers’ Committee Appeals to U.S. Supreme Court Discuss These Stories, Get Deplatformed 4) U.S. Life Expectancy Fell By 1.5 Years In 2020, The Biggest Drop Since WWII 5) U.S. COVID Deaths Are Rising Again. Experts Call It A ‘Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated’ 6) U.S. FEDERAL…


Cat McGuire on World Freedom Day Rallies this Saturday July 24; Italian Journalist Andrea Cinquegrani Says COVID Came from Ft. Detrick

Listen HERE First 20 minutes: Cat McGuire of False Flag Weekly News says: “Hey, everyone, go to a Worldwide Freedom Day rally on July 24. There are over 180 participating cities. “Please make an effort to attend.  It’s getting down to the wire, so it’s very important we show our numbers and speak out now while we still have our freedoms. “No lockdowns! No vaccine mandates! No Great Reset Brave New World Order! “Our Worldwide Freedom Day rally is for: Freedom of Speech! Freedom of Movement! Freedom of Choice! Freedom of Assembly! Freedom of Health! Thanks, Cat” Final 35…


LIVE RADIO! Two Guys Named Eric Who Found God: Only One Shows Up

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Author, journalist, and geopolitics expert Eric Walberg grew up as a Communist sympathizer in Cold War era Canada. Somewhere along the line he converted to Islam. So Eric got a chance to be demonized twice! His new article “Needed urgently! New US national myth” reviews Andrei Martyanov’s Disintegration: Indicators of the Coming American Collapse (and also cites the #1 Russian observer of American collapse, Dmitry Orlov) observing: “Empires rise and fall. And usually burn themselves out rather quickly. What else is new? ‘America decline’ is a Wikipedia page. You…


FFWN: Proudly sharing “extremist content” since 2013

Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above, or a shorter version on my YouTube channel  (where the broadcast begins after story #7)  Guest host John Shuck PSA 1) Help FFWN keep refusing to “shut up and die” 2) Child Tax Credit 2021 = Guaranteed Basic Income: Payments to be disbursed starting July 15 (all of the Senate Republicans voted against it) Vax n’ Mask 3) White House & media in full court press against “fearmongers” who don’t like door-to-door vax campaign 3B) ‘They’re Killing People’: Biden Denounces Social Media for…


Peter Myers on NWO & Freemasonry

Listen HERE Australian New World Order researcher Peter Myers returns to raise questions about the role of Freemasonry in the last two centuries of world history. Was Stalin a Freemason? Why were Peter’s emails on the topic censored? Were the French and Russian Revolutions organized by Freemasons? Was Bolshevism’s cultural genocide against Eastern Orthodox Christianity driven by Freemasonic anti-religion ideology? Was Cecil Rhodes’ secret society The Round Table part of a Freemasonic world takeover bid? Why does Anthony Fauci flash Masonic handsigns? Is ex-Freemason whistleblower Altiyan Childs right to fear for his life?  


EU walks back its support for MKO terrorists

Press TV The European Union’s foreign policy chief has expressed regret over comments made by the Slovenian prime minister at an anti-Iran virtual meeting of the MKO terrorist group. Josep Borrell said remarks by Janez Jansa do not reflect the EU’s position on its relations with Iran. Borrell underlined that the Slovenian premier, whose country holds the rotating presidency of the EU, did not make the remarks in his capacity as leader of an EU member state. Borrell made the comments in a phone conversation with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, who called for the condemnation of Jansa’s participation…


Christopher Fogarty on Irish Holocaust Denial

Listen HERE Christopher Fogarty discusses his recently-revised book Ireland 1845-1850: The Perfect Holocaust and Who Kept It “Perfect”. The book presents detailed evidence supporting its claim that millions of Irish, the best estimate being 5.2 million, were murdered by the British government between 1845 and 1850. Contrary to the Irish Holocaust deniers’ claims of a mythical “potato famine,” Fogarty argues that potatoes were merely one item among Ireland’s copious production of foodstuffs, most of which were confiscated for export by British landlords backed by private militias, a British-loyal  constabulary, and 67 of the British Empire’s 126 regiments. And since the British (unlike…


LIVE RADIO! Christopher Fogarty on Irish Holocaust Denial; Peter Myers on NWO & Freemasonry

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Christopher Fogarty discusses his recently-revised book Ireland 1845-1850: The Perfect Holocaust and Who Kept It “Perfect”. The book presents detailed evidence supporting its claim that millions of Irish, possibly as many as five to six million, were murdered by the British government between 1845 and 1850. Contrary to the Irish Holocaust deniers’ claims of a mythical “potato famine,” Fogarty argues that potatoes were merely one item among Ireland’s copious production of foodstuffs, most of which were confiscated for export by British landlords backed by private militias, a…


FFWN: Censorship Epidemic: A Threat to Public Health

Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above, or a shorter version on my YouTube channel  (where the broadcast begins after story #8) PSA 1) The Worst Thing About Censorship…Would Be Losing FFWN—Don’t Let the Censors Win! Practicing Medical Journalism Without a License 2) Covid19 – the final nail in coffin of medical research 3) Biden’s Plan to Deploy Federal Teams in Door-to-Door COVID Vaccine Campaign Sparks Backlash 4) Vintage Early-Warning Pandemic Cartoon  5) Nearly all COVID deaths in US are now among unvaccinated 6) Bay Area COVID…


Charles Upton on “Covenants” and Muslim-Christian Breakthroughs

Listen HERE Topic of today’s khutba: “Islam, more than other religions, acknowledges and affirms the Other. We Muslims accept that other religious communities have their rites and we have ours, and that God will judge.” The Covenants of the Prophet Muhammad support that interpretation. Noted poet and traditionalist author and activist Charles Upton of the Covenants Initiative returns to Truth Jihad Radio to discuss several recent publications: “1) Islam and the People of the Book: Critical Studies on the Covenants of the Prophet. Three volume encyclopedic work now found in the collections of over 500 research universities, which is outstanding…

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